Chapter Eleven

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"Hey you are the one who is living with that Nandini right why did you bring us here?" The man asked Manik trying to act strong but he could not match the aura Manik had created. Manik could easily analyse their facial expression and body language...he knew they were hell scared. "Hey leave us or you will get beaten up by the villagers. You know they are already against you." The other man threatened Manik.

"Keep your voices down if you wish to see tomorrow. Do you even know to whom you're speaking!" The guard exclaimed. "This introduction is not needed, I just want to know what you both did to Nandini." Manik asked while removing this sword and gently caressing it. " we told everything, we we..wer were just teasing h-her" The mam stammered looking at the sword which was shining in the dark. "I just want to know what you did to her. No one would slap or punch anyone for no reason at all. Either you spill it out or you keep it forever with you." Manik ended and hit his sword on a dried branch which fell down on the ground with a thud.

The two moved backward afraid of Manik's words. Being terrified, they narrated everything to Manik from what they said to Nandini and how they held her hand. Just when they finished, Manik signalled the guard to untie their hands. "Thank you for sparing us." The men said and rubbed their wrist. "You have to apologise to Nandini and reveal the truth in front of the villagers." Manik ordered. "Why are you so bothered about her?" One of the man asked. " Maybe he wants the girl just like we do and you hired people to scare us. I must say it did work." The other man replied. "Oh in that case you should have told us before...we will not tease her anymore." The man said.

"Does that mean you would consider to harass other girls." Manik asked in a cold tone. The man scratched his head and gave a small smile. "'s not harassment just a little teasing. As for Nandini,I will not apologize to a shameless woman who has no one and is staying with a man in the same house without...AAHHHH" The man shrieked in pain while others had blood splashed on themselves. Before the other could react, he felt the same pain too.

Manik being unable to tolerate their words he used his sword to cut off their hands. "No one has the right to badmouth about Nandini. How could you even dare to utter those words. I left you so that you could reveal the truth to the villagers but you did not learn the lesson. I hope now you would not even think of harassing any girl." Manik roared at them. "I do not regret my actions because I cut the hands of those who touched my Nandini with impurity and were thinking of misbehaving with other girls as well." Manik said on seeing them crying in pain.

"We we...w-would go to the vi-village head." The man said with great difficulty. The two guards started laughing. "Your village head works under your highness only, he is Yuvraj Manik Malhotra." The guard revealed Manik's identity to those two who were more petrified. " Nandini is now your highness too, Yuvrani Nandini Manik Malhotra." Manik added and signalled his guards to look into the matter while he moved towards the house. He slowly open the door but to his dismay, Nandini was waiting for him with a lantern.

"Where were you?" Nandini asked him which made Manik nervous. "I was here only...I was unable to sleep so I went outside." Manik lied. "I looked for you outside but I did not spot you." Nandini asked. "I was here only Nandini." Manik dismissed her and came forward but Nandini gasped in horror. " oh my god is that blood?" She asked. Manik looked at himself and realized that his clothes were stained with blood but luckily just a little. "Are you okay? Did you get injured?" Nandini asked. "I think I might hurt myself when I was in the jungle." Manik said.

"I will go and clean myself." He added and left hastily. However, his responses made Nandini suspicious about him. He said he was outside the house and then suddenly he said he was in the jungle. Where was he and if he was in the jungle then what were he doing there at this time? She ignored all her thoughts. Vibhu could never harm anyone. With that, she went inside the room and slept while waiting for Vibhu.

Manik got up and looked at Nandini, she was sleeping peacefully on the right side of the bed with her hair all over her face. Manik smiled and moved closer to her to remove the hair. He was tensed. Maharaj has been sending soldiers in the village demanding Manik to return to the palace since he was taking more time than usual. He did not know how to convince his family for accepting his marriage.

The most brooding matter was how to tell Nandini that he was not Vibhu who came to find a job but he was Yuvraj Manik of Jodhpur. He lied to her about his identity but his love was not fake. What if Nandini fails to understand him and take this as a betrayal of her trust? "What's wrong you are staring at me like a creep." Nandini asked while rubbing her eyes. This made Manik realized that she had woken up and she was looking cute with the sleepy face but her voice was hoarse. "What creep? Did you forget...I am your husband and I can look at you whenever I want." Manik answered and laid back on his side. "Ok keep the staring session on." Nandini teased. "Excuse me I was looking at your side but I was lost in my thoughts." Manik justified which made Nandini smile. "Whatever gets digested by your ego." Nandini teased and moved out to freshen up and look at the children.

During the day, Manik came back home from his work. He sat on the cot to relax and asked Nandini to bring him water. Manik noticed two men approaching the house. He got alert and grabbed his knife while moving in the their direction. On reaching near Manik realized that they were the soldiers of Jodhpur. "What are you doing here? Didn't I order not to come near this house?" Manik roared at them. "Greetings Yuvraj we apologize for coming here again but Maharaj has summoned your presence in the palace." The soldier announced. "Okay you may leave now." Manik ordered but the soldiers stay rooted to their place. "How dare you to disrespect me?" Manik again yelled. " I apologize again we do not have such intention but Maharaj has strictly ordered us to bring you with us immediately. We cannot leave to palace without Yuvraj. We shall head back the soonest possible Maharaj is in need of you." The soldier said leaving Manik in dilemma.

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