Chapter Seventeen

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"You should not have stayed silent instead, you should have clearly told them that this shall be considered as our private matter and it should not be a topic of discussion for them. You have changed Nandini, you are no longer the girl who could not tolerate any injustice towards anyone. This is not you. How can you let anyone hurt you? You always told me that as Yuvraj I should keep evolving but how would  I do so if my wife keep choosing to be bounded and to  adjust? You are accepting defeat so easily?" Manik scolded her. "Huh?" She asked.

"You should have been angry on for breaking your promise though I will not marry her but still you chose to go away instead of fighting for your rights.  You are letting other people to decide on your behalf. If today you are not able to defend yourself and you are choosing to remain silent because they are elders and royals then how would you defend your children in the future? Would you let those people govern their choices and beliefs on your child?" Manik said making her realized that she was indeed giving others the chance to mistreat her. When you do not say anything, they will keep on mistreating you. Nandini left him and moved towards the main hall.

There the royal family were busy discussing about the remaining preparations for the grand wedding of Rajkumari Navya and Yuvraj Manik.  Nandini went towards them and stood in front of them. "What's wrong Yuvrani?" Maharani Nyonika immediately asked on seeing her teary face. She got up and stood by her side wiping her tears with her hand. "I want to clarify something to all of you." Yuvrani said with a serious expression. "What is it dear?" Maharani asked.

"Earlier I was here and I was told by the elders that I should not  go against Yuvraj's second marriage because I could not conceive a child. I would like to reveal that Yuvraj and I had decided to wait for some years before welcoming our child. I can have children but we were not ready and we wanted to raise  them on our own and not by the maids."Nandini said looking in the eyes of Manik's elder aunt.

"Yuvrani don't you have any shame? You are speaking about your private matter  and that too in front of Maharaj!" The latter exclaimed. "I do not think that I should be ashamed for answering the questions you rose a few hours ago on the same topic and in front of everyone. Also, Maharaj shall be aware that I am capable of bearing Yuvraj's child but the decision shall be taken by Yuvraj and I." Nandini replied without being afraid of anyone. "This is so disrespectful, you are talking to me like that in front of everyone without any fear. I am Yuvraj Manik's aunt and I deserve respect be it from a maid or from you yuvrani. This is why there would be a difference  between a princess and a common girl." The aunt taunted which triggered Yuvrani Nandini's insecurity but today she chose to ignore it and face the fear.

" I shall let you realise that Yuvrani Nandini is my wife, Yuvrani Nandini Manik Malhotra and also the Yuvrani of Jodhpur, everyone shall respect her and not disregard her." A voice said and everyone turned their eyes towards Yuvraj Manik who was coming near Yuvrani Nandini. "Yuvraj did you see how she was answering me back?I had just told her about not being able to give us a heir" Manik's aunt asked Manik. " I heard everything from start and I saw how my wife defended her personal life which was exposed in front everyone and I find no issue for that. Just because we are Yuvraj-Yuvrani does not meant that everyone shall be aware of our decision as husband-wife." Manik answered. "Yuvraj kindly allow me to answer her." Yuvrani Nandini intervened and looked back at the aunt.

"I am unaware of what made you think that I disrespected you. I neither use any inappropriate word nor I raised my voice. Yes, you are right that there is a difference between a princess and a common girl but you cannot deny that I performed my duties diligently both as a Yuvrani and as a daughter in law." Nandini said. "This is indeed the truth. Yuvrani has always fulfilled her duties and this cannot be ignored. When you had fallen from stairs and you were sent back here for treatment, it was Yuvrani who looked after you and made it possible for you to recover soon. Yuvrani is the ideal wife and daughter-in-law of our royal family. The discussion ends here." Maharaj said and everyone left the hall. Manik's aunt had started crying because she was reprimanded for her act towards Yuvrani and no one defended her. Maharani Nyonika convinced her to move back to her chamber and only Yuvraj-Yuvrani were there in the hall with Maharaj.

"Maharaj if you think that Yuvrani Nandini is perfect for me then why are you forcing me to marry Rajkumari Navya? Now Yuvrani Nandini is wishing to go away from me." Yuvraj asked his father who could not see how his decision was ruining the happy married life of his son. "I promised Maharaj Arjuna that you would get married to Rajkumari Navya and protect his kingdom from his own family who was willing to kill her daughter for the throne. Yuvrani Nandini will always be my daughter and will have more rights on everything. Even I will not let her move away from us. " Maharaj said.

"I apologize Maharaj but I am still against this marriage. I cannot adjust and I cannot bear yuvraj with another woman breaking  his promise. Maybe this is the disadvantage of being a common girl who is not used to these traditions. If this marriage happens, Yuvraj will have to let me go whether he likes it or not. He cannot have his ways all the time." Yuvrani said and left the hall after greeting both of them.

"Maharaj I apologize too for going against your decision. I have always accepted all your orders but if this one will snatch my wife from me, I will not accept this. I have decided something and I want you to accept it because if still I am forced to marry Rajkumari Navya and I lose Nandini, I will put this whole world on fire." Yuvraj Manik said and left too. Maharaj could not even form a word because Yuvraj Manik's love and possessiveness for Nandini was reflecting in his eyes with great intensity.

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