•the dinner•

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"She found herself letting go of everything and just going with the flow because she knows that living in resistance can be painful"

Aurora Torres

I smile at everyone as they stare at me. "You look so gorgeous princesa" my father says as he looks at me. I thank him before I walk forward head high and hug him. "Why did you not come with Pedro" he asks in my ear. "We broke up I'll explain everything later" I say before letting go. I walk towards my mother and give her a hug, she whispers into my ear "why-" before she could finish I reply "we broke up I'll explain later", "what" she says with an almost worried look. I look at her and tell her "I'll explain later" I give her a small smile before walking past her to hug my sisters.

I gave my sisters a hug and stood beside them, the whole time Pedro has been staring at me and so has Romeo and Chloe.

My father, Mr. De Santis, Romeo and Mr. Castillo, and Pedro have been all talking. Pedro excuses him self and walks to me. I look at him with my head high and a straight serious face. "Can we talk" he says. "No" I say as I take a sip of my drink. "You look beautiful" he says as he looks at me up and down. "I know" I say as I look at him. "Look I'm sorry I love you and these weeks without you have been hell". I just look at him and laugh as I walk away.

I go upstairs to my old room. As I'm walking down the hall I hear footsteps running slowly trying to catch up. It's Pedro he grabs my arm and turns me around I hit his chest and I look at him. "What do you want" I say. His eyes staring at my lips, he leans in to kiss me when I give him a hard slap. "What the fuck" he says as he lifts is arm up. "Go ahead hit me, but just remember we're at my fathers house you lay a single finger on his daughter he'll throw you at sharks so they can eat you". He lowers his hand, and I walk past him and ahead downstairs.

A couple seconds after I go into the dinning room Pedro walks in. I sit down next to my mother, and just to my luck Romeo sits on the other side in front of me. I look at him and then to Chloe. I notice she's wearing a ring. Lucas walks in and everyone's gaze turns to him. I smile at him he smiles back and sits next to me. I notice Matteo staring at Araceli and Alessandro staring at Luna.

•Romeo De Santis•

We had gotten to the dinner about 5 min ago and me and my father have been talking with Mr.Torres and Mr. Castillo. My father and Mr.Castillo have apparently settled things between them. I look over at Pedro who was just standing next to his father looking bored. I haven't seen Aurora yet and everyone's here so I'm guessing they didn't come together, or maybe she's upstairs finishing getting ready.

"Who are we waiting on" my father asks. "My daughter Aurora" Mr. Torres says before looking at his watch. "She'll be here soon" he says. "I'm here" her soft voice says. Everyone turns to the door and we see her standing there. She looked so beautiful. I looked her up and down. The dress showed off her amazing curves. The slit in the dress was showing off her soft legs. She looked so powerful as she walked towards her dad. She gave him a hug and I could tell he whispered something to her. She continued to give the rest of her family hugs, and I couldn't stop staring at her, I just wanted to rip her clothes off and fuck her.

"Do you recognize the dress" Chloe says making me snap out of my thoughts. "No" I replied. "It's the one I wanted, she doesn't even look good in it, I should be the one wearing it". I just say "yeah".


I see her talking to Pedro she doesn't hug him, nothing maybe they broke up. She walks past him and leaves the room, Pedro follows behind, and so do I.

As I'm on the last step I hear a slap. He yells "what the fuck" and then i hear. "Go ahead hit me, but just remember we're at my fathers house you lay a single finger on his daughter he'll throw you at sharks so they can eat you". Has he always hit her. I wonder I hear heels walking back so I quietly walk back down the stairs and into the dinning room where everyone was at.

I watch her sit down next to her mother, so I sit in front of her. She looks at me and then at Chloe she looks at her finger and then back at me. We hear footsteps so we turn to the entrance and I see a man who looks about 6'2, has brown curly hair, green eyes, he's wearing a suit but I can tell he has tattoos on his arms, he has a snake tattoo on his hand that seems to go up his arm. He smiles at Aurora and I turn to Aurora who's smiling at him. He then walks towards her and sits down next to her. Who the fuck is he and why is he staring at her.

The maids walk in and place our plates down. We talk for a bit. "So whens the wedding" Mr. Torres asks me. "In February" Chloe says I turn to her. "Yeah in February" I say. "That's nice marrying in the month of love" Mr. Torres says. "So Aurora how about you and Pedro when are you guys going to get married you guys have been dating for a while right" my father asks Aurora. "Umm we actually broke up" she says in her sweet soft voice.

"Wait what" Pedro's mother says "why" my father and Mr. Castillo say as they stare at her. "Things didn't work out" Aurora says as she looks at Pedro. The guy puts his hand on top of Auroras hand and slowly rubs it. I clench my fist, I hate that he gets to touch her. He needs to get his hand off hers before I cut his hand off and sew it onto his face.


Everyone finished eating we were all in the living room talking, my brothers were flirting well trying to flirt with Auroras sisters while Bruno and Angela were fighting. Bruno had called Angela's dolls ugly.

I found out that the guys name was Lucas and he was Mr. Torres old body guard's son. I didn't pay attention to what Mr. Torres said I was busy looking at him sitting next to Aurora I don't understand why I'm so jealous.

She stood up and walked out. I waited a couple seconds before following her she was walking towards the bathroom. She walked down the hallway and made a left turn I followed her before she could open the bathroom door I grabbed her and pushed her against the wall. I looked down at her making eye contact. "Why the fuck is that Lucas guy touching you and sitting next to you". "Because he can" she said her lips almost touching mine. "Are you guys something" I asked as I pulled her against my body. "Not something serious he's just the guy that fucks me" she said her lips brushing against mine. "Does he fuck you better then me" I say slowly sliding my hand up her dress. "Yes so much better" she says.

That made me so furious. I lift her up "really" I say before slamming her against the wall. I go in to kiss her but she moves her face away. She leans into my ear and whispers "go fuck your little wife and while you do that I'll be fucking Lucas, riding him, screaming his name, coming for him, begging for him" she says as she jumps off and walks away.

I punch the wall. The thought of him fucking her and her moaning his name made me furious. The only name that should come out of her mouth is mine.

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