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   "NO" I screamed, but all I heard was a booming silence that was more than I could handle. I threw my phone against the steering wheel as tears poured down my face. She can't be gone. She can't be. Once I got to the house I bolted out of the car and slowly entered with my gun drawn.

My heart sunk even further when I saw bloody footprints leading up the stairs. I heard noise coming from our room and I slowly crept around the door frame. In the corner, looking behind our chair was a distraught Y/n.

   "Y/n?" I asked with a shock to my voice, almost as if I was dreaming.

   "Emily?" she slowly turned to me and burst into tears. I ran to her and she clung to me so tight I wasn't sure she'd ever let go. "Lauren" she stammered through sobs. "I-I don't know where..."

   "shhhh, its ok baby, I'm here" I cried into her hair as I held her close to me. I took Y/n's hand and went into our home office. Y/n stood holding onto me for support as I pushed the paneling on the wall to the side.

   "I worked the case mommy!" Lauren held a dim flash light, "just like you said"

I let out another sob as I swooped her up into my arms.

   "you did such a good job princess". I kissed Laurens head what felt like a hundred times. I wrapped my arm around Y/n, pulling her in. I stood there, holding my girls, completely terrified to ever let go.

   "Dave, Joy, and Kai are in the basement" Y/n sniffled before frantically taking off. I followed closely behind with Lauren.

   "what the hell happened" Blake entered the house in a hurry, surprised to see us all.

   "I still don't know entirely" I looked at her with concerned eyes.

   "I'll take Lauren" Blake held her arms out before Y/n nearly attacked her.

   "NO!" she shouted before quickly taking Lauren into her arms, "I've got her"

   "Y/n," Alex started.

   "don't" Y/n whispered sharply under her breath.

   "Alex, can you please go find Dave, Joy, and Kai" I nodded to the basement before helping Y/n and Lauren outside to the approaching ambulance.

The EMT's checked all of them out, Y/n still not wanting to let Lauren out of her sight.

   "they should both spend the night in the hospital, just to be sure" the paramedic told me.

I already knew this wasn't about to go over well with my wife....

Y/n's POV:

My body felt numb. Like I had forced to live out my worst nightmare.

   "Honey, I'm gonna ride with you and Lauren to the hospital where we'll all stay tonight" Emily rubbed my knee while looking into my eyes.

I nodded lightly, unable to be of any real help at this point and time. People seemed to be poking and prodding at me ever since I stepped outside and I was getting agitated.

   "can you people just give me a minute!" I finally snapped.

I don't recall much of the ride to the hospital except I was clearly shaken by the events of everything.

    "Wait, where are you going" I panicked as a nurse came over and took Lauren from Emily.

   "Hey, it's ok, I'm going with they're just gonna run some tests" Emily reassured me before placing a kiss on my forehead.


four hours later at the hospital:

   "I don't know what exactly happened during the time of when you heard the gun shots and when you arrived to the house Mrs. Prentiss, but, I do know it's definitely not sitting well with your wife." a grey haired doctor spoke to me quietly outside of Y/n's room.

   "could we do a cognitive interview? Maybe that could help?" I asked hopeful.

   "I would strongly advise against that. She's in a very fragile state right now."


   "Agent Prentiss, your wife just fought an armed home intruder to save the lives of her and your daughter, all while killing the intruder in the process." the doctor gave me a disappointed look. "let her breath"

I felt so foolish for trying to rush Y/n but I was angry and shaken up too. My wife and daughter almost died and there wasn't a thing I could do about it.

I quietly walked in to the hospital room, quietly closing the door behind me.


   "hey, sorry I didn't mean to wake you" I sat next to her.

   "where's Lauren?" her eyes widened with concern.

   "she's in the playroom with Derek and Spence" I took her hand in mine.

There was this new fear that had so obviously plagued my fearless wife and it was starting to scare me too.

   "when can we go home?"

   "Tomorrow morning" I knew that wasn't the answer she wanted to hear.

   "oh good" Y/n rolled her eyes. "they're treating us like we're victims"

    "sweetheart, you are-"

   "No!" she corrected. "we are not victims"

   "Y/n, that doesn't mean anything bad" my eyes grew confused at her aggression towards the notion of being a 'victim'

   "Emily.." she warned.

   "what?" I replied defensively.

  "don't be an agent right now." she looked at me with tears in her eyes. "be my wife and a mother to our daughter please"

   "of course honey" I kissed her head.

  "thank you" she whispered.

   "do you wanna try and talk about what happened-"

   "no." she cut me off.

   "Y/n, you can tell me anyth-"

   "I said no"

    "baby, please don't shut me out. Not now. Please" I begged her. If I knew my wife it's that if something 'unspeakable' happened... she sure as hell wasn't about to say a word about it. That fact was nothing but more reason to be concerned about what exactly happened....

Sorry it's so short but I wanted to give you a little update without giving too much quite yet... thank you all so much and I love you guys!!! <3

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