Chapter Fifteen

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Nandini was walking back and forth with the maids following her. "Please leave." She said being irritated with them but she managed to utter those words politely instead of ordering them. Once they left she went to the balcony and closed her eyes. All that she could think of is Yuvraj. He did lie to her but he gave her the love and respect that a wife needed. Yet, she could not accept the marriage.

"What happened to my lioness? Is it because of the change in location?" A voice came from behind and someone back hugged her. Nandini did not protest but she did not hold him. "why?" Nandini asked. "Because you are crying over little things and easily getting nervous. You were not like that before." He whispered in her ear which made her go weak. Unknowingly, she leaned more on Manik and tilted her neck. Manik noticed each of her movements and placed a kiss on her ear while trailing kisses down her neck making her lost in an unknown sensation. "Just tell me the reason Nandini." Manik mumbled against her skin. "Wha-at reason?" She managed to ask. "The reason for not accepting our marriage." Manik asked and with that, Nandini came out of Manik's spell. She got herself out of his grip and went away from him much to his dislike.

"I am waiting." Manik said keeping his anger in control. He was not liking silence treatment Nandini was giving him. "For god sake Nandini just answer me." Manik roared making her flinched. He went towards her and pulled her harshly towards him keeping his right hand on her waist and with his left hand, he held her hair softly in a grip. "Listen Nandini I am not a patient man. I am being nice to you does not mean that I will accept your ignorance. I need a reason so you better spill out the truth." Manik said gritting his teeth. "You will not understand." Nandini said struggling to get out of his hold.

"That's for me to decide. Stop being stubborn!" Manik yelled bringing tears in Nandini's eyes. His anger filled eyes turned soft on seeing her tears. He immediately left her and he was about to wipe her tears when he felt a punch on his chest. He took a second and realized that his wife punched him. Amused, he raised one of his eyebrows and in return he was awarded with several punches on his chest. It was not hurting him instead, he felt like he deserved it more making her scared. Being tired Nandini stopped and crashed in Manik's chest. she held his clothes in her fist and burst out crying. Manik instantly pulled her more to him in a tight hug placing kisses on her head.

After some minutes, she stopped crying and nodded her head saying no when she felt Manik was about to break the hug. "I am afraid." She finally said. "Afraid of what hmm?" Manik asked her and kissed her head. "I am not an orphan." she said while hiccuping. He forcefully broke the hug and gave her some water. Once she felt better, Manik took her inside the room. "I was eight years old when my father married another woman and brought her in our home. He was a rich merchant so, no one ever opposed him. After that, he was no longer like he was before. He did not even spend time with us. My mother and I used to stay in a room all alone. Whenever my father talked to my mother, it was only to taunt her. No one would believe that once upon a time they were the happiest couple who were in love. I saw my mother broken though she never expressed herself or even complained to my father. When I was ten years old, my mother killed herself by putting fire on herself and I lost her forever. I knew she could not see another woman with my father. After that, I left my house and lived on my own. I came to that village and befriended Aadrika. Along with her, I helped every children who had no one." She said and Manik was taken aback by  this relevation.

"I consider myself as an orphan ever since I lost my mother. I still believe that the reason for losing her was all because of my father." Nandini said and Manik started knowing the reason. "Continue." He said. "You are a prince, you will be bound by your duties as a prince to protect your kingdom and promote peace all around. You...You might be asked to  marry someone for political reason or you might fall in love with another woman and you must be having concubines." Nandini said but she was cut off. "I do not  have any concubine and I will never fall in love with someone else. In my eyes, there is no other perfect woman other than my wife Nandini Manik Malhotra. You own my heart, my body and my soul." Manik told her.

"It's easier to say but when time will come, your response might change. You might not fall in love with someone else but as a prince, you may be asked to marry someone to bring peace between the two kingdoms. Whether it is love or political marriage, I do not want to go through what my mother went. I do not have the heart to share my husband with anyone else. I cannot bear the fact that there will be another woman who will be married to you, have your name, have rights over you and will bear your children n her womb. I know you will tell me that it's the life of a prince but I honestly do not accept this. I cannot even imagine you going to another woman. I cannot compromise with that. I know you will not understand it that's why I had decided to keep it to myself but you... I am selfish and that's why I do not accept this marriage." Nandini said and closed her eyes preparing herself to bear Manik's anger.

"What if I say I understand you?" Manik asked making her to open her eyes in shock. "What? Even Maharaj has two wives." She blurted out and immediately looked down. Manik left a chuckle. "I know but I am concerned with what my wife wants. I love you Nandini and trust me, this love will never end. You were with me when I had nothing but still you married me. I understood your reason, I appreciate it and I accept it. I had told you previously that I can do anything to have you." Manik said and kissed the palm of Nandini's right hand. He felt relieved after knowing the reason and he was glad he could do something to change it and make her his forever. "Then what will you do?" Nandini asked him Initially she thought Manik would let her go but when he confessed his love, she was sure he was thinking something else.

" I Yuvraj Manik Malhotra promise you Nandini Manik Malhotra that I will never marry anyone, neither have any concubine nor go to any other woman except my mothers and you. You will always be the only woman who I love,who will be known as my wife, Yuvrani of Jodhpur, who own my heart, will have my name and be the mother of my children." Manik promised her and sealed it with a kiss on her forehead.

"what about your duties as a prince." She asked him. "First my duties towards my Yuvrani then duties of the prince. Do not worry about that." He assured her. "Are you saying this just to make me accept the marriage and then you will forget about the promise you made to me?" Nandini asked him. "Then I shall anounce my promise in front of the whole kingdom tomorrow itself." Manik said and he was hugged tightly by Nandini. "I love you Manik." Nandini whispered in his ear making him shiver. "I love you more than anything Nandini." Manik said. He picked her up and twirled her making her giggle. With that, their journey began as husband-wife and Yuvraj- Yuvrani began.


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