1. "love letter"

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|dear SYDNEY
I know this might be cliche to write a letter but i couldn't do it face to face,nor could i call,but much to my dismay this is the last you'll hear from me
Sydney,i remember the first time I saw you. That rainy day,you struggled to carry your shopping bags, all wet and frustrated-i remember it so vividly. I offered you a hand,and although you were reluctant,you let me help.The clouds cleared up and the sun came up before we reached the ice cream shop where I bought you mint chocolate -your favorite. The past 2 years with you have been the best years of my life, that I'm afraid i have to cut short. You were the first girl i ever loved , and the last - that i promise.
We're soulmates, remember?
I swear to love you all my life. Unfortunately, somethings are just not under my control. Things i cant confront so i run away and hide. I'm sorry , i really am. I know it wasn't the exact perfect relationship, but this -us - YOU were the only thing I could pour my heart into as far as I can trust. I hope you won't hate me but I wouldn't blame you if already despise me . Again I'm sorry and I hope I'll always be in your heart.
Don't bother texting or calling
I LOVE YOU and I'm sorry

Yours~ always

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