The Club.

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"Every time he hurts you
You hold your breath
And bear the hurricane
Thinking it's gonna end soon
And things will go back to how they were
Before the rain started"

Aurora Torres

"So you're not gonna come tonight either".

"No I have some business to take care of".


"I love you Aurora".

"I love you too Pedro".
I hang up and sit down at the edge of my bed. Another night alone, I let out a sigh. Third time this week. He always has an excuse on why he's not gonna come home.

I pick up my phone and call my best friend. He didn't even let me talk when he said

Fernando: "lemme guess he did it again what was tonight's excuse".

"he said he has some business to take care of".

Fernando: "and you believe him come on bae".

I was going to speak when he cut me off.

"You know what get ready we're going to a club".

Before I could say anything he hung up.
Should I go?

Fuck it im going he's not here so he won't know. I stand up heading to my closet, I pick out a pinkish tan color dress with fur at the bottom.

 I stand up heading to my closet, I pick out a pinkish tan color dress with fur at the bottom

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I pick out my favorite rose gold heels.

I put my long curly hair, half up and half down and add a little bit of make up trying to cover some of my bruises that can be seen

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I put my long curly hair, half up and half down and add a little bit of make up trying to cover some of my bruises that can be seen.

I finish and stand in front of my mirror, I look at my figure. I hadn't worn a tight dress since I moved in with Pedro he hated when I would wear tight clothes.

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