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"Love teaches you a lot of lessons
but the most important one is-
what love should never be"

•Aurora Torres•

"Hey how are you feeling". Fernando spoke as he walked in with a basket filled with flowers, a teddy bear, some chips, candy and my favorite ice cream, he placed it down on my side table.
"Like 30 cows sat on me, my whole body hurts". I said as I reached out for the ice cream and teddy bear. I hugged the teddy bear and placed it next to me and opened the ice cream.
"The doctor said you're going to feel like that for about 2 weeks or 3, it depends on how your body reacts you might feel good by the end of the week."
He said as he handed me a spoon. I ate a spoon full and gave some to Fernando.


We talked for hours he came around 9:00am and he had just left, its 6:24pm. I love Fernando he's always been there for me when I need him. I asked him about Pedro and he told me he was at the office working he stopped by Fernando's apartment earlier asking him how I was. Fernando just ignored him and closed the door in his face.

I reached for my phone and started scrolling through Instagram. I don't know why but I got the urge to search for Romeos account, I typed his name into the search bar and his account came up, I clicked on it. He had posted a story, I open it and it's him and a really pretty girl with blond hair and a nice figure. The second one was of her in a dress, he had his arm around her waist.

I felt my eyes get watery. I exited Instagram and put my headphones on. I stared at the ceiling. The whole time he's had a girlfriend, I'm stupid for letting myself get attached. I let out a sight before closing my eyes, I soon fell asleep.


It's been a week and half since I got out of the hospital I haven't talked to my family. I did talk to Pedro and ended things with him, I sent one of my dad's bodyguards to get my stuff. His name was Lucas, me and him had always been close his dad was my dads old bodyguard. Our fathers were practically best friends, but he sadly passed away, he gave his life to save my fathers life. Lucas mom had left him so when his dad died my dad took him in and took care of him he always went with him to do business, once he was around 16 he chose to become my father's bodyguard, at first my father didn't agree he said he was to young but Lucas ended up convincing him.

Lucas was about 6'2, he has brown curly hair, with these beautiful green eyes, and of course like every other mafia guy he has tattoos covering his arms. My father wants him to take his place and the whole family agrees. He's smart, brave, loyal and most importantly he cares about everyone in his life.

Going back to what I was talking about, I sent him to pick up my stuff and he brought it to Fernando's house but I wasn't staying there. I've been staying in one of my fathers apartment buildings. I didn't want to bother Fernando, he wanted me to stay but I chose not to, I want to become that powerful women I was before I let any guy ruin me.

I recovered quick and soon I was doing exercises and boxing again, I started practicing punches and my aim, using knifes and guns. The last time I touched a gun was about 2 or 3 years ago. I missed the feeling I would get every time I would hold a gun, I felt powerful like as if I owned the world.

Next week my father is having a dinner with the De Santis and Castillo family that's when I'll make my grand entrance. Aurora Torres is back.


•Romeo De Santis•

It's been a week and a half since me and Mr. Torres signed our alliance, we will be having a dinner next week, we haven't been able to have it due to the fact that the Castillo Mafia will be there. Apparently we all have to work together, and we agreed to work together last week but Pedro and Aurora have apparently broken up and nobody knows anything about her, so they've been dealing with that and haven't had time. I wanted to text her but I'm not going to im probably the last person she wants to hear from. 2 weeks ago I posted a story on my Instagram and she saw it, it was me and Chloe, that night I took her out to the most fanciest restaurant.

Part of me felt bad but me and Aurora weren't serious we just fucked, she was also with Pedro during that time, I've posted but she hasn't seen it, she also hasn't been active since that day.

Dante had to go on a mission to Europe for his mafia so he hasn't been around so I've been hanging out with Chloe more and I might ask her to marry me this week.


It's the end of the week and I decided I'm going to propose. I bought her a diamond ring. I'm going to take her out so everyone can start decorating.


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Her laugh made me smile. She was about to head inside when I stopped her. "I have one last surprise for you"
"What is it"
"It's a surprise, close your eyes" she closed her eyes and I put my hands over her eyes and slowly walked to the backyard. We reached the backyard and it looked beautiful. My family and her family were around it with smiles on there faces.

"Just a few more steps" "I'm going to fall Romeo""You're not going too" I removed of my hands "Don't open your eyes yet" I walked in front of her

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"Just a few more steps"
"I'm going to fall Romeo"
"You're not going too" I removed of my hands "Don't open your eyes yet" I walked in front of her. Kneeled down next to the letters and opened the box with the ring. "Okay open your eyes".

She slowly opened her eyes, she covered her mouth with her hands, tears started to roll down her face. She nodded "yes", reaching her hand out and I placed the ring. I stood up and hugged her lifting her up and gave her a kiss. Our families clapping.

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