Chapter 4

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Four days went by and the team got the UNSUB, the team was sitting in the jet that was making it's way back Virginia. Everyone was doing their own thing, sleeping, reading and listening to music. Celeste was sitting at the table with Hotch beside her and Rossi was reading a book facing Hotch. Aaron was sitting back in the chair with his head back and eyes close, he heard pages turn and open his eyes and looked at Dave who was holding his head up with one hand as he held the book in the other. Aaron's eyes drifted over to Celeste that was berried in the case file and writing stuff on a note pad, his eyes drifted to her hand, arm, then her side profile. He watched as he noticed that her lips parted when she was reading something then would close when she wrote notes. Aaron then looked at her hair, Celeste's hair was a beautiful chocolate color that was up in a high ponytail and so long that it reached the middle of her back. Suddenly Rossi kicked Hotch from under the table, making him jumped and let out a hiss as he looked at his friend. Celeste looked at both of them.

"Sorry, leg cramp" Dave said as he looked at Aaron, Aaron squinted his eyes as he looked at Dave who was shaking his head. Two hours later the jet landed, everyone got up and grabbed there go bag and started making there way out of the jet. Hotch moved out of his seat to let Celeste by as she was talking with Reid about something, she walked away Hotch was watching her. His attention was brought back by Dave clearing his throat, Aaron looked at him.

"Stop staring at her" he let out.

"I'm not" as he grabbed his bag, Dave let out a little chuckle.

"You are, stop trying to lie to a profiler" Dave let out, Aaron shook his head as he walked away from Dave and towards the exit.

"You should maybe apologize for the way you acted with her at the crime scene though" Dave let out as he fallowed Aaron. Aaron knew that Rossi was right, questioning Celeste like he did at the crime scene wasn't proffesional of him, and made him look like he wasn't trusting her as a team member. Once on the tarmac he looked towards the parked cars where he spotted her walking towards her car, he quicken his pace.

"De Lucas" Celeste stopped and turned around as she watched Hotch walk up to her.

"Sir?" she said as he stopped a couple of feet from her, he then cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry" he said, she raised her eyesbrows at him.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted at the crime scene, you didn't deserve to be put on the spot like that" he said, Celeste looked at him then gave him a nod.

"I get it, your protective of your team and want to make sure I'm not a complete tool at my job, it's fine" Aaron shook his head.

"No it's not Celeste, it was wrong of me to treat you that way, your very smart and I won't ever question you again, you are part of this team. I hope you can forgive me" he then said as he looked down at her, she gave im a little smile fallowed with a nod. Celeste watched as Aaron gave her a little smile as they stood there for a few seconds in total silence.

"Well I should get going" Celeste said breaking the silence, Aaron let out a hum.

"see you tomorrow, have a good night" he said, she gave him one last smile.

"Have a good night sir" she replied as she turned around and made her way to her SUV, Aaron watched her leave before he walked to his car.

Celeste got home and smiled to herself when she saw the familiar black Audi that was parked in her driveway, getting out and grabbing her bag and purse she made her way up to the door. as she open the front door she could hear laughter and the tv coming from the living room. dropping her stuff at the base of the stair and taking her shoes off she made her way to the next room.

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