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Everyone in the palace asked Nandini for forgiveness but she clearly said she could not forgive them easily so, forcing her would be making her accept the apology half-heartedly and that she would be still holding the grudge. Upon the order of Manik, they all left Nandini alone without troubling her or forcing her to resume back her duties as the daughter in law and yuvrani.

One night, Manik was sleeping after a long day in the courtroom. He did not even have the courage to spend time with Nandini. He simply hugged her and went to sleep. In the middle of the night, he heard something fell hard on the ground. He lazily opened his eyes only to see Nandini picking up the box and putting it back on the table.

He saw her look in the mirror and adorning herself with her simple jewelleries and clothes. He found it weird for doing this instead of sleeping. "Why are you dressing up at this time?" Manik asked her. Nandini turned back to face him and flashed him a smile. "What?" He asked again on seeing her weirdness. "I have decided!" Nandini exclaimed. "Huh? What? " He asked her.
"I want to go to the village for sometime." Nandini said.

"Listen Nandini I thought we were past this...the answer is NO you are not leaving me." Manik said sternly. All of a sudden, Nandini jumped in the bed beside him making him shocked. " Let me rephrase it, I want us to spend some time in the village with hidden identity." She explained but Manik swiftly denied. "No Nandini I have a lot of work to do here. There are so many cases that need my attention." He said.

"We are going and that's it." Nandini said in a loud voice. Manik looked at her and raised one of his eyebrows. "Are you daring to shout at Yuvraj Manik Malhotra." Nandini rolled her eyes. "Yes so?" She instigated him. "Do you know what can I do to you?" He asked her. "Do you know my husband? He will set you on fire if you dare to harm me." Nandini replied making Manik smile. "I agree with you." He said and hugged her. "Let's go na Manik we will have some alone time and I will get time to consider about forgiving them too." She said and slept on his chest.

Manik came out of his thoughts and found himself sitting in the forest. It was already dusk. He had come here to cut down woods for home but he got lost in his thoughts. He immediately rushed towards his small house where he was living with Nandini alone under the identity of Vibhu. After half an hour, he reached and he placed the wood on the ground.  Manik's eyes fell on his house which was completely in dark and only smoke was coming out from the window.

"Why hasn't Nandini lit up the lamps..did she go somewhere?" He mumbled to himself and went inside. He lit the lamps but what he saw was enough to drain blood from his face. Nandini was lying unconscious in the kitchen near the stove. It seemed like she had fainted while cooking for them. Manik rushed to her and took her in his arms. "Nandini...Nandini what happened to you?" He said while patting her cheeks who seemed pale. Manik cussed himself for coming late.

"Nandini please do not do this. I am not liking this. If this a prank trust me you'll face serious consequences once you are over with this." Manik warned Nandini hoping her to open her eyes like she did everytime she had tried to prank him but today, she was not responding to him. Manik took some water and splashed on her face but still he got no reaction. He put her on the cot and went out to ask for help. He knocked on the door of his neighbour.

"Vibhu beta what's wrong? You look devastated." The lady asked on seeing Manik's condition. "Nan..Nandini.." He tried to form his words but it was so hard for him. He was scared...scared of losing Nandini. He could not remove the image of her lying lifeless on the ground from his mind. "Nandini...what happened to her? Is she feeling better?" The lady asked her. "Huh? She was sick?"Manik could not refrain himself from asking her.

"When you left for the forest, she was filling water and I noticed she was feeling weak. She was about to fall when I held her and forced her to take some rest." She said making Manik regret for living her alone. "She is unconscious can you please come and look after her while I look for someone around." Manik requested her. "No need beta I have some knowledge about medicinal plants I can cure her. Let's go." The lady answered and Manik thanked her.

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