Chapter Six

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Yuvraj came to the court to listen to the case of the peasant but his mood was sour and this could clearly be seen on his face so all the ministers chose to keep mum and not to do any action that will make Yuvraj lash out  on them. He tried to keep his calm and pay attention to the peasant's story but he could not focus. He was feeling restless maybe because he was losing his wife's trust which made her chose to go away from him. He stood up abruptly and dismissed the court saying that he was not feeling well and he promised that he will provide justice to the peasant. He left the court and made his way toward Nandini's chamber.

Yuvraj was walking on the corridor leading to Yuvrani when Rajkumari Navya called him from behind. He was not in a mood to face her but still he could not be rude to her. "Rajkumari I hope this is really important, I need to see Yuvrani." Manik said while looking forward. "Yuvraj I want to make it clear that I do not want Yuvrani to rift apart from Yuvraj but I expect your participation in our wedding ceremony." Princess Navya said while coming in front of Manik. "It's a promise made by our fathers that we have to abide by." She further explained.

"Rajkumari kindly do not remind me of the promise again and again." Yuvraj said. "We cannot avoid it as well." Navya protested. "It frustrates me because no one can see how this is taking a toll over Yuvrani." Yuvraj said and closed his eyes while taking a deep breath. He remembered about how his own people and family were talking about Nandini. " I know you are unhappy with this second marriage and trust me even I am not pleased to marry someone whom I know will never be able to love me as his wife because he is in love with his first wife. No one would understand the pain of the second wife and she would be blame for coming between of Yuvraj and Yuvrani. The second wife will also have all the rights after the first wife." Navya tried to explain Yuvraj that she also was not ready to marry  but she was bound to the promise just like he was and she neither wanted to disrespect her late father nor the father who gave her shelter.

"What are you anticipating from me Rajkumari?" Yuvraj asked her while looking directly in her eyes. "Yuvraj I want your friendship. I cannot exert your rights as your wife but can I be worthy of your friendship your highness?" Navya asked. "Atleast a friendship that would allow to cope with the marriage for a lifetime." She continued. Yuvraj remained silent for a while because he did not want to disclose to her that he did not intend to marry anyone else but he accepted her offer of being friend. "I assure you no matter in what situation we will be, you will always be my friend and I will protect you from any danger." Yuvraj said in a promising tone.

"Ahan does it mean that you would protect me from any strategy made by Yuvrani out of jealousy?" Navya teased Manik but he furrowed his eyebrows together, he certainly did not notice the mischievous smile on Rajkumari's face. "But I know Yuvrani Nandini,  she can never harm anyone." Navya said which brought a huge smile on Yuvraj's face. It was true, Nandini can even cry for hours if she hurts an animal by mistake.

Nandini was coming out of her chamber when her eyes fell on Yuvraj and Rajkumari both smiling looking at each other in the eyes and this clenched Nandini's heart with pain but she had to adjust with it since Rajkumari would soon be Yuvrani Navya Manik Malhotra. She put a smile on her face just like everyone wanted her to do so and she continued her way. Yuvrani was noticed by Yuvraj and Rajkumari. "My warmest greetings to you Yuvraj and Rajkumari." Nandini wished them and both of them wished her back. "I was just coming back to see you." Manik said but Nandini remained silent. "Where are you heading to? Our conversation is still pending." Manik added in a warning tone.

"My apologies to you Yuvraj, I was waiting for you only but then my maid came to inform me that the orphan kids have come to visit me." Nandini explained. Yuvraj nodded in agreement and decided to talk to her later since he was well aware of his wife's fondness toward the orphan children. He was grateful for their arrival as they would enhance Nandini's mood. "Proceed Yuvrani, I will see you at night." Yuvraj said and Nandini excused herself. "Didii can I come with you? I am feeling bored and I love children." Navya chirped while requesting and Nandini accepted. Both went away and Manik was looking at the retreating figure of Nandini. He smiled on remembering how much she loved those children and she would literally do anything for them. He went to his study room and dismissed everyone. His mind brought him memories where he had seen his lady love for the first time and how he fell in love with her.


Yuvraj went to visit the village far from his palace disguised as a common man to inspect for problems. He went under the identity of a man who came to look for a job. He rented a small house and immediately went in to relax himself after the days of travel. However, his sleep came to an end when he heard commotion outside. He went outside only to see the landlord yelling for help but everyone was just staring at him. He noticed that his face and torn clothes were smeared with mud and he had messy hair. "What happened to you sir?" Manik asked while reaching him. "You are the new tenant right please help me." The landlord requested. "At least tell me what happened."

"There are some people who rented a house from me and it's been more than five months they did not pay their rent so I removed them from the house but now, all of them came to settle in my house and look what they did to me when I asked them to move away from my house...even my wife and daughter are scared of them." The landlord explained and Manik got angry. He found that it was unfair to the landlord since those people were adamant for not leaving despite they were at fault. They should have paid the rent on time. " Let's go to your place, I will help you." Manik said which brought a relief to the landlord. "It means a lot to me to oust them out and I will reduce your rent rate." The landlord claimed.


Hello dear readers...I hope you're liking the story. I read all your comments and trust me you all motivate me to continue the story. I know I am updating after a's just that I have been busy with some official work. I have only one week of holiday left, after that I may not have the time to update several times a week...maybe I will update during the weekend. I hope you would understand and if the story is worthy of your reading time, you will read it. I appreciate all your comments and thank you for reading my story. Sending you all lots of love, peace and happiness.

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