Chapter Eight

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Manik was sleeping in the cot near the kitchen when he heard some noises. He opened his eyes instantly and grabbed his knife, he moved in the kitchen. To his surprise, he saw Nandini looking for something among the utensils. He looked outside, it was time for dawn...he hid the knife and moved towards her. He touched her shoulder and in a reflex, Nandini turned around and hit him with a small pot on his forehead. "Aaah what's wrong with you?" Manik yelped in pain. "Ohh Vibhu you scared me." She said while putting her hand on her heart. "Getting scared in your house itself, who would come and hurt you at this time?" Manik asked while massaging his forehead. "Sorry self defense." Nandini shrugged her shoulder and kept the pot back in its place.

"It's your fault only, who told you to come and scare me." She justified, she removed Manik's hand and she started managing his forehead lovingly. Manik was staring at her with adoration in his eyes. "Didii let's go or else that monster will be awake." One of the youngest children, Shantanu said. This brought Manan out of their sweet moment and they look startled. Manik realized that everyone was awake except Aadrika. "Where are you all going early in the morning?" He asked. "Vibhu bhaiya we are going to steal mangoes from the orchard of the landlord. Even you come with us, it's so fun!" Shantanu exclaimed in happiness which made Manik eyes widen in shock. How can a prince indulge himself in stealing?

"You know this is not correct, we should not steal." Manik preached which made Nandini rolled her eyes. "He should not go with us, he will make us get caught." She said which offended Manik. "What? you know what even I am not interested in joining you all! Go by yourself You should not teach  them how to steal." Manik huffed in anger. He was against stealing but he felt bad when Nandini refused to tag him along. " Bhaiya mangoes which are freshly plucked from the trees are tastier than the one we buy in the market." Shantanu said on seeing Manik angry. "Then go by yourselves...your didi said she won't take me." Manik said and hoped that Nandini would request him to accompany them. To his dismay, she picked up a basket and walked past him with the children following her blindly. He remembered how he had pleaded Nandini not to punish them when they had thrown colors on her the other day. "Traitors." Manik muttered and looked at their retreating figure.

Nandini was sitting on a branch while throwing mangoes down for the children to catch. They were sitting on the dried leaves, relishing the taste of the ripe mangoes. They were all enjoying when they heard footstep approaching them making them aware of the third party's presence. Nandini stayed still after gesturing the children to keep mum. "Vibhu Bhaiya" Shantanu said looking at a particular direction. All of them followed his gaze and saw Vibhu(Manik) reaching them with a small smile on the face. "What are you doing here?" Nandini asked. "Of course he would be here to enjoy the mangoes." One of the little girls said. "Someone said stealing is a crime." Nandini teased which made Manik frowned. "Listen I am not here to eat or steal but I came to see whether you need my help for something." Manik answered while looking up. "Yeah help for stealing." She replied. "We do not need your help." She added while trying to stand up but to her bad luck, she slipped.

Nandini closed her eyes to feel the ground and more than that, to feel the embarrassment. However, she felt herself floating in the air. She opened her eyes and found herself in Manik's arms. " See I told you, you would need my help." Manik said while Nandini blushed. This was noticed by Manik and he found her more adorable with the pink face. He fell a little more for her. He carefully put her down on hearing the giggles of the children. "Thank you for saving me Vibhu" Nandini said and moved forward. "Vibhu bhaiya since you are elder and more stronger than us, you would carry the bags of mangoes." Shantanu said. "WHAT" Manik exclaimed. "You came to help us na and even saved me so carry it." Nandini replied and showed him the bag he had to carry. He was obliged since his lady love ordered her. It was a surprise for him as well, he never used to take orders from anyone except Maharaj and now, he literally does what this tiny little girl tells him be it advise or order.


Days passed and now villagers started talking about Manik and Nandini. They were living in the same house without any relation and they used to roam around freely without any fear. People started pointing at Nandini's character since she was the unmarried one while Aadrika was married. Manan were in the market and Manik was paying for the vegetables. Nandini moved to the other side of the market to buy some clothes for the children. She put her hand on the fabric to check the quality when another hand grabbed hers. " What kind of misbehavior is that?" Nandini removed her hand from the grip of the unknown man who had a smirk on his face."What happen you did not like my touch?" The man said and Nandini pointed a finger towards him. " Shut your mouth and leave from here or else I will not hesitate to wipe that smirk off your face." Nandini warned but another man grabbed her hand and kissed it. " I told you she would like only me not you." The other man said then both men laughed which made Nandini feel disgusted.

"Leave my hand you disgusting people." Nandini said while trying to remove her hand. "I think she is acting saint because there are people around, do not worry Nandini we can go somewhere else if you want." One of the man said. It was enough for Nandini, with her free hand, she punched the guy who was holding her hand. The man immediately left her while he stumbled, registering what happened to him. The other one came forward to grab Nandini's hair but she was fast to move away and she slapped him right on his face. She was certainly not a girl who would tolerate such behavior.

"Before speaking such words and even daring to touch a girl, make sure you do not forget the strength of a girl who could turn your world upside down." Nandini shouted which gained the attention of people around. Few individuals who had witnessed their doings did not even help her and they chose to be silent spectators. Looking at the crowd, Manik found Nandini in the center so, he immediately rushed towards her. "What happened Nandini?" Manik asked her looking at her red eyes and people around. Nandini looked at him and her eyes soften...finally there was someone whom she know will listen to her. Nandini was about to answer Manik when a lady pushed her harshly that she fell on the ground. This happened so fast that Manik could not hold her to prevent her from falling.

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