Chapter Three

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" I cannot disrespect Maharaj's decision in front of everyone. Apart from our family members, there were soldiers and maids and if I would have retorted there, they would think that the Yuvraj himself does not respect Maharaj decision." Yuvraj explained while breaking the hug but still holding her. "Does it mean that you will marry Rajkumari because of the promise made by the two Maharaj?" Nandini asked and Manik remained silent. "There I thought you love me but you found someone to replace me." Nandini said while chuckling.

"NEVER QUESTION MY LOVE FOR YOU YUVRANI!" Manik shouted but Nandini did not flinch this time, she was looking at him with a smile on her lips.  "Then why did you break my promise?" Nandini asked calmly. "Atleast let me explained what happened there!" Manik exclaimed and he made her sit on the chair while he sat on the other one but still holding her hand.


In the palace of Saranpur:

Maharaj Shravan along with Yuvraj Manik entered in the chamber of Maharaj Arjuna after the latter had summoned for their presence. Maharaj Arjuna forwarded his hand to Maharaj Shravan which he held immediately and  sat next to him in a chair. "Maharaj I feel like this is the end of me." Maharaj Arjuna said. "You know my daughter Rajkumari Navya, she grown up without her mother and now that I will be gone, I am afraid that her life will be in danger. Our own family will try to kill her so that they can get the throne." He continued.

"Do not tire yourself you will be fine." Maharaj Shravan assured him when he saw him breathing heavily. "I know I do not have time and that's why I need a promise from you." Maharaj Arjuna said. " Promise me that you will take care of my daughter and protect the people of Saranpur from any danger." Maharaj Arjuana demanded. "I promise that I will take care of Rajkumari and the people of this kingdom." Mahraj Shravan said with determination.

"and I want your son to marry my daughter..." Maharaj Arjuna said which shocked both Maharaj Shravan and Yuvraj Manik. Both looked at each other with shock and Maharaj Shravan turned back to refuse the king when he noticed that the latter had already passed away.Maharaj Shravan felt emotional on seeing the death of his friend. He released his hand from his hold and closed his eyes. "I will get Rajkumari married to my son." Maharaj Shravan said.

This promise put Manik in dilemma,he wanted to stop this because he felt that he was ragged in his without his consent. "I am sorry Maharaj but I do not agree for this proposal...I cannot do this I..I cannot betray Yuvrani." Manik confessed and sat on the ground beside his father. "Look at this deceased man, he considered us worthy and strong to protect his people and daughter and now I cannot back off after he died." Maharaj stated.

 "We can protect of Rajkumari and marry her to someone who truly deserves her." Manik tried to explain.  "Maharaj Arjuna took a promise from me to marry my son to her daughter and it has to be fulfiled" Maharaj ordered. "Maharaj what about the promise I made to Yuvrani?" Yuvraj asked with the hope that his father would think of his situation. "Yuvraj before being the husband of Yuvrani, do not forget that you are my son and a yuvraj too who  will soon be the King of Jodhpur. As a son you ahve to obey the promise made by your father." With that, Maharaj crashed all hopes of Yuvraj.


" so this is all about the promise maharaj made but what about our promise. Yuvraj I understand you are a son before a husband but, it is also unfair towards me." Nandini said to Manik who was caressing her cheeks and constantly wiping her tears. Yuvraj closed his eyes  when he realized how all this was breaking the heart of his wife.

" I will not let you down Nandini will be the only wife of Yuvraj Manik Malhotra. Yuvraj said but somehow, Nandini was not convinced, she knew as a Yuvraj he may be forced to obey Maharaj and Manik has always been an obedient son. "Manik I do not want this ...I I cannot share my husband." Nandini said while crying heavily. " I will do something." Yuvraj said while trying to touch Nandini but she moved away. "This is the exact reason why I refused to marry you...I know you will be obliged to marry other women even if you do not want it." Nandini said and stood up.

"Yuvrani Nandini don't you believe me?" Manik asked her. "I am just saying the truth Yuvraj, even maharani Deepti said that I should adjust as it is the life of a prince and I can clearly see how Maharaj's promise holds more importance than my promise...I am sorry if you feel I am being antipathetic trust me I have no harsh feelings against anyone." Nandini explained. "You do not need to explain me Nandini I know you." Yuvraj said. "Yuvraj, if this marriage takes place then you will lose me forever." Nandini said while looking outside. This triggered the anger of Yuvraj, he got up and grabbed her throat but not tightly. "I told you zillion times Nandini YOU CANNOT GO AWAY FROM ME...I WILL NOT LET YOU GO. You are not just my love but my obsession." Manik roared and Nandini closed her eyes.

He left her and Nandini moved backwards. "Please forgive me Yuvraj if you felt bad on listening  to me but I hope you will think from my perception, you are all expecting me to accept this , I cannot." Nandini said.

"I will not break my promise made to you Nandini, I will do something just allow me sometime." Yuvraj said and went out of Nandini's chamber. Nandini closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. She really needed patience to go through this. How could no one wondered about the pain that the first wife has to go through? Did Nyonika Maa face this too? How is she so normal? Maybe because she was a princess...

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