Chapter Four

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It's been a few days and Yuvrani Nandini has been avoiding everyone. She was physically present but mentally somewhere else. She had the hope that Yuvraj will stop this wedding but with passing days, her hope was breaking. Her maids informed her that Yuvraj Manik was busy in the Raj Sabha  but Maharaj had already consulted the royal priest who said that next week would be the most auspicious day to carry out the wedding ceremony.

The palace had already started to be decorated to welcome the second yuvrani and the whole kingdom came to know about their Yuvraj's second wedding which was shocking to all. No one ever thought that Yuvraj would marry again. Soon, everyone started talking about Yuvrani Nandini, all kind of rumours were spread around the kingdom about Nandini. They blamed her for not coming from a royal family and thus, not being able to be the royal daughter in law. This was all known to Nandini and she was even hurt when there was no one to defend her. Her husband was busy in the court...she wondered was he aware of the rumours.

Yuvrani was walking in a corridor near the garden when she saw Maharani Nyonika and Maharani Deepti giggling with Princesss Navya in the garden. They were telling her the childhood stories of Yuvraj which even Nandini was not aware of. Suddenly, she felt insecure of herself that maybe they prefered Navya over her because she was a princess while she was a mere commoner whom they had to accept because Yuvraj fell in love with her. Tears started rolling down her cheeks and before she could move, she was noticed by them. "Yuvrani come we were just talking about our Yuvraj." Maharani Deepti invited her and Yuvrani accepted because she could not disrespect her mother. They all noticed her tears and Princess Navya came forward to wipe the tears. "Yuvrani I don't know if these tears are because of me but trust me, I have no intention to hurt you or to take your place...It was my father's decision that I had to obey." Navya said with a worried expression.

It was then that Nandini realized that even Navya was innocent, she was bounded by her father's promise. She did what she had to do as an obedient daughter. It was her husband who was to be blamed to undervaluing her promise. Nandini looked at Navya and passed a faint smile. "I truely apologize for my behaviour towards you, I did not want to make you feel guilty but I am going through a difficult phase. I have nothing against you and you will always be my friend." Nandini said and both Maharani Deepti and Princess Navya smiled widely. "so now can I call you didi?" Navya asked and Nandini nodded. Both hugged each other and Navya left from there with Maharani Deepti.

Maharani Nyonika looked at Yuvrani Nandini who was looking paler than usual. She had a swollen face. She lovingly carressed Nandini's head. "Nandini I always treat you as my daughter and I cannot see you in pain like this." Maharani said. "I feel so bad that I cannot reduce your pain." M.Nyonika continued. "You had gone through the same na?" Nandini asked. "Yes but your pain is worst than mine...even if we were in love Maharaj had already informed me that he would marry again if it was for the betterment of his people. After a few years, Maharaj had a political marriage  with Maharani Deepti. For you, it's different, Yuvraj is about to break his promise." Maharani explained and Nandini  lowered her head. "I know Yuvrani that he is stuck between his duty as a son/yuvraj and as a husband, I know he is hurting too. He is keeping himself busy during the day the night before he came to me telling me that he was causing pain to you. He even told me to convince Maharaj since Maharaj clearly denied him."  Maharani Nyonika revealed and Nandini could say nothing, she hugged her mother and cried loudly. Destiny was being harsh to two lovers.

It was night time and Nandini was in her balcony looking at the stars blankly when her maid announced the arrival of Yuvraj which shocked her but she quickly fixed her dupatta over her head and went inside the room. Manik who just entered her room felt himself relaxed when he smelled her fragrance which lingered all around. He was looking in the mirror when he heard melodious of Nandini's anklets. He turned with a smile but it was soon replaced with a frown on seeing her face covered with a veil. "There's only me here, you can remove your veil." Manik said and Nandini nodded negatively. He moved forward to remove it himself but she moved backward. His anger started rising but he kept his calm, he needed to handle her more calmly." What reasons do you have for not being present during the lunch and dinner?" Yuvraj asked sternly. Nandini remained silent. "You're testing my patience Nandini." Manik said while gritting his teeth. "I apologize for not being present, I was not feeling well." Nandini explained which melted the anger of Manik instantly. He kept mum and clapped his hand. Soon, a maid came with a big plate of food and set it on the table. She greeted both and went out after Manik's signal. "I brought food for you and you will have your meal right in front of me!" Manik exclaimed and quickly moved near her to remove her veil before she could react.

Manik noticed the pale and swollen face of Nandini, void of jewellery and her eyes  were no longer filled with kajal but with pain. Manik came to know that she must have cried on seeing the wedding preparation. He blinked his eyes to prevent the tears and kissed her forehead lovingly. "Have your meal." Manik ordered and Nandini obeyed him. "Have you eaten?" she asked with concern which made Manik's heart flutter. " I will eat with you." He said and started removing his sword and accessories to sit beside her. "Can I ask you something?" Nandini asked as soon as he sat."Hmm ask." Manik said. "Wasn't I a good daughter in law and wife to you?" Nandini asked and Manik immediately looked at her. "How dare you think like that? I told you in my eyes you are my perfect ladylove and the only one who have my dare you to disregard my wife?" Manik said strictly. "It's not me...but our people are saying that...why why did not you defend me?" Nandini asked.

"I was not aware of this Nandini, I was busy in court and no one even told me about it. Who would dare to say wrong things about my yuvrani to me? I will look into the matter do not bother yourself about what they are saying." Manik completed, he put a morsel of food in Nandini's mouth and he kissed her forehead again. "Anyone who would raise a finger at you , I will behead him/her." Manik said while eating and feeding his love. "But they are your people naa." Nandini said. "Then they should not badmouth about their future queen. Listen Nandini they love me because I am their yuvraj  but you love me even when you did not know I was a Yuvraj." Manik explained and Nandini placed her head on his shoulder while munching her food. Soon, she felt asleep and Manik looked at her. He smiled and wiped her mouth, he missed this peaceful moment with his wife. He took her in bed and wondered how a promise turned their marriage life upside down.

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