Box of "Stuff"

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    "Thank you for everything Rossi" Emily hugged  him. 

    "Of course kiddo" he smiled before walked out the door.

All night I couldn't stop thinking about what Emily said. Every touch from her sent shivers up my spine. I was throbbing for the past three hours and she knew it.

   "Tired?" She asked as we got into the car.

   "No" I was quick to answer. I saw a smirk spread across her face. She was enjoying this.
I ran my hand up her thigh as she pulled out of the driveway. 

   "What do you think you're doing?" She snapped.

    "C'mon Em I've been waiting three hours" I whined.

   "And you can wait another ten minutes" her voice was domineering. It was sexy and she knew she had me hook line and sinker. I placed my hands in my lap and slowly began to move my hand to my inner thigh.

   "What the fuck are you doing?" She barked.

I didn't answer. I just closed my eyes and kept moving my hand.

   "Y/n, move another inch and I can guarantee you, I will have you in agonizing pain, begging me to touch you"

That caught my attention. I stopped immediately.

We pulled into the driveway,
   "Y/n!"  Emily shouted as I ran into the house. As I scrambled to unlock the door she caught up with me. The door opened and Emily grabbed me, pushing me up against the door, slamming it shut.
   "Even on our wedding night you can't seem to behave" she scolded.

   "I've gotta keep you on your toes Mrs. Prentiss" I smirked.

   "Mmm, is that what you're doing?" She taunted.

Her lips grazed my neck as she leaned into whisper,

   "Two can play at that game"

I was soaked. Even I was a little embarrassed at how desperate I seemed.

   "Bedroom." She ordered.

I slowly walked away, knowing she was watching me, I started to unzip my dress.

The bedroom was neat and dimly lit. I sat on the edge of the bed.
Emily walked in holding a bottle of white wine and a cup of ice.

   "I want the dress all the way off sweetheart"

   "Yes ma'am" I obeyed.

   "Sit down" she commanded as she pulled up a chair. She took her hand and drug it across my chest as she circled me.

   "Do you want some wine?" she asked.

   " yes please"

She brought the bottle to her lips and took a swig. As she stood behind me, she wrapped her hand around and grabbed my throat, tilting my head back. I opened my mouth a bit and she let the wine go from her mouth to mine as her lips met mine. 

   "Good girl" Emily praised.

She stood in front of me and started to unzip her dress. I let out a quiet breath of astonishment as it fell to the floor. Her red lace bra and thong looked stunning on her, but they would look even better on the floor.

That damn smirk spread across her face as she walked over and placed a leg on either side, straddling me.

   "you looked good tonight" she whispered. "But you look good all the time baby."

   "You didn't look too bad yourself" I smiled into her lips. She let her head fall back and I started to kiss her neck.

   "Mmmm, you're good at that" she mumbles, causing me to smile into her skin.

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