TOIC Chapter 4

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Chen Qianqing’s mother, Liu Huamei bought a ticket for the morning train, so it wasn’t until about two in the afternoon did she come over to the hospital with her luggage.

At that time, Chen Qianqing was sitting on the bed and playing on his mobile phone, he looked like he was doing pretty good.

“Qianqing.” Liu Huamei came in with her luggage. She was already thirty by the time she had Chen Qianqing, so she could be considered to have given birth at an advanced maternal age. Chen Qianqing was the only in their family, so he was naturally spoiled silly. The second she heard on the phone that Chen Qianqing had met with an accident, she nearly fainted on the spot.

But seeing that Chen Qianqing was pretty calm as he sat on the bed, Liu Huamei felt that she could finally relax.

Chen Qianqing had not seen Liu Huamei many times. The only impression he had of this woman in his past life was how she had cried when she found out about what happened between Chen Qianqing and Lu Zhengfei. They were already at a dead end at that time, so the death of Liu Huamei and her husband had become the last straw that crushed the camel.

“Mom.” After his mental reestablishment the other day, Chen Qianqing did not have any troubles calling her mom. He put down the book in his hands and looked towards the woman: “You’re here.”

“Were you planning not to tell me if I never called?” Liu Huamei complained: “You’re by yourself in the hospital with nobody to take care of you, how could you be so stubborn?”

Chen Qianqing chuckled: “I just didn’t want to make you worry.”

Liu Huamei glared at Chen Qianqing and nagged at him: “And you’ve made me even more worried! You have no idea, your dad nearly took leave from work when he found out to come with me.”

Chen Qianqing’s father was a man called Chen Qingyang. He was an ordinary worker, and also adored Chen Qianqing very much.

“You really have to thank that friend of yours.” Liu Huamei went on: “If not for him, I would’ve called the police!”

As someone who did not know the inner workings of their relationship, Liu Huamei’s words were filled with irony. As the chief culprit of this matter, he did not know whether Lu Zhengfei would be able to control himself from laughing out loud if he was thanked by the victim’s mother.

Chen Qianqing was very calm, there were not much changes in his face even after hearing this. Instead, he responded calmly: “Yes, I should really be thanking him, I might have been dead if not for him.”

Lu Zhengfei had entered right as he had said those words. Looking over, he saw Liu Huamei sitting inside of the room with the expressionless Chen Qianqing. Following this, Lu Zhengfei had also put on a sincere smile on his expressionless face. He greeted her: “Hello auntie.”

The smile on Lu Zhenfei’s face was so realistic that he appeared to be just like a friend who had come to Chen Qianqing’s aid, and was very happy to see his friend gradually recovering.

“Oh, you should be Xiao Lu,” Liu Huamei smiled: “Thank you so much for taking care of Qianqing, if not for you, I would definitely be worried sick.”

Lu Zhengfei continued to smile: “No no, you’re too polite auntie, I’m Qianqing’s friend so this is only what I should have done.”

Perhaps, if the old Chen Qianqing had heard these words, his face would definitely change in an instant. Even though he would not pick apart Lu Zhengfei’s hypocritical mask, he would definitely not let him go without a glare.

But at this moment, Chen Qianqing had a blank smile on his face, and he did not even spare a glance to Lu Zhengfei.

Chen Qianqing knew very clearly how he could anger Lu Zhengfei, and yet avoid punishment——Perhaps, it may be hard to abuse another person, but he had full confidence in being able to abuse himself.

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