The Night.

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"I soothed my soul with
The body of someone I don't know
To make myself forget
how I feel about my own"

Matteo De Santis

"Can I get a Long Island Iced Tea and a Light Strawberry Margarita" the bartender nods "anything else".

"Can I get a Manhattan Cocktail and Light Lime Margarita" Alessandro speaks before the bartender leaves.

We had found these two girls who were by themselves and started talking with them the girl I was with was about 5'6 long brown straight her with brown eyes, curvy figure and light skin. Alessandro was with her sister who was 5'7, red wavy hair, curvy body, light brown eyes. She was 16, a year older then Alessandro.

After a couple of minutes of talking with them the bartender finally hands us our drinks.

We stand up from the tall stools as me and Alessandro were going to take the girls hands to help them get down, Alessandro taps my shoulder "bro Chloe is here" I instantly turn my head towards the entrance.

I go to speak when she spots us walking towards us, I look back to where the vip section. I see Isabel dancing on Romeo.

"Where's Romeo" I hear from behind me. I turn back to face Chloe.

"That's none of your business" Alessandro says.

"WHER- never mind I see him" "who's that bitch with him".

We all turn to look at Romeo picking up Isabel as she tries to jump off he holds her thighs strong not letting her jump, so she wraps her legs around him.

"That's my son, they grow up so fast" Alessandro speaks as he pretends to wipe a tear

We all turn to face him.


My head turns towards Chloe, she had a hostile glare, her jaw clenched.

"This isn't funny Alessandro WHO THE FUCK IS SHE" her fist clenched as she glared at Isabel, turning her glare to Alessandro next.

"She's our future sister-in-law" Alessandro say at the same time.

Chloe rolls her eyes, clenching her jaw even more. "im your sister-in-law, NOW TELL ME WHO THE FUCK SHE IS AND WHY HER LEGS ARE WRAPPED AROUND MY FUCKING BOYFRIEND".

People were starting to stare at us. "What the fuck are y'all staring at". Their eyes instantly turn to look away.

Chloe saw Romeo was leaving with Isabel. So she started walking.


I instantly pushed her back, wrapping my hand around her mouth and turning her around so she can face a random couple dancing.

She started to muffle, kicking her legs at my knees.

Romeo owes me for this, I'm gonna need 30 bottles of soap to wash my hand.

After what felt like an eternity, Alessandro finally taps my shoulder, indicating that Romeo wasn't in view anymore.

I take my hand off her mouth and let her go.

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