Chapter 5

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"So he made Reid go down in the ditch after he got shot in the leg because he didn't want to ruin his new italian shoes" Derek said as everyone started laughing.

"well it sounds like you guys are one big happy family" Gabrielle let out in a laughing tone. They heard footsteps approaching, Celeste emerge from the dark with Aaron fallowing behind.

"There you are, we thought we were going to have to get a search party going soon" Morgan let out, Celeste gave him a little smile as she walked to her spot that she was sitting in before, she grabbed her wine glass that she left there and brought it to her lips and chugged the rest without any hesitaion.

"Whoa there Celeste" Gabrielle let out.

"we should go, it's later" Celeste said looking at her watch.

"It's friday, were do we have to go tomorrow" her sister asked her as she gave her a weird look.

"I'm tired" she said making her way back in the house, Everyone looked around at each other.

"it is pretty late, we have the babysitter to bring home, were going to head out too" JJ let out, everyone agreed as they all stood and made there way inside. Everyone walked to the front door.

"well thank you all for coming" Dave said as he open the door, Emily, JJ, Will, Reid, Morgan and Garcia said there byes and walked out of the house. Dave then turned around towards the twins.

"Thank you for the amaxing everning uncle Dave" Gabrielle said giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Don't be a stranger" he said to her, she walked out of the door, it was Celeste turned she gave him a hug.

"Have a good night bella, see you at work" as he hugged her back, Celeste turned and looked at Aaron, who was standing in the hall and looking at her, she turned around and walked out of the door. Dave closed the door and turned towards Aaron with a raised eyebrow.

"What happen?" he asked, Aaron looked at him.

"uh, nothing" he said, Dave shook his head.

"What happen with Celeste? Aaron" he asked as he walked to the kitchen, with Aaron fallowing him.

"we talked" he let out, Dave looked at him as he squinted his eyes at his friend.

"Something happen, both of you acted weird when you got back, I might be old but I'm not stupid" Aaron let out a breath.

"I might have kissed her" he let out as he took a step back, putting some distance between him and Dave knowing well that he's protective of Celeste.

"You might?"

"I did! I don't know what happen one minute were talking and the next I just had this urge to kiss her, so I did" he said talking fast.

"okay, it's okay Aaron, what happen after" Dave asked, Aaron looked at his friend as he ran a hand threw his hair.

"she kissed me back" he said in a low voice. Dave looked at him as a smile slowly appeared on his face as he shook his head.

In the car Celeste was quiet looking straight at the road with both hands on the steering wheel, Gabrielle looke at her sister, then back at the road, then back at Celeste.

"Are you okay?" she broke the silence, Celeste looked straight like she didn't hear her sister.

"Earth to Celeste!" Gabrielle said as she waved her hand in her sister's face, which made her snap out of it.

"What?" she let out, Gabby let out a chuckle.

"what happen tonight?"

"Nothing" Gabrielle let out a laugh.

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