TOIC Chapter 12

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When you start to see the world from another angle, you will learn that many things were different from what you thought.

Lu Zhengfei had always thought that he protected Chen Qianqing well, but becoming Chen Qianqing opened his eyes to the fact that this protection was just his wishful thinking.

Chen Qianqing was still so weak then, just one oversight alone would have been enough to hurt him deeply.

It did not matter whether it was Lu Yiqin who appeared in his ward at that time, the sharp-tongued Liu Jingyang, or even the lipstick stain on Lu Zhengfei’s collar, they were all telling him one thing, that Chen Qianqing’s situation was never as good as he had thought all along.

And because he had a bad relationship with Lu Zhengfei, he would never try to rely on Lu Zhengfei’s strength whenever he was hurt by someone. He would only bear with it endlessly, until it broke out to bite back at him.

And this was also one of the causes that created that tragic end for both Lu Zhengfei and Chen Qianqing. The truth would never be revealed if they never communicated with each other.

After Chen Qianqing returned home from school, he saw Lu Zhengfei sitting in the living room with a dark face.

Chen Qianqing was not a smoker, so Lu Zhengfei would also avoid smoking in front of him usually; but today was an exception. Lu Zhengfei was sitting in the living room, and in front of him was an ashtray filled to the brim with cigarette butts.

Looking at him, Chen Qianqing walked in with his crutches, his expression not at all affected by the sight of Lu Zhengfei. He sat himself down on a sofa and picked up an apple, munching on it as if he did not notice Lu Zhengfei’s presence at all.

“Qianqing.” It was clear that Lu Zhengfei had already been sitting on the sofa for a long time. Seeing that Chen Qianqing had returned, he extinguished his cigarette: “About yesterday……”

“Give me a cigarette.” Done with his apple, Chen Qianqing cut him off.

“When did you start smoking?” Lu Zhengfei was shocked. Following that, rage appeared in his eyes: “Who taught you to smoke?”

Chen Qianqing responded: “Give me a cigarette before you start talking about what happened yesterday.”

Lu Zhengfei did not expect this response from Chen Qianqing. He thought that Chen Qianqing would at least show his anger, but when he really wanted to discuss with him about this matter, he was met with his indifference instead.

That was right, it was indifference; as if this would never have anything to do with him no matter how Lu Zhengfei tried to explain himself.

Lu Zhengfei was silent for a moment, but he still passed a cigarette to Chen Qianqing.

Chen Qianqing wanted to smoke, but he did not do so. He did not have any intentions of doing anything that could harm his body, not even having a smoke. So, he put the cigarette by his nose so he could smell the tobacco, at the very least, this was better than nothing to satisfy his smoking addiction.

“It was Wenhong.” Lu Zhengfei started to speak: “She marked my collar with lipstick on purpose.”

Yan Wenhong was Lu Zhengfei’s cousin. Neither Lu Zhengfei’s father’s family nor his mother’s family actually supported what his relationship with Chen Qianqing, but Lu Zhengfei was not too much of a fool after all, so he was not going to expose his infatuation towards Chen Qianqing before he had control of the family.

But even so, Lu Zhengfei’s family still could not understand his favour for Chen Qianqing.

Chen Qianqing lowered his head and tearing apart the cigarette so he could suck on the tobacco in his mouth. Then, he raised his head: “Is that what you wanted to say?”

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