Ch. 71 Full Recovery

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Drift's P.O.V.
Jamie is cleared to work out with Sunstreaker, still annoyed with the limitations. Sunstreaker hopes to increase the weights carefully but knows Jamie won't like it if she gets injured. The pool has been helping her, but she still needs to increase the weight she's lifting or pulling slowly.
Jamie isn't strong enough to do that. She already hates how she lost all her strength, and she doesn't need to be reminded.
"I don't know what we're going to do," I sigh, frustrated.
"Not much we can do," Crosshairs sighs, "I hate this."
Despite all the progress in Jamie's recovery, we still face challenges. I wonder if a revenge fight with Megatron is good motivation.

Jamie struggled with the limits for a few weeks until she was finally able to increase her limits.
"Hmm, I think we can try a little training," Sunstreaker says, "Sideswipe."
"So she can break my nose?! Hell no!" Sideswipe argues, getting an elbow to the gut.
We didn't think Jamie would laugh at this.
"Oh, you think it's funny? That's it!"
The two start fighting. Sideswipe is not trying to win or fighting the best he can.
Sunstreaker observes like a mentor testing their student. I don't like the look of concern.

Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
I don't know why I feel like I've made a mistake. Sideswipe is going easy on Jamie, and she's not struggling. Sideswipe decides five minutes is enough. Training is over for today.

" know if she's ready," Ratchet tells me, "and when the training can intensify. Hard to believe you're worried. We're all worried about setbacks. Even if now she'd break a bone. Not as bad as what we've been dealing with, but that would be weeks of no therapy or training. She's already not liking limits as it is."
I still have to go slow, which Jamie doesn't like, but hopefully, she won't be annoyed with the limits I still need to set, maybe for not as long as I have been.

The other challenge is getting Jamie to rest. No doubt, the medics deal with this as a patient is doing therapy. Trying to get Jamie to play video games with Sideswipe or art with me has been challenging. Even Crosshairs and Drift have a hard time getting Jamie to rest.
"I don't know if I can be mad," Drift smiles, "she wants to get back into battle," his smile fades, "but I worry she's looking for revenge."
"Nothing we can do about that unless you want her discharged."
The last challenge we must deal with; making sure Jamie doesn't endanger herself. Not easy when the one who might put these in danger is a warrior. I've seen this many times on the battlefield.

Within a month, Jamie can take down Sideswipe while he's not holding back.
"Ow! What happened to this is training?" Sideswipe asks, believing his wrist is broken. He's not pleased the rest of us are laughing. I'm happy Jamie's recovery didn't take a year after waking up from the coma, but two hundred and ten days is still long. She still has a little more training to be back at the strength she was when she left, but the medics, her guardians, Sideswipe, and I agree we are saying Jamie has fully recovered.

Crosshairs' P.O.V.
Jamie has recovered physically but mentally might be another situation. For now, I'm worried about Drift. Even if he hasn't had nightmares in weeks. Drift smiles, hearing Ratchet declare Jamie has recovered. Now she's back to training. He waits until the twins take Jamie out of the medbay to hug me. Not caring, the medics are still seeing this as he cries. I know this is happiness that this scrap is over. He doesn't have to worry about losing the one he loves. Hopefully, he doesn't have to worry like this for a long time.

Jamie's P.O.V.
"Decepticons are attacking the city," Lennox calls out to everyone prepping for departure, "They've known our location for months; why now?"
I don't know if he knows I heard that, and I don't know what to think about that. Megatron seriously thinks the Autobots wouldn't win without me. Now I'm pissed he thinks the Autobots are weak. Even after millions of years of war before I met the Autobots.

"You?!" Megatron asks, shocked, "I knew you were alive, but I was told you were like a sparkling."
That's it!
"Jamie, no!" Optimus yells, but I ignore him and attack Megatron. I know the Autobots have my back.
The only way I'm going to be able to inflict any damage is through my powers, but the training I did with the twins was still necessary. Even my powers take down cons slowly.

"Decepticons, retreat!"
I land on the ground, not expecting Crosshairs and Drift's holoform to hug me. I know they'll still worry more than usual for some time. Not like the others won't worry. That bastard put everyone through scrap. Optimus won't let me kill Megatron, but he deserves it.
"She's back," Ironhide smiles.
I know the Autobots don't see me as a secret weapon; rather, they're happy I'm back on the battlefield with them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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