Ch. 51 Sideswipe's Mistake

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Jolt's P.O.V.
Crosshairs and Drift can check Jamie's vitals for signs to know if she's getting sick again, but Ratchet still wants to do an exam. We planned this before the two doctors we talked to asked Ratchet to film the exam. It's funny hearing Ratchet tell me to take the afternoon off. Arguing his decision isn't influenced by Crosshairs and Drift's plan for the afternoon.
"... I don't need you to watch them try to get Jamie into the pool. They can tell us when she goes to bed," he argues, "but you have been wanting to spend time with her. Maybe more support is better for her."
Jamie has always been difficult during a health exam. I worry she's going to be a challenge now that she isn't sick and we have to check the trach and G-tube. There are a few other things Ratchet is hoping to do that he can't do while Jamie is asleep.

I watch Ratchet displeased with Jamie's weight and how Jamie won't say anything. His phone is positioned so that she wouldn't know Ratchet is filming this. The only good is Jamie isn't fighting him. Ratchet does his best not to frighten Jamie while making sure she's doing ok health-wise. 
Once done with the exam, Ratchet holds Jamie in a hug while I end the recording.
I show her I have her favorite candy for after lunch. She smiles, hearing I'll be spending the afternoon with her and her guardians. This is a good sign. 

We walk to the cafeteria where the terror twins are waiting for Jamie and her guardians. I didn't think they'd be worried about seeing me.
"She's fine. I can't spend an afternoon with her?" I ask.
The twins say nothing more and we go get lunch. Ratchet joins us a few minutes later. I can tell he wants to say something about the snacks Jamie has, but we know her guardians are careful about how many snacks she has. Jamie still can't eat much before feeling full, which helps make sure she isn't eating too many snacks. Crosshairs and Drift keep her routine of a walk after lunch. Hoping she doesn't fall asleep. 

"I don't like how she's relaxed and we're going to upset her," Sunstreaker tells me as we walk down the sidewalk a little farther behind the others.
"I never like this part of my job," I admit, "patients still dealing with pain or afraid to do therapy. Like walking, patients are afraid of how many times they'll fall, and often we can't wait until they're no longer in pain. Even back on Cybertron. As for Jamie, she's traumatized and that will not pass with time. We need to teach her she's safe in the pool."
"Aren't we risking she'll be terrified of us?"
"This is why we need to go slow. Could be weeks before she'll go in the pool with Drift even if she continues to be ok with putting her feet in the pool. As if things weren't complicated enough."

Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
With every passing day, every new challenge and seeing Jamie's guardians struggle; I want to find Megatron. Even if I successfully sneak out and deal with Megatron; Optimus and Prowl will find out and I'll be sent to the brig. Even if it's for a week; I need to be here for Jamie and her guardians.
I don't know if she'll be ok with another bot watching her to give her guardians a break considering how much she fears they'll abandon her.

After our walk, we go to our rooms to get ready for the pool. I suspect Drift will get Jamie ready in their room this time. 
"You see what I mean now?" Sideswipe asks.
"Still fragged up!"
Though for the pool, Sideswipe's toy theory might work, but not for a while.
Drift texts us when the trio is at the pool. I hate how he adds Jamie is already scared.

Jolt, Sideswipe and I walk into the pool room. Seeing Jamie frightened and hugging Drift as he sits on the lounge chair. Crosshairs sitting next to him. This is not going well. Jolt approaches them and crouches down in front of Drift. Sideswipe is already in the pool. Perhaps sitting on the steps will help Jamie.
"You're safe," Jolt assures her, "this pool is safe. You remember how much fun you had last summer?" He looks at me. I'm on the first step to get in the pool, about five inches, "can we start with sitting on the first step?" I watch him pick Jamie up and walk towards the pool, "see? It's not deep. We'll take this slowly."
I extend my arms out to take her, hoping she'll understand I'll have her on my lap for now. Though she'll be out of the water, this could be a good step. Jamie lets me take her.
She leans on me as I hold her. Drift sits next to me while Crosshairs and Jolt sit on the floor behind us. I think we're too worried Jamie will still panic to enjoy the pool. It hurts knowing this will probably be our routine for a while.

Everything is fine for ten minutes before Sideswipe tries to get Jamie to go into the pool with him. He tries to take her from me.
"No!" Jamie yells before crying.
She knows she's not strong enough to fight off somebot like Sideswipe.
"You idiot!" I scold once Drift takes Jamie from me.
Her reaction concerns everyone.
I watch Drift sit on the lounge chair, hugging Jamie.
"That's not good," Crosshairs worries.
Jolt leaves the room as Crosshairs sits next to Drift.
Damn it, Megatron, you're lucky I'm more concerned about Jamie to find you.
Sideswipe realizes his mistake as we both see the tight hold Jamie has on Drift. I don't think an inner tube while she's wearing a life jacket will be a success right now. There's so much to work on.
You better hope they don't tell you to stay away. I scold Sideswipe.
We watch Jamie's guardians struggle to calm her down. Even though this is likely going to end up being Jamie cries herself to sleep, Sideswipe and I can't leave while she's upset.

Crosshairs' P.O.V.
"Get her out of here," I tell Drift.
She will not relax while in the pool room.
Drift leaves the room, and the terror twins look at me worried.
"What the frag were you thinking?!" I scold, "stay the frag away from her!"
I leave the room.

I open the door slowly, not hearing a sound.
As I close the door and walk to my bed, I hear Jamie whispering. Drift rubs her back, hoping she'll fall asleep. Worried she'll panic if I touch her, I sit on my bed.
Sunstreaker: is she ok?
Crosshairs: she's still crying, but I suspect she'll be asleep soon.
Sunstreaker: I'm going to beat his aft!! 
There's no telling Sunstreaker not to do this.
I have to stay here.

A few minutes pass before Drift moves off the bed.
"She's asleep," Drift sighs, and looks at Jamie. I know he's worried she can't recover. Mentally is the biggest challenge, but it's not good that Jamie isn't talking unless frightened, "watch her," Drift instructs and leaves the room. Oh frag, he's pissed.

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