Chapter Thirteen

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"Greetings to our Yuvrani." The ladies said making her confused. "We are here to assist you." The maid added. "Assist in what?" Nandini asked. "As from today,  we are your maids to get things done for you." They answered. "Why I do not need anyone. I do my things on my own." Nandini clearly denied but they kept mum. "Atleast can you tell me where am I and why you are calling me Yuvrani." Nandini asked though she had an idea of it but she did not want to prove herself right. "You are married to our Yuvraj and this makes you our Yuvrani. We are now in the palace of Jodhpur and this area is your wing and right here, is your chamber Yuvrani." The maid said.

"What..." Nandini was shocked and also angry because vibhu managed to bring her along with him despite she had refused. "Yuvrani when you were brought here , you were in an unconscious state but it is to be pointed that all the rituals of welcoming the royal daughter in law were performed. " The maid explained. "Even yuvraj took Yuvrani in his arms during all the rituals." Another maid added but she stopped on seeing the other maids glaring at her. " I need to see Vibhu please take me to him." Nandini requested and all maids started at each other.

Realisation dawned upon Nandini on seeing their confused faces. " I meant please take me to Yuvraj." She corrected herself. The maids nodded positively and Nandini followed them. They brought her near a large door with two guards guarding each side. "Yuvrani Nandini would like to meet Yuvraj." The maid said to the soldier. "We apologize Yuvrani but right now Yuvraj is packed with some official work and has ordered us not to let anybody in." The soldier denied her access which made her annoyed. She was not someone who used to ask permission for every little things that she did and here, she has to ask for everything. The main reason for refusing to accept Yuvraj as his husband was something else and she knew no one would understand her.

"He is delusional if he thinks I would listen to him. Open the door right now." Nandini ordered in a strict tone hoping that it would work on them. Thankfully, it did...they let her in. Nandini moved inside angrily to seek answers while the maids stayed outside. "I think I strictly ordered not to disturb...Nandini." Manik said when he heard footsteps but with the sweet fragrance that started mixing with the cold air in the room, he was sure it was Nandini.  Nandini looked around the room and found many book shelves. In the middle, there was a large wooden table with papers spread all over it. Manik was scribbling something in it but stopped after hearing someone entering. Manik came towards her and held her hand. " are you? You've been sleeping for so long. Do you feel better now?" Manik asked with love and care depicting from his eyes that almost made Nandini melt but she suddenly remembered everything. What irritated her the most was his lies... there she thought he was a villager looking for job in another village but no...he was the Yuvraj and he was well-educated and rich. She pushed him away.

"Do not come near me you liar why did you bring me here?"Nandini roared at him while Manik looked at her in amusement. She was looking just like a little doll but her face with red with anger making her look more cute. "I told you you will have to come with me so here you are my palace and my world." Manik said pulling the last string of Nandini. "You cheated you brought me here without my permission. Where is Aadrika and the children?" Nandini yelled at him. "I asked Aadrika for help and she came with the idea of giving you milk with some herbs which would make you unconscious during the travel. She is here only. In fact, the children are here too. They were so happy and they might be playing around." Manik explained her.

"Traitors." She murmured  but Manik heard her and he smiled remembering how he had once said the same word when the children chose Nandini over him. "This is your lifestyle not mine...I do not belong here and I wish to go back." Nandini ordered. Manik came near her and hugged her  despite her protest. "You can ask for anything Nandini except you going away from me. You are my wife and you have to stay with me. You are also the Yuvrani of our people. Learn to live here because you belong with me." Manik ended with a kiss on her forehead.

"What I want you cannot give me... you could have given me if you were a common man but as a yuvraj you would not be able to give me so I cannot accept you as my husband." Nandini said. "Just tell me what you want Nandini I will do anything to get your love." Manik asked her. He really wanted to know why she was refusing her marriage. Initially, he thought because he lied to her but now he thinks that it is more than that. There must be another reason why she did not want to stay with a prince. What was the thing that she wanted but he would not be able to give him as a prince? He looked at her waiting for her to answer him but she remained silent.

"Whatever you say won't change the fact that I was the one who took holy vows with you, who put sindoor on you and who made you wear this mangalsutra around your neck. You will have to stay here with me." Manik said breaking the silence. Nandini closed her eyes to control her anger. "Atleast ask your maids to stop following me I can do my things on my own." Nandini said. "That I know but they have to stay with you and fulfil your needs. If you want them removed then they will have no job. Do you want that?" Manik triggered the part of Nandini which cannot bear any injustice to anyone. "Fine." She muttered. "Welcome to my world Yuvrani Nandini Manik Malhotra." Manik said. "I will make you crazy." Nandini smirked. "I am already crazy about you." Manik teased her making her huff. She turned around to go but stopped on hearing him. "Nandini , I will wait for you to tell me what you want and I will make sure to fulfil your demand at any cost." Manik said truthfully.

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