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"Oh man, morning already?" I sit up and stretch, looking off at the sun as I quickly wash up. Once finished I grab the school uniform for the high school I attend and quickly put it on. My feet guide me out to an open space where two figures stand waiting for me.

 My feet guide me out to an open space where two figures stand waiting for me

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"Ah, I'm glad to see you're awake Y/N. I was hoping I wouldn't have to come to wake you this morning."

"You act like it's such a common thing," I respond. "I should probably get going, I don't want to be late."

"Hold on a second." The green man hands me a bag. "Here's some lunch for you."

"Thanks, Kami! I'll be back as soon as I can to get back to training."

"That's a fantastic idea, especially with the World Tournament this coming weekend."

"No kidding. I can't wait for it." I run to the edge of the platform and wave to the two before jumping off. "Flying Nimbus!" A yellow cloud flies toward me, catching me as I fall and transporting me to school.

 "Flying Nimbus!" A yellow cloud flies toward me, catching me as I fall and transporting me to school

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I've competed in the World Tournament twice at this point, and both times I placed second. The first time was against a man who looks a lot like my old martial arts teacher, Master Roshi, but the other time was someone from a rival school who defeated me in a close match. Three years have passed since the last tournament, and I'm ready to take this one on and win for the first time.

I've been training with Kami for the last few years. My adoptive grandpa died a few years ago from natural causes, and ever since I've lived with Kami up on his lookout in the sky. He's a being that watches over the world from above, and he's been very kind to me in my time living there. I started high school around the same time, partly because of my grandpa's wishes, and partly because I wanted to try and live a normal life, or as close to one as I can have. The thing is, I'm not a human. I'm an alien from a far-off planet, and according to Kami's research, I'm what's called a Saiyan. On the back of my waist, I have a monkey's tail, but nobody seems to mind it from what I can tell.

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