Chapter 21

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"Celeste!" Aaron's booming voice let out, Celeste quickly sat up in bed with big eyes. She looked at Aaron who was getting dressed.

"We have two more victims" he said, she nodded as she rubbed her face before getting up and getting ready. Once ready both of them walked out of the room meeting Morgan and Reid.

"How many set of twins is there in this place?" Morgan let out in a groggy tone.


"Reid!" all three said in unison.

Everyone got tot he scene, the team made there way to the house, as Hotch and Rossi were talking to the cops Celeste turned around and looked at the scene outside. Reid noticed and watched her, he could tell she was scanning.

"Do you see anything?" he whispered, Celeste shook her head.

"Agent De Lucas" Hotch's voice puller her back, she turned and looked at him. Hotch gestured with his head to fallow him, they both walked in the house, Cries could be heard from the entrance. Celeste looked in the room that the sound was coming from, it was the parents that were sitting in the living room with Rossi and JJ trying to comfort them. Morgan, Prentiss and Reid opted to stay outside and go around the house.

"Upstairs" Hotch said as he started going up the stairs, Celeste fallowed without saying a word. They walked down the hall to the last bedroom, Celeste stopped at the door as she looked at the scene, she took a sharp breath in. two bodies were laying in the two beds, their clothes were ripped to screds, there was blood everywhere. Celeste walked in the room and started scanning, she turned around towards the wall that was behind her.

"You will be mine" she read the writing on the wall that was written out of blood.

"The UNSUB's rage is escalading, this is turning into possesion, and this writing is done with human blood" she said as she turned around and looked at the victims.

"Twin girls, age fifteen..." Hotch let out

"Brown hair, super smart in school" Celeste cut him off as she pointed around the room where there was accomplishments certificates.

"The stab wounds from the first victims were all over the place and different depths, these wounds are all the same lenght, it look like the UNSUB took his time with them" Hotch said looking at the bodies, Celeste looked at the two girls for a moment scanning everything, Hotch was watching her.

"What do you see?" he asked as he watched Celeste putting gloves on and walking between the two beds and started looking closer at the girls, she moved the fabric a little as she looked at the cuts. Celeste then moved quickly to the other girl and looked at the cuts on her body, Hotch watched her stand straighter and the color in her face drained out and fear took over in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asked as he watched Celeste looked up at him.

"I know who did this" she let out, Hotch cocked his head to the side as he looked at her.

"Who?" he asked.

"The person that almost killed me eight years ago" she let out, Hotch looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"Celeste, Mallory is dead, I shot him" he said in almost a whisper, he looked at Celeste and could see her eyes getting watery.

"He has a brother" Celeste let out, Hotch's eyes got bigger.

"Can I give the profile?" Celeste asked, Hotch gave her a nod and watched her storm out of the room. Fallowing her they met the Coroner in the hall, Celeste made her way downstairs and out of the house. Hotch got to the main level and looked into the living room where Rossi and JJ were still with the parents and gesture to them that they were leaving.

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