Chapter Five

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After the peaceful night the couple spent together, Yuvraj had gone out to see a friend and he did not even inform Nandini about the reason. He simply said that it was important for their relationship. It's been already four days since he left and there was no news of him. The wedding preparations were done and all the royal families were present in the palace.  Rajkumari Navya  became the centre of attention while Yuvrani was neglected by those who once treated her like a daughter but now, they were comparing her with Rajkumari.

Yuvrani concluded that they did not love her but they love her position, she was Yuvraj's wife and they were bound to respect her and adore her maybe because of Yuvraj's obsession with her. With the change behaviours of everyone, she understood that her family members were elated for this wedding and Yuvraj did not do anything to stop it. If he could not prevent it when the preparations were not done yet and families were not invited,  how would he now possibly stop it when everyone was already there. Wouldn't it now be more humiliating for Maharaj to halt the wedding?

Yuvrani Nandini lost all the hope and she finally took a decision that has never happened before in any kingdom. It was hard but she had to do it because she realized that she lost herself while trying to keep everyone please as a Yuvrani...she wanted a relief from all these happenings. After mustering her courage, she went in the prayer room where Maharaj and Maharani Nyonika were present. "Yuvrani It's glad to see you here after so long you thought of your parents huh." Mahraj teased her and Nandini looked down. She knowingly kept herself aloof from everyone because she could not bear their devotion towards this marriage.

"Do not say anything to my daughter ok." Maharani Nyonika intervened which brought a smile on Maharaj's face. "Forgive this daughter for ignoring her duties, she was really needed some time for herself." Nandini said. "Don't worry Nandini I know it's a lot for you but rest assured that you will always be my daughter before my daughter in law." Maharaj said. "If you truely consider me as your daughter then will you complete my wish?" Nandini asked. "Your wishes do matter do us Yuvrani we will fulfil it." Maharani Nyonika assured her. "My wish is something which has never happened before and it can be offending to some.I hope that you will not deny me." Nandini said with hope which made Maharaj and Maharani frowned. "What do you want beta?" Maharaj asked.

Nandini took a deep breath to be able to utter those words and to hear their response. " I want to clear it out that I have no intentions to disrespect maharaj and maharani, Jodhpur kingdom and traditions but, it is important for me because I cannot forget that my promise was neglected and broken by Yuvraj and no one gave importance to it." Nandini said and looked at Maharaj and Maharani. "Go on beta we are listening." Maharani motivated her. " I know you are not aware of it but our own people and family members are blaming me for not being a perfect daughter in law and they are comparing me with  Rajkumari Navya which I find unacceptable." Nandini said. "So what is your wish?" Maharaj asked.

"I want my marriage with Yuvraj to be dissolved and I wish to live separate." Nandini said and closed her eyes. "Do you even realize what are you speaking?" Mahraj roared at her but Maharani gestured him not to scare her. "I know you might feel that this is wrong but you considered me as your daughter, would you let your daughter be in a place where she feels undervalued? please think like a father and not like a king." Nandini tried to justify her wish but not daring to look at maharaj and maharani. "Yuvrani I know you are going through but I cannot accept your demand, you will get used to this with time beta even Mahrani Nyonika faced this." Maharaj said. "please maharaj atleast I do not want my father to deny me...I would not be able to bear all this, I never ask for anything but today I am asking, please do not refuse me." Nandini pleaded.

Maharaj and Maharani were silent, they did not know what to tell her. It was a decisions which could bring many complications but they felt they were causing harm to Yuvrani and by convincing her to drop her wish would mean making her lose trust on them. "I can accept this but I am worried about the havoc that this decision will create all over India and how would Yuvraj accept this." Maharaj broke the silence. " If this will create havoc then, I will leave without letting anyone know. I  will go far from here and this is the perfect time for me to go when there is hustle and bustle of the wedding in the palace. You may tell Yuvraj that you do not know anything about my disappearance." Nandini explained.

"Nice planning but too late, I am already aware of your ploy." A cold voice came from behind which was enough to send a shiver down Nandini's spine. It was the voice of Manik, Nandini closed her eyes in fear...she knew she had to face the anger of Manik. He was coming to the prayer room to find Nandini as her maids were outside he then rushed inside when he heard Maharaj's shout and then, he came to know about everything which made his eyes blood red in anger. "Yuvraj I will speak to her." Maharani Nyonika said when she saw Manik walking towards Nandini in anger. "No Maharani how dare she how could she think of going away from me." Manik yelled and grabbed Nandini's hand harshly.

"Yuvrani Nandini you tell me how could you think that I will let you go away from me?" Manik again yelled and Nandini shrieked in fear, she had triggered his monster side. "Yuv..Yuvraj please leave me I won't to go away I..I won't be able to see your second marriage." Nandini said while struggling to remove her hand from his grip. Manik left her hand and held her face tightly with both of his hands. " I think I gave you a little too much freedom isn't it Nandini? Do you think that I am happy with this marriage? Atleast I am doing something but you...tchh you are trying to run away from me." Manik roared. Maharaj frowned on hearing him saying that he was doing something but he ignored it. Maharani rushed to save Yuvrani from Yuvraj's anger. " Yuvraj control your anger or else I will make sure she leaves you!" Maharani ordered and Manik immediately left her. He grabbed her arm and dragged her out. "We will take your leave and no one shall take away my wife from me not even Nandini." Manik said while going out.

"Yuvraj please leave my hand it's hurting." Nandini pleaded but Manik paid no heed and kept walking towards their wing. When he noticed the maids and soldiers, he left her arm and held her hand instead because he did not want anyone to disrespect his wife.

Just when he was about to enter their wing, his commander came there and informed him that some peasants came to meet him. Manik thought that this might calm down his nerves and he asked Nandini to go inside. "This is not over yet Yuvrani, I will talk to you once I am back." Yuvraj said while moving away.

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