Drift's P.O.V.
Jamie is still tired quickly and ready for a nap by two. We're still monitoring her oxygen level, and it's been stable at 97%. Even with the big step of removing the trach, Jamie's recovery is slow. Ratchet wants to keep the G-tube in to help Jamie gain weight even while she's been eating.
"We keeping the wheelchair?" Crosshairs asks.
"We need to have her walking more, but I think it's helpful to keep the wheelchair, considering how quickly she gets tired," I explain.
"What about working out?" Sunstreaker asks, "now that she's not on oxygen."
I don't know why he's asking Crosshairs and me first. I don't want to agree without Ratchet saying it's fine."You realize she needs to start slow?" Ratchet asks Sunstreaker, "it's been seven months since her last workout."
"Yes, and she needs to build her strength. I know muscle isn't important right now."
"Uh, isn't working out going to result in not gaining weight?" Crosshairs asks.
We talk about a plan. Sideswipe joins in with his ideas, which irks Sunstreaker.
"She's not a fragging youngling!" Sunstreaker yells.
"He has a point, Sunstreaker," Ratchet says, "Jamie is likely not strong enough for most exercises."
We all agree the pool is great for Jamie, but we're still working on her fear of deep water.
Sunstreaker can take Jamie to the training room tomorrow. For now, Ratchet allows Sunstreaker to bring in a small canvas.
Ratchet says art is a form of occupational therapy, but it's unclear if it's therapy for Jamie. I think it's at least something that'll get her smiling.Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
A big step was taken in Jamie's recovery, but it still feels like there's a lot to work on. Maybe because the few things will take time. Hopefully, this step will help Crosshairs and Drift's mental health. We're likely going to have a routine, though time in the pool will depend on Jamie's mood. I work on the lines for this painting. Trying to make a large coloring page on canvas.The lines are dry by the time Jamie wakes up. She likes what I've done, and what Ratchet is allowing her to do. We let Jamie work on adding color to the canvas. I know she's likely not going to talk until the stoma is closed, but Ratchet says to continue talking to Jamie even though we know she won't say anything. Jolt is going to do speech therapy once the stoma is closed. I'd love it if Jamie recovers by Christmas. What a gift for her guardians, but I know we can't think this way. Even if Christmas is six months away.
Ratchet lets Jamie walk to the cafeteria for dinner. Whoever's there at this hour is going to be surprised. Considering it's five, I'm thinking a good number of Autobots will be there.
All Crosshairs did was open the doors, and everyone in the cafeteria cheered, seeing Jamie walking and the trach removed.
Drift's P.O.V.
"Everyone is happy with how far your recovery has come," I smile, picking Jamie up and carry her to a table. The twins and Crosshairs go to the kitchen. Optimus sits with is happy with how far Jamie has come. We know there's s lot more to work on, but this is good to celebrate. I'm worried about how easily Jamie can get sick and her weight. I don't think she'll be unable to talk for good.We decide to keep our routine going for a walk after dinner. Ratchet believes Jamie should wait until we're at the park to walk until she builds more strength. First, I tube-feed her, wondering how long before she doesn't agree with this now that the trach is out. She sits in the wheelchair, playing a game on her tablet. Crosshairs left already to get cookies from Panera Bread. After I clean up, I get her red jacket from my subspace. It's warm today, but with how skinny she is, I don't know if she'll be warm. Now that we don't need to worry about having the oxygen concentrator or suction machine, there's room for the backpack we've been using for the feeding supplies and I can put her red jacket in the bag.
"Ok, let's go find those twins."I let Jamie out of the wheelchair at the entrance of the park like the other day. I know she's looking to go to the pond. Which is a reasonable distance walk for anyone. Jolt wants me to film Jamie walking to the pond. I'm worried he's going to notice a problem with Jamie's walking. Even though she's been walking a little since she recovered from being sick. I don't know why I'm thinking like this after the trach was removed.
"What are you worried about?" Crosshairs asks as the twins take Jamie to the pond.
"How Jolt wants video of Jamie walking."
"There's nothing out of the ordinary. I think he wants to know what he should plan for physical therapy," Crosshairs hugs me, "she's recovering from the scrap Megatron had humans put her through."Crosshairs' P.O.V.
Jamie is finally making good progress in her recovery. I know eighty-nine days doesn't seem like a lot for many. Even Autobots injured in the war took longer to get to the point we're at, but it's been hard watching her struggle. I don't know if Ratchet figured out why Jamie was struggling to keep her oxygen level up for two months. I will not worry about it, or if he chooses not to tell Drift and me. There's still much to work on and to worry about. We watch Jamie feed the ducks, smiling.
After the ducks are fed, I get the cookies I got out of my subspace. Jamie smiles seeing the cookies. I watch her tiredly eat two cookies while leaning on me.
"Time to go home," Drift smiles.
"You sure?" Sideswipe asks, "it's only five-thirty."
I get what he's thinking, but I don't think Jamie will wait until eight to go to bed. Even though she had a nap today.Jamie lasts fifteen minutes before falling asleep. I carry her back to the base and bed.
"Ratchet says this is fine," Drift tells me, "I just hope she won't be up at two in the morning."
"I'm thinking this is will a nap, and she'll be up at eight. Question is, will she be up all night?"
"Ratchet didn't remove the IV—."
"I'm not using sleep aid without her knowing. I'll get her back to sleep."
I'm hoping Drift will sleep better tonight if I tell him I'll take care of Jamie. I don't think I could have suggested shifts, and Drift would have been able to sleep. Now I think he will sleep.

One Day At a Time ✔️
FanfictionIn an alternate timeline, Megatron is tired of the Autobots winning and believes Jamie is the secret of their success. He gets enough information to find a way to kill her. He discovers her weaknesses and how if she dies, the Autobots will fall apar...