Sideswipe's P.O.V.
"You can't be serious?" Sunstreaker asks as we walk down the hall.
"I terrified Jamie. She's not going to want to go in the pool with me around even if she says she's ok."
"And you know we need to work on that. Everyone is tired of watching Jamie like this, but there's still a long road ahead with her recovery. Unfortunately, there's likely going to be crying even if you stay away from her."At noon, Drift texts me that he and Crosshairs are going to take Jamie for a walk to get lunch and go to the park; insisting I go with them. Sunstreaker will go and is prepared to drag me along.
We didn't think Crosshairs and Drift would come by. Jamie is in the wheelchair and has the speaking valve on the trach. She looks right at me. She can unbuckle the chest strap and waist belt, but she doesn't bother.
"I'll drag you with us if I have to," Sunstreaker threatens, but Jamie smiles.
I hate how weak she is as she grabs my hand, trying to keep me from leaving. I can easily get her to let go. Normally she should
be able to have a tight grip that she'd be hurting my hand."I hope we can get her talking more," I tell Sunstreaker as we walk down the hall behind Crosshairs and Drift.
"It's hard knowing this is going to be slow. It's been almost three months since she woke up from the coma and she's finally talking more than saying 'yes'. The challenge is to keep her wanting to talk."
"I can't believe it's been almost three months. I know Ratchet didn't say Jamie's recovery shouldn't take long —."
"Because he knows that's not how it works. As we've seen, what Jamie needs to work on seems simple, but it's not."
I can feel Sunstreaker is worried. There's still a chance Jamie can face new issues. Even Jamie getting sick is serious until she's at a normal weight.After we get lunch, Drift lets Jamie out of the wheelchair to walk to what's been our usual spot by the pond. Considering how Sunstreaker and I have been with these three, this is the first time Drift is letting Jamie walk this far.
He checks her oxygen level once we reach our spot. Finally, Jamie is keeping her oxygen level up regardless of what she's doing. Ratchet will like hearing this though he can't figure out why she's struggling to keep her oxygen level up. He does suspect her weight plays a role.
Jamie smiles seeing what her guardians got her for lunch like it's the first time in almost six months that she's had McDonald's.
This is interesting. Sunstreaker says through the bond.
Perhaps a sign she's doing better, but there's still a long road ahead.Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
Jamie did eat more than she has been able to. I should have stopped at Panera Bread.
We couldn't believe how excited Jamie got hearing ducks. It's been a long time since we've seen this. She's trying to get out of the wheelchair to get closer to them. No one around us will understand how this is great to see.
"All right, jeez," I comment while unbuckling her. Drift tells me it's fine to let her walk around.
Jamie lets me check her oxygen level first because I'm worried about her breathing.
She wants me to come with her. I hate how she can't pull me. Normally, she'd be pulling me that I'd have no choice but to go with her or be dragged on the ground.We sit by the pond. A few ducks came towards us, not pleased we don't have any bread. Yet they sit on the ground. I get my sketchbooks and pencil from my subspace.
Sketching the ducks while Jamie watches.
This should be progress, but it's little. I tell Sideswipe. I know it's expected...
I know, it's still hard to watch this. Add how much Crosshairs and Drift are struggling. What's going through her mind.
Even while knowing we're lucky this isn't permanent or Jamie didn't suffer worse considering the state she was in, it's still hard watching Jamie go through this.Drift's P.O.V.
"I'd call wanting out of the wheelchair good progress," Crosshairs whispers.
I know he means how Jamie would wait until we get her out. Now she's choosing to want out of the wheelchair.
"It's hard seeing little improvements. Knowing there's still a lot more to work on before Jamie is fully recovered."
"I know."
Crosshairs hugs me as we watch Jamie and Sunstreaker work on the sketch.Jamie is asleep by the time we get back to base. Ratchet is pleased with how the two hours out went. We then talk ideas to get Jamie talking more. It's the only problem we haven't been able to figure out how to deal with. Though I don't like how the rest of the issues will take time to resolve. The thought we still have months before Jamie is fully recovered.
"I still think the trach is the problem," Sideswipe argues, "and she's keeping her oxygen level up."
"She does need to go through the capped stage," Jolt adds, "it's like the trach is removed, but we don't remove it," I'm terrified to do this stage, even if it's a simple removing the cap if Jamie can't tolerate being capped, "I can stay with you guys if you want."
Crosshairs' P.O.V.
I know Drift is terrified to do this step. Even I'm terrified. There's also the concern that Jamie will be frightened. Hopefully, we can calm her down quickly and she'll do ok while capped.
The terror twins take Jamie to their room and the medics go back to the medbay. I take Drift to the conference room for privacy.I knew he was frightened, but I didn't think he's been trying not to cry.
"Shh, it's ok. Ratchet wouldn't do this if he thought she wasn't ready."
"She'll be frightened, and with the cap on the trach..."
No way we can use drugs to keep her calm. We'll need to prepare to get her calm and distracted. Hopefully the twenty-four hours goes well and the trach can be removed. One step closer to a full recovery.

One Day At a Time ✔️
FanfictionIn an alternate timeline, Megatron is tired of the Autobots winning and believes Jamie is the secret of their success. He gets enough information to find a way to kill her. He discovers her weaknesses and how if she dies, the Autobots will fall apar...