Chapter Fourteen

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Nandini sat on the bed with a grumpy face. She was tired of being called yuvrani and being followed by maids everywhere. She was even obliged to wear heavy clothes and jewellery. Today, she was adorned in a beautiful blue lehenga with jewelleries since her presence was asked in the courtroom where she would be meeting Manik's family in a conscious state.

 Today, she was adorned in a beautiful blue lehenga with jewelleries since her presence was asked in the courtroom where she would be meeting Manik's family in a conscious state

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To be honest, she was freaking out. Nandini was an orphan who did not even complete her studies. She had no one to support her except Aadrika and she was a common girl. In short, Nandini was the complete opposite of Manik. He was a prince who was well educated and had his family. How would the people accept her without comparing her to anyone? Most importantly, how would she even disclose to the family that she was not ready to accept the marriage with a prince.  No one would understand her point. She decided that she would tell them that she would not accept the marriage before they insult her.

"Yuvrani we are here to accompany you to the courtroom." The maid informed her. Nandini got up from the bed and looked in the mirror one last time before moving out. She was again asked to wait outside the court until her name is summoned. Nandini disliked these formalities which she thought was a complete waste of time. Like they were expecting her but still, she could not just enter inside without the need of informing everyone.

Once she reached inside, she glanced around and saw many people gathered. Most of them were the ministers. Her steps stopped in front of the royals. There was an old man sitting on the king's throne with two queens on the left and on his right, there was Yuvraj Manik. She looked at them for a few seconds and then lowered her head. She could not believe that she was in front of the king and queens of Jodhpur. She held her lehenga tightly in both hands and chose to remain silent.

Manik sensed her nervousness, he smiled inwardly looking at the fierce lioness who is now so panicked that she did not even greet anyone. He moved towards her and stood next to her taking her right hand in his left hand. "Please do apologize my wife, she is new here and unaware of the rules. Greetings to you all on behalf of my wife." Manik said making Nandini realized that she forgot to greet them. She wanted to be perfect and talk to them clearly without any fear but she already messed it up."so this is the lady you have chosen as your wife." The king asked making Nandini scared. She was about to remove her hand from Manik's hold but he did not let her and he held her more tightly.

"Yes Maharaj." Manik answered. " you chose this common girl." One of the queens said. "She is a common girl but trust me she has all the qualities to be my wife." Manik said proudly. " The qualities of being a Yuvraj's wife?" The other queen asked. " No she has the qualities of being my wife. Nandini is the only girl who has been able to grab my attention making me fall in love with her. She is a strong woman who does not sit around and feel sorry for herself or let people mistreat her but instead she will do anything to bring justice to herself and the people whom she values.  She is the sweetest lady who is also compassionate. I am proud to make her my wife...Yuvrani Nandini  Manik Malhotra." Manik ended and pulled her closer to him.

There was silence spread all around the room but it was soon broken up the Maharaj. " why are you all silent Let's welcome my daughter with a huge celebration." He said making her shocked. She was not expecting this. "Yuvraj had already told us about you and we are proud of how you managed  yourself along with the kids you looked after. He also mentionned about the problems you told her and we have already allocated some funds to create a home for the orphan kids and widows who are mistreated." He added and the two queens moved towards Manan.

" I do not regret losing the chance of choosing my daughter in law because my son managed to bring the exact daughter that I wanted. The way he introduced you in front of everyone clearly shows how much he loves and cares for you. I am delightful to know that I have a son and a daughter too. I am Maharani Nyonika Shravana Malhotra yours and Manik's mother." She said and kissed her forehead.

"As from today you are no longer an orphan but you have a family. I am your chotii maa, maharani Deepti Shravan Malhotra but you will have to learn the basic etiquette of how to carry yourself as a Yuvrani." Maharani said making her confused. Will she now have to learn things to be a Yuvrani? She is not willing to be that but she cannot deny the loving family she was getting after marrying Manik. She was overwhelmed with all these. She now have two mothers and a father figure in her life. " we shall do the coronation ceremony of Yuvrani today itself." Maharaj ordered.

"Maharaj..coronation?" Maharani Deepti asked. "Yes maharani just like we did for our son, the same will be done for our daughter. " Maharaj explained. Manik was elated to see everyone loving Nandini the way she deserved. Nandini's face was beaming on receiving the warmth of a family. Even if she never mentioned it but she did miss the idea of having her own family. Nandini looked at Manik and smiled at him which made the latter happy. To his surprise, she was constantly looking at him.

When the crown was being put on her head, she held Manik's hand tightly which gave him hope that he was important to her. Also, he was sure that there was a reason behind her denial for the marriage and he was determined to find it anyhow. Manik's thoughts came to a halt when Nandini held his hand more tighter. Manik looked at her and noticed how she was glowing.

Suddenly he remembered something, he left her hand and turned towards the people. "Yuvrani Nandini was a commoner  and an orphan but now, she is my wife and your Yuvrani.  She also has her own family. I will not tolerate anyone saying anything about her otherwise the consequence would not be pleasant." Manik ordered with full authority which  ended the noise in the hall and everyone was scared of him. He was indeed an impatient angry man who would not think twice before punishing anyone. Maharani Nyonika felt proud of her son who was already defending his wife.

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