chapter Sixteen

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Manik opened his eyes and found himself in his studyroom. He was really lost down the memory lane  that he did not realize it was already night. He did not regret in fact, remembering their past brought peace to him which he really needed. Relaxing his strained muscles, he moved out of the room to look for his ladylove. On his way, he saw Aadrika but the latter chose to ignore hia presence. She was not wrong either, for her Manik was being unfair to Nandini by breaking her promise.

"Aadrika did Nandini come back or is she still with the children?" Manik tried to initiate a conversation with her. "She did not come to the children." Aadrika answered in a bitter tone. "Are you angry on me? Listen I have-"He tried to explain but he was cut off by Aadrika. "I am not angry on you but rather on myself for trusting you and bringing her here in this hell where everyone claims to love her but actually, no one does." Aadrika  spat out and left from there.

Manik took some time to digest what Aadrika said to him. Was this palace a hell to Yuvrani? Everyone including Maharaj and Maharani are forcing her to adjust without caring about her feelings. Our people used to love her but now they are pointing fingers at her and are more interested in this second marriage. Nandini unknowingly lost herself to be perfect for everyone. She was no longer like before instead she kept molding herself to be the ideal wife,yuvrani and daughter in law. Slowly, Nandini changed to such extent that she was no longer the girl he loved. Yuvraj Manik was determined to bring the old Nandini back.

Manik moved inside the chamber of Nandini without informing the maids. "Why did not you go to meet the children you had told me that you would go there?" Manik asked her on seeing her in front of the mirror. "I was on my way when Maharani Deepti called me to-" Nandini stopped. "To?" He asked. "To select the clothes of Rajkumari to be worn for the wedding with Yuvraj." She answered while turning to face him. "You do not need to do anything like that." Manik immediately told her. "Oh I was told that these are my duties especially since I am Yuvraj's first wife." Nandini said in a harsh tone. "Stop obeying to these orders and I told you I will not marry Navya." Manik told her but she laughed at his statement.

"This is definitely happening, look around you can already say it by just looking at the decorations." Nandini told him and moved closer to him. "That's not all...won't you ask me what reason your family gave me to accept this marriage?"  Nandini asked him and patted his cheek lovingly. "Hmm?" Was the only word Manik could utter. He was feeling at peace  when Nandini touched him with so much tender. He did notice how she changed from "our family" to "your family" but it did not matter to him. His family was currently not doing anything for Nandini to consider them as her own one. He prefered to feel her touch while Nandini moved her hand from his cheek to his heart.

"They told me that I am not and I can never be a perfect Yuvrani and a wife to you. How can I be an ideal wife when I have not given Yuvraj any heir to carry the legacy. We are married for two years and yet, I could not conceive any child. I should let Rajkumari Navya marry you and bear your children. I should not cause any hindrance to your married life." Nandini ended. Manik opened his eyes which were already red with anger. He noticed that Nandini's eyes were red too but because of crying. He could understand her pain so he immediately took her in a tight hug. "Who said these to you? " Manik asked trying to keep his anger aside. "The elders of the royal family." Nandini answered and cried more.

On hearing that, Manik's anger knew no bounds. He broke the hug and was about to exit the chamber when Nandini held his hand. "Where are you going?"she asked him. "To teach them a lesson." Manik replied and Nandini nodded negatively preventing him to lash out at the elders." Why are you stopping me Nandini,  they don't deserve your kindness. I will have to talk to them." Manik said gritting his teeth. "Then? They will say that I am instigating you against them as they already know that I am against this marriage." She explained him. "I do not care, the marriage isn't going to happen any way." He yelled at her and Nandini cried more.

Looking at her teary face, he calmed down. At that time, it was more important to stay with his wife who did not say it but she was in need of his warmth. Manik pulled her closer to him and wiped her tears. Her face was already ret and hot which he was not liking. He was really disappointed with his own family. They were hell bent on hurting his ladylove. He looked at her and again wiped her tears. After some time, she managed to calm herself down but she was still hiccuping. Manik gave her some water and sat down pulling her on his lap. "What I am going to tell you  put it in your mind well." Manik told her in a stern voice and she looked at him. Though she was angry at him, she still needed him.

"No matter what is going in our relationship, it is our matter. You are my wife and I am your husband. We both know that we wanted some years to enjoy ourselves and prepare ourselves for parenthood. That is why we do not have any child yet. That was our decision that we took together and just because we are Yuvraj-Yuvrani it does not mean that people have the right to decide on our behalf in our relationship." Manik said and held her hands with his left hand while his right hand hugged her waist.

"When they told you about this, what did you say? " Manik asked her. "What could I tell them, I remained silent." Nandini cutely complained and lowered her eyes.  "You were wrong." Manik told her and she looked at him with big eyes. "I was wrong?" She questioned him. Manik kissed her knuckles and looked at her while nodding positively. "Yes you were wrong!" He said.

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