Chapter Nineteen

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Rajkumari Navya and Yuvrani Nandini entered the courtroom after their names were called out.  Soon, they became the centre of attention of everyone since all were waiting for them. "The two daughter-in-laws are finally there, Yuvraj please proceed with what you wanted to say to them." Maharaj said.

Rajkumari and Yuvrani greeted everyone and settled on their place. Manik noticed that Nandini swiftly ignored him. She just greeted him but she was not meeting his eyes. For him it was an addition to his punishment. Already, he was banned from Nandini's wing then, he was not allowed to talk to her could he even talk to her when she had clearly denied to attend any function which included the royal family  and now, she is not even looking at him. " Yuvraj..." Maharani Deepti called him on seeing him lost. For  her, he was being disrespectful by making Maharaj wait for the two and now delaying to proceed.

" I apologize for making you all wait for so much but it was mandatory for Rajkumari and Yuvrani to be present here as this concern both of them." Manik said creating more curiosity in Nandini's mind but she kept quiet. "As I said before, I was against this marriage. Please bear in mind that I am not against the welfare of our kingdom but I am not willing to break my promise made to Yuvrani." Manik said looking at Nandini who was looking at the floor with blank eyes maybe she was thinking about how she felt betrayed by her loved ones.

"I had already started looking for solutions on the first day I saw disappointment in Yuvrani's eyes but you were all excited for this wedding completely ignoring the fact that this was against  our wishes. This led to many misunderstanding in my married life. Finally, my solution came to me today." Yuvraj said making everyone confused. What solution did he find? Nandini looked at him with hopefulness and she finally looked in his eyes making Manik smiled in contentment.
"What are you trying to say Yuvraj be specific and clear.  All the wedding preparations are done and everyone has been invited." Maharani Deepti intervened.

"Do not worry mother,the marriage will take place but I will not marry Rajkumari Navya instead..." Yuvraj Manik said but was interrupted by another male voice. " I will marry Rajkumari Navya." The man said. It was then that Nandini realized there was another man seated beside Manik. He was cladded in a royal attire looking like a prince. "" Maharaj asked being shocked.

"Yes Maharaj I will marry Rajkumari, in fact Rajkumari Navya was learning swordsmanship from my Guru. I used to admire her but before I could tell her, I was informed to go on battlefield." Yuvraj ended. "I understand but how could I let you marry her like that? What about our reputation which is at stake and the promise I made to Maharaj Arjuna. I had promised him that I would make her daughter marry my son." Maharaj said worrying about the situation that came in front of him confusing him more. He was already worried on the fact that Yuvrani Nandini was not accepting the marriage and now, Yuvraj Manik is denying the marriage in front of everyone and someone else is agreeing to marry her.

"Maharaj you always consider Yuvraj Cabir as your own son then letting him to get married to Rajkumari would not let you break your promise." Yuvraj Manik tried to explain. It was true, Yuvraj Cabir Dhawan grew up in this palace only, he was the only friend Yuvraj Manik had and they always considered him as their other son. "You're indeed right Yuvraj, I am sorry to intervene but Maharaj I think this is the best decision. Yuvraj Cabir will be able to marry the girl he truly likes, Rajkumari will have someone who will truly look after her and there will not be any injustice made toward Nandini. If Yuvraj Manik loves only his wife, it will be not worth it to force him to marry someone he does not want to." Maharani Nyonika tried to explain her point which Maharaj did understand but was reluctant to agree.

"Didi we should also consider our reputation everyone knows  that Yuvraj Manik is getting married but now what will they think when they will come to know." Maharani Deepti said. "They will think that I kept the promise I made to my wife. When this news got spreaded, everyone was quick to judge my wife and belittle her. Did they care how would she feel? Were they there to ask her if she was okay to perform all these duties without her consent? Why shall we think about others when no one cared about my failing relationship with my wife?" Manik said in full anger.

"You are a Yuvraj, you should not be speaking like that about the kings, our family and the people."Maharani Deepti scolded Yuvraj. " I am not saying anything wrong, I am just stating what they did to my wife and even if I am a Yuvraj no one has the right to intervene in my private relationship." Manik replied her. "Maharani and Yuvraj, I would request you both to stop this argument right away." Maharaj ordered.
"I consider all the points you rose and I think it will be better to look at the happiness of our children instead of worrying about our reputation. With this, I shall anounce the marriage of Rajkumari Navya to Yuvraj Cabir Dhawan. I hope this would be fair to our daughter-in-law as well." Maharaj said looking at Nandini with a smile but the latter was lost in her own world.

"I do not accept this!" Rajkumari Navya exclaimed and everyone's smile faded. "What happened dear?" Maharaj asked." I am sorry but you are all taking decisions about my life without even caring of asking me. No one ever asked me what I want and what is my decision." Rajkumari said with tears flowing out of her eyes. "Betaa we will-" Maharani Nyonika tried to manofy her but she was cut off by Navya herself.

" I don't want to hear anything. I just want to know how can you all decide everything on my behalf. Ever since I was a child,  I was obliged to agree on whatever my father decided for me. Even when he died, his promise was incomplete yet, you all decided to make me get married to Yuvraj Manik. I agreed just for the sake of my father and Maharaj's decision.  When I came here, there were a lot of troubles created between Yuvraj and Yuvrani because of my arrival. Though they did not tell me anything but I felt bad when I knew I was the reason behind all these and I felt hurt when I realized Yuvraj would never love me yet I would be forced to stay with him. I knew he would hate me because Yuvrani was ready to leave him forever. Was it really my fault? No,it was  the decision of the elders." Rajkumari almost shouted while trying to explain herself. Everyone felt guilty for not asking her opinion in any decision.

"Now suddenly the whole thing changed, Yuvraj rejected me in front of everyone and this unknown Yuvraj proposed to marry because he liked me or knew me but did anyone ask me what I really want?" Rajkumari said and sat down on the floor crying hysterically. No one had the audacity to answer her. Yuvraj Cabir  felt bad for how she was treated. He slowly moved towards her and kneeled down in front of her taking her hand in his.

"Rajkumari...I know you might be feeling that everyone is deciding on behalf of you. I understand your outburst and I admire your audacity to finally speak out for yourself. I really like you and I wish I could tell you at that time itself which would not lead us to where we are today. I am selfish Rajkumari... I am selfish let you go. When Yuvraj Manik wrote to me about what happened asking me for help. I got scared...scared on the mere thought of losing you...the thought of you marrying someone else and me not being able to confess to you made me shiver.  I left everything and came here to fetch you. This is the last time someone is taking a decision without your consent but I from today, you will be the one deciding for everyone even for me and I will always consult you and respect your decision. I know it is difficult but will you make me the luckiest person of this whole world by marryin me Rajkumari Navya?" Yuvraj asked her lovingly. Navya was so overwhelmed that she could not answer him, she just nod her head positively. Yuvraj Cabir smiled in happiness and kissed her hand softly.

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