Chapter 23

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Three  months later...


"Copy that!"

Celeste was running after the UNSUB, she fallowed him as the man made the corner of the building.

"Got you" she said to herself knowing that Morgan was waiting on the other side, Celeste made the corner and lifted her gun. The UNSUB came face to face with Morgan, then turned around and saw a smiling Celeste. He lifted his hand up in the air in surrender.

"You really thought you were going to get away?" Morgan let out as he roughly put the cuffs on, Celeste put her gun in her holster. Police cars started showing up, Derek pushed the man in cuffs towards the cop that was walking towards them. Derek then turned around and looked at Celeste who had her hands on her knees trying to catch her breath.

"You okay little momma?" he asked, she nodded as she stood up straight, they both walked towards the SUV that showed up. Hotch got out and looked around, Morgan and Celeste walked up to him.

"Good job" Hotch let out, Morgan nodded.

"I just arrested him, she's the one that ran her little heart out" Morgan said with a smile, Hotch looked at Celeste and gave her a little smile.

"Had fun?" he asked, she grinned as she walked by him to the back seat of the SUV. On the jet everyone was talking.

"One second were standing there and the other, Celeste flies by me like a bat out of hell" Morgan let out, they all started laughing.

"Being short has it's advantage, and I saw him making the corner of the house" Celeste let out sitting on the couch with Reid.

"The guy was suprise when he turned around and saw me standing behind him" she let out with a chuckle.

"I think that was the fastest that we ever solve a case, Good job De Lucas" Hotch let out, Everyone started clapping.

"Alright guys, who wants a drink?" Rossi said as he got up and made his way towards the back of the plane.

Once they landed everyone made there way to their cars.

"Everyone have a good weekend see you Monday" Hotch let out as he waved to them and got in his car, Celeste walked to her SUV and sat in the driver seat, texting her sister and roomate telling them she was home. Celeste then looked up and everyone was gone, smiling to herslef she turned her car on and drove away. Celeste made her way to the BAU and once there made her way to the sixth floor, being a friday night no one was in the bullpen, with the exeption of the only person that never goes home. Making her way up to Aaron's office the door was open, Celeste looked at him as he was sitting at his desk and working away.

"You know it could wait till Monday right?" she said, he looked up with a smile.

"It's fresh in my mind, rather do it now" he said, Celeste walked in the office and closed the door behind her and locked it, Aaron raised a eyebrow at her.

"So tell me Agent Hotchner" she let out as she walked towards his desk in a slow seductive way.

"Celeste" he said in a low warning tone, Aaron knew damn well what she was trying to do.

"What? I just wanted to know if you were as turned on as I was about me catching the UNSUB" she said as she stood in front of Aaron's desk and playing with the hem of her shirt as she looked at him. Aaron gestured for her to come around the desk, Celeste gave him a smile as she walked around the desk Aaron sat back in his chair as he reached for her hand once she was close enough and pulled her to him. Celeste sat on his lap.

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