Jazz's P.O.V.
No one likes how much Megatron’s plan hurt Jamie and how delicate she is, nor do we like there’s little we can do to help her, even if Jamie is not embarrassed to be seen. Maybe one-on-one time is a good step? It’ll be more like Crosshairs and Drift staying as another bot tries to do something with Jamie. I bring up the idea to Ratchet, but he’s unsure. He tells me he hates how he’s not sure how to help Jamie and worries we’re doing things wrong.Drift is unhappy as he tube feeds Jamie.
“He stayed up all night; we think she’s been having nightmares since she awoke from the coma,” Crosshairs explains.
Twelve days and she dealt with the nightmares alone, damn.
I wait until Drift finishes taking care of Jamie before slowly approaching her. I show her my phone and headphones.
“I know how much you love music.”
She let me put the headphones on, and I play the music she likes while holding her hand.
This is good, even if we’re watching Jamie listen to music.An hour passes before Drift suggests going for a walk. Jamie agrees but wants Drift to carry her. She’s so embarrassed about the trach. Drift doesn’t know if he should do what Jamie wants or have her sit in the wheelchair. I watch Crosshairs and Drift get her in the wheelchair and cover the trach safely, thinking Megatron would likely be pleased with his plan’s outcome even if Jamie isn’t dead.
“It’s going to be ok; we’ll get through this,” Drift assures Jamie as he wipes her eyes.
“At least he let her put her in the wheelchair,” Crosshairs whispers.
We know she could decide to put up a fight tomorrow as she’s put in the wheelchair. It’s hard knowing any progress is very minor right now.Mirage's P.O.V.
Something isn’t right! I feel like Megatron knows about her mental and emotional struggle, but he’s only seen Jamie on the battlefield when she’s ready for a fight. So far, I’ve found nothing.
Walking down the hallway towards the medbay, I see Crosshairs, Drift, and Jazz are taking Jamie for a walk. There’s also a soldier nearby, taking notes. Seems like an odd place to take notes. I become invisible and follow the soldier. They walk into the conference room to make a phone call.
“Yes, sir, she’s not coming back from this even if her body fully recovers.”
There’s all the proof I need, and I must report this to Prime.Lennox and Prime couldn’t believe what I found out. The audio recording should be enough to get this soldier to talk.
“Fred, we need to speak with you,” Lennox tells the soldier.
“I’m busy,” Fred replies rudely.
“I’m your superior. This isn’t a choice.”
“Fine.”We go into the conference room. I play the audio clip, watching Fred’s body language, and I smell fear from him.
“Can you explain this?” Prime asks.
“I’m talking about my mother. She’s very sick, and it’s taking a toll on her mentally.”
“Ok, I’ll play along with this. May I see your notebook?” I ask.
“It’s nothing important.”
This guy was prepared in case he got caught.
“Then you won’t mind if we look at it,” Lennox says as he opens the notebook.
“I do mind!” Fred snaps and grabs the notebook, “if you don’t mind, I need to get back to work.”
“Well, as your superior, I have the right to look at this notebook, regardless if you like it.”
Lennox reads the notebook, not liking what he’s reading. Fred is getting pissed.
“What the... Prime, read this.”
Horror spread across Prime’s face as he read a few pages from the notebook.
“How do you know about Jamie’s illness?” He asks.
“Doesn’t everyone know?”
“Not in this much detail.”
“Ugh, scrap this; I will finish her now!!” Fred fizzles out, and Frenzy runs out of the room.
“Quickly, alert the bots who are on patrol!” Prime orders me.
Crosshairs, Drift, and Jazz won’t be able to fight cons in their holoform.Drift's P.O.V.
We’re walking back to the base when Ironhide drives towards us. He told us to hide before deactivating his holoform and Transforming. We’re far from the base to keep going, and we must run towards the alley.Once we’re hidden, I get Jamie out of the wheelchair and hold her close to me, unsure what she might be thinking.
“They need our help,” Crosshairs rages. He and Jazz pull out their guns and run towards the action. Jamie would normally beg the two to stay, but now she can’t and watches them run into the fight even in their holoforms. She’d hate if any of us gets hurt or dies, but she’d be crushed if it’s Crosshairs or me. I put her on oxygen and try to get her to relax, thinking difficulty breathing would be the worst I’d have to deal with.
“They’ll be ok.”
A few minutes pass before I watch Jamie become limp and close her eyes. Fuck, a seizure. That’s how scared she is. I have to keep her safe. Hearing the fight going on, they are close to us. I can’t move from this spot. Crosshairs runs back to me as the seizure ends, but Jamie won’t wake up. Crosshairs tells me to put her back in the wheelchair; we must get her back to the base, but we must be careful not to get caught.Ratchet's P.O.V.
From what Drift told me and her terrible mental state, Jamie panicked and triggered a seizure. Drift holds Jamie while we wait for her to wake up.
“Is she ok?” Jazz asks.
“She’s fine,” I assure him.
Jamie wakes up two minutes later, frightened.
“I’m right here,” Crosshairs assures her. Jazz also assures Jamie he’s ok. I’m not sure if Jamie knows she’s the cons’ target or not, but she’s not pleased she can’t be a part of the fight. The three mechs agree I need to use the relaxant on her. Jamie is asleep five minutes later.
“This just keeps getting worse,” Drift sighs while connecting the oxygen tube to the trach and covering Jamie with a blanket.

One Day At a Time ✔️
FanfictionIn an alternate timeline, Megatron is tired of the Autobots winning and believes Jamie is the secret of their success. He gets enough information to find a way to kill her. He discovers her weaknesses and how if she dies, the Autobots will fall apar...