Chapter Twenty

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Everyone was throwing flowers on the newly wedded couple showering blessings on them. Rajkumari Navya Arjuna Naveli was finally married to Yuvraj Cabir and she became Yuvrani Navya Cabir Dhawan. Everyone was happy that the trouble finally came to an end but still Maharaj had to talk to Yuvrani Nandini  for her decision.

Nandini was still in shock. She could not believe Manik finally found a solution and that he had already planned this from so long. He had told her but she ignored him. She could not believe that everyone agreed to this marriage so easily.  It was obvious that the royal family was against this because they thought this would ruin their reputation and the promise but,Manik and Cabi handled them.

The wedding ceremony ended and everyone was asked to be in the hall. Soon, all left except Maharaj and Manan. Nandini kept on looking towards Manik but he did not even give a glimpse to her. His face was calm but his eyes were red. "Yuvrani Nandini." Maharaj diverted her attention from Yuvraj to him. "I hope you are happy with whatever is happening. Yuvraj Manik did not marry anyone." Maharaj finally asked her.

" I am happy with the fact that Yuvraj was able to save our marriage and no one was left broken." Yuvrani replied with a small smile. "You will not be leaving us right?" Maharaj asked her as he knew she wanted to get away from here. "If she wants she can leave now, I will not stop her atleast I know I did my best to stop this." Manik answered on behalf of  Nandini and started moving out. She was surprised that Manik allowing her to go. "I think he is angry Yuvrani." Maharaj commented on seeing his son leaving without looking at his lady love and without greeting him.

"Maharaj I am being honest, I would not leave because Yuvraj did not let me down but  I cannot ignore how everyone treated me. I need some time for myself and to mend my married life. Now I will take your leave." Nandini said and went to look for Yuvraj. She came to his wing but his soldier stopped her. "Greetings Yuvrani, I am afraid that you may not be allowed to enter." The soldier said in an apologetic tone. "May I know why because as far as I remember I was living here for years." Yuvrani Nandini said trying her best for them to let her in.

"I am well aware of that Yuvrani but Yuvraj has strictly ordered not to disturb him." The soldier said. "Atleast let him know that I am here." Nandini requested the soldier. On hearing the voices outside,  Yuvraj came out and saw Nandini talking to the soldiers. "What happened?" He asked the the soldiers. "Yuvrani is wishing to enter the chamber. " He answered lowering his head. "I think I clearly mentioned I don't want to meet anyone." Yuvraj said giving a quick glance to Nandini.

"Yuvraj..." This was all that Nandini could say because it was the first time that Yuvraj was denying her access to his room. "What?" Manik asked her rudely. "I want to talk to you." Nandini said calmly. "Sadly, I don't want to talk to you." Manik answered her and looked away. "Please let me inside." She again said calmly so as not to trigger his anger more. "Why? Why do you want to talk? Why do you want to come inside in the room that you left without thinking about us about our memories? Did you forget something here but I am sure you will not like to take anything that belongs to us or to me right." Manik taunted her but she remained quiet.

On noticing her silence he groaned and held her hand pulling her inside the chamber. "Why don't you speak anything now? Any last words before...before you leave-me" Manik stuttered while asking. "Do you really want me to leave?" Nandini asked while holding his hand. "How does my answer matter when all you do is just look from your point of view."  Manik said with a sad smile. "I thought my husband was possessive but he is letting me go." Nandini tried to tease him to lighten the situation. Though Manik did not answer her but he held her hand tight when she tried to move away.

Nandini realized that Manik needed her so she hugged him tightly putting her head on his heart. After some time, he hugged her back and hid his face on the crook of her neck. "I can never let you go... please don't go." Manik said softly near her ear. "Who said I will go but you are angry with me." Nandini said. "I am not angry...I am hurt." Manik finally said. "Hmmm?" She signalled him to continue.

"I am hurt that you claim to love me yet you chose to go away from me. You did not believe me when I said I will not let this marriage happen on the very first day. I supported you in everything and I took a stand for you but never did anything to save our relationship. You let other people decide on our behalf." Manik explained her and she hugged him even more tight. "You kept me away from you and you chose to break our marriage. Did you ever  for atleast one minute think that how much I love you and that I was against this marriage too? Whatever was happening did hurt you I know but your behaviour towards me hurt me the most. I just wanted my wife to trust me but you..." Manik said.

Nandini felt her shoulders getting wet and soon realized that Manik was crying . She felt more guilty for not believing in him. She forcefully broke the hug and made him sit on the bed. She then wiped his tears and sat next to him. Manik kept his head on her lap and put his hand around her waist. " I am strong Nandini but strongest when you are with me believing in me and supporting me to fight the challenges. I craved for your presence but it did not matter to you. When I said the other day that I will not marry Rajkumari...I was waiting for you to look at me and smile that I fought for us on my own but you kept looking down." Manik said.

" I apologize for not considering your pain please forgive me and let me compensate for everything. Let us mend our relationship and make the most of it for the rest of our lifetime." Nandini asked him. He looked in her eyes. " I am hurt Nandini it will take time to heal just like it will take time for you to heal from the pain that everyone gave you. We will try but I cannot give up on you...I love you Nandini more than anything...anyone." Manik said and kissed the palm of her hand.

"I love you too Manik and I will make sure to support you in everything you do." Nandini said and she lowered down placing a soft kiss on Manik's forehead making him smile.

This is the last chapter of the story. I hope you liked it and that I have been able to match your expectations. I will update the Epilogue soon. Thank you for reading and reacting to it. I am grateful to everyone. Love you all💕

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