The Meeting.

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"My mind knows
I cannot have you
but that doesn't stop it
from dreaming
of all the ways that I could."

Luna Torres

*1 week later*

"No Luna I have to call Pedro first before leaving."

"Ugh" I rolls my eyes "let's just go"

"Go where" a deep voice says from behind me and I see Aurora look down. "Luna wants me to go to my fathers house to spend some time with her, can I- go".

"You're really gonna ask him for permission really Aurora, he's not our father you don't have to ask this asshole for permission"

He turns me around to face him "you won't talk to me like that little girl"

I roll my eyes "I can talk to you how ever I want". "Luna stop"

He rose his hand up. "Hit me. Like you hit my sister. I dare you. My sister may be scared of you but I'm not I won't hesitate to tell my father, so he can tie you up and I will personally shoot you in between your filthy eyes."

I saw his face filled with anger, he slowly put his hand down. He needed this alliance that's why he won't dare to touch me or my other sisters. We've tried so hard to tell Aurora to leave him but she won't listen.

I grab her arm and take her away "she's going over whether you like it or not". I pushed him and walked passed him still holding Aurora. "I'll go with you."

"No" I said before turning around seeing him walking up to us. "Please" Aurora looks at me.


We all in the car driving from Auroras house to ours. Once we were 5 minutes away I text Romeo.

"I got her but Pedro wouldn't stay".

He instantly replied "okay, I don't care about him. I'm already here, how far are you guys."

"We're 5 minutes away."

"Okay. Thank you for helping"

"You're welcome"

Romeo had reached out to me through Instagram. Explaining everything he asked for my help to meet up with her. I was only doing this because I want her to leave Pedro. She doesn't deserve any of the things he puts her through.


Aurora Torres

We finally reach my fathers house. Once we pull up to the drive way, my heart stops. The same black Lamborghini that was at the club. Is it Romeo. My heart started racing.

We walked out and walked towards the front door. Pedro holding my arm tightly. Luna opened the door and we walked in. My heart skipped beats once I saw who was sitting next to my father with a cup of whiskey in his hands.

Romeo fuck. I looked at Luna who was smiling. Pedro noticed and leaned whispering into my ear "why is Romeo De Santis smiling at you". De Santis? He's from the De Santis family. I knew my father was going to do an alliance with them but i didn't expect it to be the guy I cheated on my boyfriend  with.

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