Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
Sideswipe knows he screwed up, worried about how badly he screwed up. We both assume Drift is at the door, who shoves me out of the way to rage at Sideswipe.
"Do you have any idea what your stunt caused?!" He yells, "how stupid are you! We've been dealing with challenges nonstop for almost three months and you just added another!"
Even while angry, tears roll down Drift's face.
I have him sit on my bed.
"Calm down, Sideswipe knows he screwed up, but we need him. He can get Jamie to play video games. I know that doesn't sound important with her recovery, but if she doesn't want to do anything...."
I realize my argument isn't helping Sideswipe.
Sideswipe doesn't know if he should say anything. Saying nothing further, Drift leaves the room, slamming the door shut behind him
"You shouldn't have said anything. Now we both are likely not allowed near Jamie and I don't know if she'll be ok with a change like different Autobots watching her."We hear nothing from Crosshairs, Drift, or the medics before Sideswipe and I go to the cafeteria but sit at a different table close to Crosshairs and Drift. I don't feel any better seeing Jamie is doing ok being in here with several Autobots and soldiers. Jamie sits on Drift's lap and is eating. Sideswipe and I should leave them alone, but I'm worried about Crosshairs and Drift not relaxing without Jamie. They need to do that.
"I fragged up. If Jamie will not be ok with any other bot, Crosshairs, and Drift will refuse to take a break and —."
"I know, I'm also worried about them, but I think we need to wait for them to talk to us."
"I don't know..."Drift's P.O.V.
I'm not sure if it's a good sign that Jamie is looking at Sideswipe and Sunstreaker after what Sideswipe did. Even if she's wondering why they're avoiding us, I worry she won't be ok with them. She's not on oxygen and could go up to them. Unless she's thinking I won't allow it. We continue our routine and go for a walk. Jamie continues to stare at the twins as I put her in the wheelchair.
"I think she knows they're in trouble," Crosshairs whispers, "thinking they've been told to stay away, which..."
"Later," I insist.
Jazz and Mirage ask if they can take Jamie to watch a movie when we return. Crosshairs and I still worry Jamie will not last long without us. I assure her we'll be back."So?" Crosshairs asks as we sit on our beds.
"I don't know. Even if she knows Sideswipe got scolded, I don't know if she'll panic being near Sideswipe whether or not we're in the pool. If I can avoid making her cry, then I will."
"You do realize that'll make it impossible to get time away from her? And how important that is for the three of us. We can ask her. I don't think Jamie can handle a change of who's watching her."Jazz and Mirage bring Jamie back at nine, asleep. They knew to put her on oxygen once she fell asleep. I put her to bed and text Sunstreaker that we'll talk tomorrow with Jamie.
Drift: she was looking at you two during dinner. I'm certain she knows Sideswipe was scolded... I just...
Sunstreaker: I know, what he did might have just caused more of a challenge to get Jamie to like being in the pool, but he is a good help with Jamie.
I look at Jamie, worried about the conversation and the possible consequences of Sideswipe's action.Crosshairs' P.O.V.
After seeing Jamie panic, I'd like to tell Sideswipe to stay away from her, but also he is like a child and can get Jamie engaged in most activities. Even if he couldn't get her to do anything, I don't think Jamie can deal with different Autobots watching her.The twins come back to our room after breakfast. Jamie is happy to see the twins, which is a good sign. I didn't think Drift would get right to asking if Jamie is ok with the twins or that she'd be confused about the question.
"Are you afraid of me?" Sideswipe asks, taking Jamie's hand.
"No," she replies.
I think we're smiling because she's not afraid of Sideswipe and because she's talking, hoping she'll continue to talk.
I didn't think Drift would ask Jamie if she wants to go to the pool later or that even after Jamie said she is not afraid of him, Sideswipe tells her he won't be going to the pool today.
"No," Jamie says and takes Sideswipe's hand, thinking he's leaving now.
Sunstreaker gets art supplies from his subspace, hoping Jamie will want to do art.
The four of us hoping she'll keep talking.It's been almost six months since we found Jamie. Almost three months since she woke up from the coma. I'm happy the week-long coma a month ago didn't result in having to start recovery over. Though we could still have months of work. I'm hoping we still don't have a year or more of work. Drift is struggling as it is. When thinking about the things we need to work on, recovery could be less than six months, but we didn't think we'd still be working on the trach almost three months later. Then there are other issues we need to deal with.
Sunstreaker and Jamie work on art for an hour before Jamie is ready for a nap. Sunstreaker didn't think Jamie would lean on him. He watches her fall asleep.
Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
I didn't think she'd fall asleep while I'm holding her. Crosshairs puts her on oxygen and I sit on the bed.
"This is good, though it's small progress," Drift smiles.
It's been a long time since we've seen him smile. I'm hoping this won't drag on for much longer, but there's much to work on. Considering how Jamie still tires quickly. She still feels light. My time holding her is short. I lay Jamie in bed and cover her with blankets.
"I think we'll go to the pool later," Drift tells Sideswipe and me.
I'm not going. Sideswipe tells me.

One Day At a Time ✔️
FanfictionIn an alternate timeline, Megatron is tired of the Autobots winning and believes Jamie is the secret of their success. He gets enough information to find a way to kill her. He discovers her weaknesses and how if she dies, the Autobots will fall apar...