Nothing's Ever Simple

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I didn't know what to say. This all seemed so surreal and there was part of me that felt it was just too good to be true.

"I don't know what it is you want me to say?" I whispered. She took another step towards me and placed her hand on my waist.

"Say you'll let me in"

I folded. Right there. I fell into her lips and before I knew what was happening we were tangled up in the sheets...

Following Day:

"Good work everyone," Hotch said as we all entered the building. "Finish the reports and the you all can go home."

Emilys hand brushed into mine as we walked into the BAU causing me to smirk like love-sick puppy. And just as quickly as the feeling came, it vanished.

"Heather?" Emily asked at the woman sitting at her desk.

"Hey you" Heather said with a smirk. "I called you"

My heart had never been as heavy as it was in that moment. I felt nauseous. Not even twenty four hours and she had already lied to me.

"I was working" Emily said in a passive aggressive way.

"I know but I missed you" Heather pulled Emily in by her arm and kissed her in the middle of the god damn bullpen.

"JJ can you-" I started.

"Go" JJ replied giving me an understanding look. I couldn't get out fast enough. I got to the parking garage and started running to my car. It was misting outside and it was getting darker. My forehead fell to the steering wheel as I kicked myself for letting my guard down. It was irresponsible of me. I knew better. Though I liked Emily, I knew that she was the kind of person to absolutely obliterate my heart if I gave it to her. I started the engine and started home.

I flopped on my bed and let out a sigh. I felt overall exhausted so I decided to take a shower. Wash the day off. Thankfully that seemed to make me feel a bit better, but it still didn't change the fact that Emily lied.

As I wrapped my robe around me, there was a knock at my door.

"god damn it" I huffed irritated. When I looked through the peephole I saw Emily.

"I can't do this right now" I said through the door.

"Y/n please, can we just talk, I can explain" she pleaded.

"Emily, there's nothing to discuss. Obviously you and Heather are still together."

"Open the door" she asked softly.

"Go home Em" I replied.

"Y/n open the door" she said slightly louder.

"Go home" I repeated.

"I'm not leaving until you open the door." she sighed.

She was the most persistent son of a bitch I knew, which when it came to work was a redeeming quality but right now, not so much.

"Y/n, now" she barked. I rolled my eyes and swung the door open.

"you look me in the eyes and tell me that you and Heather weren't in a relationship two hours ago?" I snapped.

"Y/n, please, just hear me out," she tried walking in but I stopped her.

"it's a yes or no question Emily."

"it's not that simple Y/n," her eyes were soft. "can we please talk?"

"why were you so concerned about me at the bar? And why did you want to know if it had anything to do with Heather?" I shook my head, struggling to understand.

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