Letting Go.

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"The hardest lesson to learn
Is learning how to be
Alone Again"

Aurora Torres

I woke up to a loud a bang, squinting my eyes trying to fully wake up, even though the basement floor was cold and hard I still slept pretty good maybe it's cause I was used to it.

My thoughts slowly drifting off to that night. The first night I spent here which was about a year and a half ago. Me and Pedro had recently moved in he had just came home from work he was mad and stressed so I guess I understand why he did what he did.

I was broken away from my thoughts when I heard another bang as if they were hammering. I stood up walking towards the basement door, slowly walking up the steps, I moved the doorknob but it was locked so I just headed back down, I sat on the floor and covered myself with my blanket, waiting for Pedro to open the door and finally let me out.

*Pedro Castillo*

*14 hours ago*

I was sitting in my office finishing some paperwork when my assistant Brianna walked in, as she walked in she closed the door locking it. "Hey" she was wearing a tiny skirt that if she bent down an inch you would be able to see everything, she paired it with a white cropped top she wasn't wearing a bra you could see her nipples. She walked up to me spinning my chair so I was now facing her my face close to her chest, I pulled her on to my lap grabbing her chin and kissing her, taking her shirt off i through it to the side slowly running my fingers around her nipples, I grabbed her boob and slowly passed my tongue on it seeing her head go back letting out a moan, she stood up and got on her knees about to take my pants when a knock made us look towards the door.

"COME BACK LATER", I shouted and gave Brianna I nod indicating her to continue. "SIR ITS ABOUT YOUR WIFE". Hearing that I pushed off Brianna throwing her, her shirt and waiting for her to put it on while I zipped my pants. I opened the door and saw Santiago my other assistant "what is it" I said moving to the side allowing him to walk in, he was holding some pictures in his hand. "Your wife Aurora has been seen with Romeo De Santis at the Secret Library an hour before the attack" he handed me a picture and anger filled my mind, as I saw her hugging him outside the cafe or library or whatever it is, "in this second one you can see her and Dante one of Romeos closest friends leaving through the emergency exit minutes after we arrived, In this third one she is being carried by him after she ran up to him and he lifted her up, In this last one she is seen helping his wounds".

I crumbled the pictures before yelling "LEAVE". My assistants just nodded and left. So she wasn't cooking when I called her, my fist clenched at the thought of him touching her. You're not getting away with this Aurora. I stood up leaving my office slamming the door.

*Actual time*
"So Mr. Castillo anytime anyone walks or enters through the back door and front door and basement door you will get the notification on your phone and the alarms will go off. Also you have to activate them using the app on the phone in order for it to work if the alarms are off they won't go off or notify you."

I just simply nodded, "my assistant will send you your money in less than an hour" they nodded and I walked them to the door. "Thank you have a nice day" i said before closing the door. I walked towards the basement door, slowly opening it.

Romeo De Santi

"Good morning". I heard Chloe's voice, slowly opening my eyes. "I brought you food" she said sitting at the end of my bed, I thanked her.

"You're welcome, we need to talk about something" I looked at her before taking a sip of orange juice. "About what". She took a deep breath "you were with Aurora the day of the attack right, you also slept with her the day we went to the club, right?". How did she find out I just nodded. "I don't wanna break up with you" she grabbed my hand, "I love you Romeo, let's start all over again let's find the love we've had for each-other since we were twelve".

I looked down not knowing what to say, the love I've felt for her has slowly vanished over the years, I couldn't just break her heart she's been there since I lost Ca-. "Romeo", I was broken away from my thoughts, "say something" Chloe said.

I grabbed her hand tighter "yeah, let's start over". She hugged me, I hugged her tight. "Romeo promise me you won't ever see or talk to Aurora". I nodded "I promise".

I have to let go of Aurora she's not good for me, I need to focus on the mafia and Chloe not on some random whore I slept with. I need to be strong and heartless again, Aurora is my weakness.

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