TOIC Chapter 7

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When he realized that Chen Qianqing really hated him, a sense of dread that Lu Zhengfei had never felt in the past washed over him.

He let Chen Qianqing go and headed straight for the bathroom. From the looks of it, he had probably gone off to brush his teeth.

It was very inconvenient for Chen Qianqing to move around after he had his leg broken, but seeing that Lu Zhengfei had not come out even after a long time, he could only get up despite the difficulty.

Lu Zhengfei was in the bathroom for a very long time, but his expression had already turned back to normal after he came out. It was like nothing had happened at all just now.

Lu Zhengfei was five years older than Chen Qianqing, but he was only twenty-five years old at the current time, he still had a long way to go before becoming a mature man. He may have a bad temper now and might go out of line, but in another five years, even Lu Zhengfei himself may not be able to figure out what he was thinking.

Without a single word, Lu Zhengfei carried Chen Qianqing downstairs and they just happened to bump into Liu Huamei who had returned from buying groceries.

“Qianqing, what are you trying to do?” Seeing that Lu Zhengfei was currently carrying Chen Qianqing down the stairs, she felt rather suspicious.

“Qianqing wanted to play the piano earlier.” Lu Zhengfei replied: “So I carried him up.”

“How is he going to play the piano with a broken leg?” Liu Huamei was still carrying around some fresh vegetables, so it was clear that she had just returned. She said: “If you don’t get proper rest, don’t expect me to come and take care of you if anything else happens.”

Chen Qianqing hummed in promise.

Then, Liu Huamei headed off to the kitchen. She seemed to be heading off to make food.

Lu Zhengfei brought Chen Qianqing to the sofa and sat both themselves down. As Lu Zhengfei played around with his phone, Chen Qianqing watched the boring programmes playing on the television.

Lu Zhengfei: “Don’t go home on National Day.” This was not a question, but rather, a definite statement. He had never enjoyed having any discussions with Chen Qianqing, and that was because they would both be in disagreement most of the time.

And Chen Qianqing himself was also a little afraid to go back. He was worried that Liu Huamei and her husband would realize that something was off about him. But since it was National Day, he was much more reluctant to stay with Lu Zhengfei.

Neither of these choices were anything Chen Qianqing could have hoped for, but the former was still slightly better than the latter. Unfortunately, Chen Qianqing did not have the rights to decide, so he simply stayed silent.

Lu Zhengfei felt rather confused as to why Chen Qianqing did not say anything. Ever since he woke up, he seemed to have become much more quiet. At times when he should have been protesting strongly, he instead stayed quiet and passive. It was like he suddenly understood the situation that he was now in, so he had completely lost any interest in resisting him.

One of the big reasons why Lu Zhengfei had tormented Chen Qianqing to such an extent was because Chen Qianqing was never willing to compromise. If the original Chen Qianqing was ever faced with such a request from Lu Zhengfei, they would definitely end up in a big argument.

But naturally, Chen Qianqing would not pick a fight with Lu Zhengfei right now. He looked at the cold-faced man next to him, and suddenly felt like sighing. So it turns out the him in the past would actually be so petty and childish in front of Chen Qianqing.

“What do you want to say?” With Liu Huamei in the kitchen, it would not be good for Lu Zhengfei to make a lot of noise either. He asked: “Chen Qianqing, are you unhappy again?”

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