25. Nice To Meet You ... Beautiful Stranger

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Sydney pov
I sat by the corner booth of Cheryl club watching Vanessa and Leon pulling each other towards the dance floor. I still wondered exactly when they had agreed for mutual peace.
I sank deeper into the seat, pulling my phone out of my pocket - I need a distraction. I wasn't in the exact 'party' mood since my meeting with Hardin earlier on. Didn't seem like Dayn, who was seated next to me, was up for whimsical merry either. When Vanessa had asked for a dance earlier on he had politely declined - 'I'm not a dancer', he said. I subconsciously browsed through my phone, trying to lighten up my mood that was already in the dumps at this point. However, I couldn't help but notice a couple of not- so- subtle glances being thrown my way by dayn.
" You've got very beautiful eyes", Dayn brought out suddenly.

I turned to look at him. He calmly folded his arms over the table as his gaze remained fixated on me. His doe eyes , slightly hidden by his raven black bangs, had no emotion I could read just.. intensity - if I were to describe it. I frowned slightly.
"Excuse me?" I gave him a questioning look. He leaned forward, his expression neutral, as he said,
"I said, you've got very beautiful eyes sydney"
". Thank you... I guess", i replied. "Too beautiful to cry," he continued.He leaned back against the seat comfortably as he stared at me .
I felt a slight pinch in my chest as I digested what he had said - I got what he meant.
I kept my poker face on as I said, "why would I cry?"
It was only for a slight second but I saw, under the dim lighting of the party lights, a change in his facial expression. He laughed slightly, he was clearly amused.

"You tell me", he shrugged," why cry for someone who doesn't see your worth."
" Oh really, and how would you know my supposed 'worth'?"
I tried to remain calm.
"I am very observant," he answered vaguely," some might say ... too observant, "he brought out very slowly," you know that you weren't in any way at fault on what happened last night, right?."
I remained quiet as I watched him .. watch me.
He continued, "he's a complicated person."he sighed loudly, ruffling his fluffy hair.
|Not the first time I heard that|
I sighed , sitting straight as I fiddled with my fingers anxiously.
"I don't want to.. get too deep into that. Can we talk about something else?" I suggested feeling a bit uncomfortable with where the conversation was going.
"That's fine, "he simply nodded as he glanced at the dance floor, "why aren't you dancing with them?"
" I'm not a good dancer," I told him honestly.
"Neither am i, "he reported as he stuffed his hands into his pockets," your friend.. Vanessa and leon... Are they together or..?"
I quickly shook my head, "not at all, I'm surprised they spent this entire time without a single fight."
" I see. "
"You interested in v?" I asked out of unknown curiosity.
"M-mm" he denied," she's hot and all... Just... Nah."
" I see. "I said," is it because you and the rest of your friends are too busy womanizing the rest of society?"
He didn't seem to take any offense as he laughed", did Red tell you this?"
" Red? "
"The friend of yours who works at the club"
" rose?"
" Yeah, her?"
" Yeah, "I admit
". No we're not too busy 'womanising the rest of society'," his chuckled, "one- those women come to us willingly. two -it's a one-time thing, unless they come back for more. "
"That's still man whoring your way through life if you ask me"
". Yeah true," he answered calmly," but it's not as bad as it seems. Nobody gets hurt. Both the women and us just want to temporarily erase the constant pain we feel just for the night."
|Not the first time I heard that either|
"Pain huh. "
"You don't have to agree with me. People have different means to cope with pain and battles they fight."
" I guess you're partly right", I settled at that.
"Oh and by the way .."he leaned closer to me and I couldn't help but take in his strong alluring scent, "how about you and me sneak out of here for a couple of minutes, "he whispered into my ear, his minty breath glazing my cheeks. That sensation made me shudder for a bit.
"What about v and Leone?"I asked as I glanced at the dance floor looking at my two friends wilding out together.
"We'll be back in a couple of minutes Syd," he reassured me,"plus ..looks like their having quite a good time together. They'll be just fine"
I sighed as I took the hand he offered,"fine .. I need a distraction anyways" with that I stood up and squeezed through the crowd as I followed him blindly.
"I'll have one vanilla mini cup with dark chocolate toppings please,"Dayn ordered politely ,then turned to Syd ,"what do you want Syd?"
"M-mm let's see"I tapped my chin as I browsed the ice cream menu and quickly narrowed it down to what I assumed was the best option.
"I'll have ..the vanilla mini cup with white chocolate toppings.." I told the girl behind the counter
"That's fine , your order will be up in a minute"she smiled then walked away.
Dayn turned to face me , his side leaning against the counter ,"white chocolate,huh"
"You like white chocolate?"he tapped his fingernails against the counter.
"Yes,"I nodded,"my favorite actually"
"Note to self,"he pretended to write on air,"white chocolate" he smiled sheepishly,"Syd's fav"
"Too observant"I joked and he laughed.
I couldn't help but smile as I watched him, his pink lips widening into a bright smile.
Quite a nice one too.
"It's a trait of mine,"he said,"you'll get used to it"
A moment later , the waitress came back with our orders and after thanking her , we marched out of the shop and back into the quiet dark streets.
"So," I started as we strolled down the sidewalk peacefully,"why'd you bring me out here?"
"Well,"he swung his head to the side,"you seemed pretty tense back there. "He shrugged,"thought maybe getting some air would help,"he turned to face me ,"did it?"
"Mostly the ice cream helped,"I managed a smile as I lifted the emptied cup,"but yeah I did need air"
"So tell me Sydney,"he said,"how are you taking this entertainment industry life so far?" He asked?
"Well..."I dragged,"since I'm not really out there yet, it's pretty okay ."
"I've seen a lotta girls crack under the pressure because of it,"he stated,"being under the spotlight isn't easy"
"And how would you know Dayn?"
He chuckled ,stuffing his hands into his pockets as we walked slowly,"you already know I work there .. I've seen a lot . Some went to the extent of overdose - survived tho but still. That's some scary shit "
"Geez ," I forced a laugh ,"you're making me rethink my life choices now"
"Hey, they're also the good things. The fame , the money , travelling, meeting celebrities. It could be fun as well."
"Could ... How convincing"I rolled my eyes as I sighed.
"Yes it could,"he nodded,"if you chose to make your experiences enjoyable. Plus , you've got a guardian angel who'll make sure you are fine"
"And who might that be?" I looked up at him and he smiled sheepishly
"Me ofcourse,"he cocked his head to the side as he smiled contently.
"Since when?"
"Since now,"he said softly. "I mean look I just made you feel better," he pointed at the smile evident on my face
|Guardian angel, huh|
"I guess I'll take your offer,"I held out a hand but instead of shaking it , he intertwined it with mine and continued to walk whilst I was feeling heat rush up my cheeks. He had this peculiar stamina to him that was quite intriguing . He wasn't one of many words but those few had a great impact. I continued to stroll beside him in comfortable silence until we reached the an unfamiliar turn

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