Chapter 1

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"Can't believe your leaving us" the red head said sitting on the other side of the table reaching for her drink.

"Octavia, I'm literally going into the next building, were still going to have girls night, AND your my roommate" she said to her best friend.

"You won't have time for girls night, that department is as intense as it gets, from what I heard" Octavia let out as she brought her drink to her lips.

"Celeste, you need to promise us your not going to become one of those uptight agents, in stuffy suits" the black haired girl sitting beside her said as she lifted her glass.

"To staying real" Juliet let out with a grin on her face.

"To staying real!" The three of them let out and proceeded to swing their drink back, Celeste looked around the table at the two most amazing girls that she had the privilege to work with for the past four years. Being one of the youngest FBI agent in the country she had a lot to prove at the start of her career. When her boss approached her a couple of weeks ago and told her she was getting sent to the Bahavioral Analysis Unit she couldn't believe it. The BAU was well known, but pretty exclusive. Her boss had told her that she was requested by the Senior Supervisory Special agent for a open position they got. She couldn't believe it all her hard work was paying off and she was starting her dream job tomorrow.

"Alright Agent De Lucas, go get our next round" Octavia let out, Celeste rolled her eyes and slid off the bar stool the two girls let out a laugh.

"What?" She asked looking at both of them.

"Can't believe they let you in the FBI, you so short and you look like your twelve" Juliet let out as she was laughing, Celeste gave them the finger before turning around and making her way to the bar, she stood there waiting for the bartender to look at her. Celeste looked around the pub was pretty packed for a Wednesday night.

"What can I get you" the bartender asked as he stopped in front of her and smile, she gave him a little smile.

"Three bourbon on the rocks please" she said, he gave her a nod with a smile and took out the three glasses, put the half circle shaped ice in the glasses then poured a dark orange liquid over it. Celeste was looking around and suddenly someone ran in her shoulder, she turned her head.

"I decided to come and help you" Juliet said smiling at her, Celeste let out a chuckle. Her friend wrapped a arm around her.

"I'm so proud of you, you know that right" Juliet let out, Celeste smile at her.

"Your going to be a kick ass Profiler at te BAU" she then said.

"Thanks Juliet, it means a lot" she said reaching for the glasses and passing one of them to her friend as she took the other two and walked away. Celeste started walking back to the table when someone roughly hit her in the back making her jerk forward and lose her footing, the two drinks went flying in the air and landed on someone in front of her. Celeste stood up straighter running her hand threw her long brown hair her eyes went wide as she looked at the man that was wearing her drinks on his expensive looking suit.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry" she said as she grabbed some napkins that were on the bar an mindlessly started to pat down the gentlemen's chest to soak up the liquid. She then stopped and looked up at him with a mortified look on her face, she let the napkin go. The man was towering over her, he had short dark brown hair and dark eyes in this light they looked black. Celeste's froze as she watched the man give her the littlest smile, if she wouldn't have been looking at him she would have missed it.

"It's okay" he let out in a deep low voice as he reached for the napkins on the bar.

"I...Ummm...I'm so sorry" she mumble as her eyes were fixed on this man. He looked down at her and saw the panic in her eyes.

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