24. Intro

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After changing into her chosen outfit Sydney marched out of the dressing room and went to sit with her friends by the couch waiting for further instructions. There still wasn't any sign of Hardin and to be honest she didn't think there would be . On a brighter note, a new familiar face had turned up , Dayn . He stood in solitude by the corner till he spotted Sydney seated with her friends and slowly approached them .
"Hey there,"he greeted them with a smile as he reached out a hand that Sydney gladly took . She greeted him back,"hey."
"How are you doing?" He asked in genuine concern . After what she told him went down the previous night, he wanted to make sure she was okay.
"I'm....okay I guess," she managed a faint smile.
"Maybe you can't see us,"Leone started,"but hello to you too"Vanessa finished off as the two stared at Dayn .
He chuckled "hie bro"he patted his best friend's shoulder then offered a hand to Vanessa ,"you must be Vanessa"
His appearance was far from what she expected from when she overheard Syd and his face time last night , in the good way ofcourse. Her eyes couldn't help but linger on his tatted muscular arm that was in contrast to his youthful facial features as she shook his hand with a wide smile.
|If Mr rich couldn't treat Syd right ,maybe big dick energy over here can|
"Yupp that's me,"she smiled
"V ,this is Dayn,"Sydney introduced,"a friend of mine"
"Very nice to meet you"
"The feeling is mutual" Dayn answered.
Just then Margot made her way over to the group and said,"Syd , they're ready for you"
Sydney took a deep breath as she hoisted herself off the couch, brushing herself off.
Vanessa took a hold of her hand,"you'll do just fine"she reassured her best friend
"Yeah you'll do just fine," Dayn repeated as he took her seat on the couch between Vanessa and Leone.
"Hey," Leone called out,"got get em girl" he winked at her playfully .
Sydney chuckled , rolling her eyes then followed Margot onto the set where she took her designated position on the couch.
The head director , female called out to her,"is everything to your liking? " She said from behind the cameras
"Yeah,"she nodded ,getting comfortable .
"Great,"she replied ,"let's get this show on the road! Ready?"
Sydney nodded
"Okay then! Lights!Camera ! And ACTION !" Then the cameras commenced recording .
Just then , the supposed interviewer walked into the Set and she took a seat right Infront of Sydney, her back turned to the cameras.
"Good afternoon ,"the woman greeted Sydney with a soft smile
"Hey there."
"We're going to start off with something simple,"she explained,"how about you introduce yourself. The basics -name, age,where your from."
Sydney took a deep breath to calm her nerves then proceeded to speak , she faced the center camera and smiled,"hie guys . My name is Sydney Richards . I'm 19 , turning 20 on the first of November . ..um I was born in Thailand and moved here 3 years ago." She said comfortably. Since she'd had a couple of encounters with the cameras , she wasn't that terrified anymore.
"Oh I see,"the interviewer answered,"um okay ..what made you to join this entertainment company ? What made you leave your previous job?"
Sydney tapped her chin vigorously ,taking a moment to think then said, "well . I didn't actually try out or audition per say,"she explained,"I worked at this coffee shop on the upper east side . And I had this friend of mine send my pictures to Adam and yeah...it just started there,"she shrugged.
"Oh. Well does this 'friend' of yours also work here as an entertainer or..?"
Sydney felt slight discomfort at mentioning Hardin - he was the one who made all this happen . She didn't know how to describe him to the woman before her so she answered vaguely,"you could say that"
"Okay.,"the woman flipped over the page in her small notebook then proceeded to ask,"did you ever think of trying out before the opportunity came to you?"
"Well no ,"she shook her head,"I have this friend of mine who once tried out but didn't make it. She's awfully talented . I hated rejection so I didn't even try. I mean at that time who would've wanted a mixed 16 year old who couldn't put on make up properly right?" She chuckled , so did the interviewer
"I understand,"the interviewer nodded,"you mentioned earlier that Adam as in Adam Kendler was the one who saw your pictures and offered this opportunity to you directly?" Sydney nodded
"So you've met him in real life?"
"Yupp"Sydney nodded,"we've met a couple of times , off work "she shrugged
The interviewer cocked an eyebrow,"so you can confirm that you're familiar with each other then?"
"Yeah" Sydney replied
"I guess pretty privilege does exist after all" the interviewer joked
Sydney laughed,"I wouldn't call me pretty"she shyed away
"Well you are already an upcoming major face in this company , pretty would be an understatement Mrs Richards."
"I guess I'll take your word for it"
"Where were we.."she browsed the notes in her book ,"ahh yes.. the question that you'll probably get asked by other reporters other than myself - how do you feel knowing that you're not only the only HYBE model who's been recruited under 21 but also the only mixed model in the entire label ?"
Sydney sucked her breath , chosing carefully the words to say when she answered,"well I didn't actually look into that "she admitted,"but now that I've thought about it .... It's actually not that big of a deal right? I mean the world is already evolving and breaking out of the typical stereotype of who should like who and what should be worn by who .. so I guess and I hope that the industry will accept me as I am. I don't expect any special treatment ."
"Wise words from a tween like yourself,"the interviewer teased her playfully
"Thank you,"she faked a bow
"How do you feel being instated into a label with fellow household labels like Ruth B, Txt, Payton Moormier ,Ivana Santa Cruz and Emma Ross? "
"Fucking amazing!"Sydney cheered before covering her mouth with her hands with wide eyes ,"oh my god I'm so sorry...are we allowed to curse?"
The interviewer as well as the other directors laughed at her action.
"It'll be bleeped out later,"the director told her
Sydney nodded,"I mean it's very amazing,"she corrected herself,"just the thought of ever meeting them in the near future keeps me up at night "
"And one day you will be one of the major names here,"the interviewer chimed in
"One day,"Sydney smiled and winked at the camera. She was slowly relaxing into the normality of cameras around her. Almost seemed natural. As if she was meant to do this.
"Another question that's been a  burning topic eversince rumours of your installment into the company is that... Does anyone you've met so far within these walls sparked any interests? Or you're already taken and wedding bells are already ringing"
"Marriage has never been on my mind,"Sydney started off,"And they're a lot of interesting faces moving around here,"she glanced at Leone and Dayn and smiled,"none really . I'm single .. I guess  " she spoke unsurely , she didn't know where she stood with Hardin after last night to be honest , she still had hope of rekindling what was between them but at the same time was still in disbelief of his words.
"You guess?"
"It's.... complicated," she laughed uneasily.
"Complicated. Understood"the reporter nodded,"so are you available...I'm asking for the fanboys and girls that will be in your dm's after this"she winked
"I'll have to do further investigations on myself and report to you shortly"Sydney joked
"Please do "the older woman smiled,"another burning question the media has for you is," the interviewer glanced at her notebook," as soon as you stepped into the spotlight, you came in with a bang - that is, you started off with the more... sensual setting to your growing modelling career. Many people your age would start off with the more light, youthful styles like jewelry and sport sets. What made you follow your own path Mrs Richards?"
"Ummm.. "Sydney hummed," well it's not a fixed setting. I will venture into various categories but the one chosen for my first shoot intrigued me, you see - I wanted to break out of my 'innocent' baby features and try more.. adult things. After all, I am nearly 20" she laughed softly .
"I see", the reporter nodded", well I think that's about everything... Oh wait there is one more important question I have for you."
" Please go ahead."
" Sydney Richards, age of 19 from Thailand - a question asked to many upcoming faces like yourself - what are your aspirations and hopes on this journey with hybe? "
"Well they're not a lot, "she laughed, tucking loose strands of her curls behind her ear," I hope to break the expected color stereotype... I hope to enjoy my time in the industry.. and I of course hope to meet my all-time favorite Stray kids," she pointed at the camera", Stray kids if you're watching this.. I Love you so much." She grinned, blowing air kisses at the camera making the director's laugh
". Three! Two! One! Okay that's a wrap people!" The director called out and the camera stopped recording.
Sydney sighed as she stood from the couch
", how did I do?" She asked Margot who approached her.
" You did amazing sweetheart!" She told Sydney and she walked hand in hand with her towards the rest of her friends.
" Babe!" Vanessa cheered enthusiastically as she hugged her friend, "you looked so cool."
" Really?"
" Really," Leone answered," you did a good Sydney. You did good" he clapped.
" I never knew you were a fan of stray kids, "Dayn said standing in front of her.
" She's not just a fan," Vanessa started," she's obsessed. "
"Sooner or later, they're going to be huge friends with you, "said Dayn.
" Fingers crossed"
. "Sydney richards," the director called out is she approached them with a wild smile", you did a wonderful job kiddo", she offered her hand which syd gladly took.
"I try my best", Syd spoke modestly.
"Good job. After this, we're going to carry out editing, "she informed, "but the video will be out before midnight today, your work here is finished. You may go about as you please," the woman stated then walked away to the directors desk.
"After tonight" Vanessa paused to make a dramatic suspense," you're going to be famous."
" I wouldn't call it famous", she shrugged trying to cage her excitement.
"Are you kidding! When Hybe official Instagram page posted a picture of you yesterday, you went viral. And they didn't even show your face. "
"I have to see that for myself after midnight. "She concluded.
" Since you did a good job", Leon discreetly elbowed Dayn", how about we go out to celebrate? What do you think they? "He smiled mischievously wiggling his eyebrows.
"Sure  I'm down, "Dayn said calmly  stuffing  his hands into his pockets.
"Good idea Goldilocks," Vanessa teased . Syd bit down a laugh looking at leon, which was even more difficult once she saw how worked up he was getting .
"I like the idea, "Syd agreed "just let me get my things first from Adam's office"she stated before she dashed off ,disappearing behind the door.
Sydney pov
"Bye ," I waved at Adam as I walked out of his office and into the secluded passage. Every time I thought of the intro video I got this gitty feeling I couldn't suppress. I had so many thoughts rushing through my mind - I tried to keep them all positive though.
|Things are about to change|
Just as I merrily made my way down the hallway, I caught a glimpse of Hardin disappearing around the corner. Just at the sight of him I couldn't think straight and my senses were a mush.
|I need to talk to him|
Soon enough, I was subconsciously running down the hallway after him.
" Wait, "I exhaled exhaustedly grabbing him by the wrist, "we need to talk." I said.
His back was turned to me invite the looks of it, he wasn't too keen on facing me. I could tell he was tense by the way he tightly clenched his fist,
"please. "I pleaded helplessly.
My heart was still aching for him, even after what he did, I still wasn't willing to let him go  and hoped the feeling was mutual.
"I need to go ", he spoke in a frighteningly cold tone as he tried to escape from my hold.  I didn't budge,
"Sydney let go of me", he instructed.
" No, "I shook my head, "not until you tell me what's going on."
" Didn't you say that we're over," he chuckled coldly, "did Prince charming Leon not satisfy your needs."
I really took offense to that as I stumbled back a bit but still kept holding on to him,
"you pushed me into his arms, "I spoke bitterly", and even so, he's still just my friend."
His sighed and for a moment I saw him part his lips as if he wanted to say something but instead he said," please let me go"
". So you're not willing to fight for us?" My voice cracked as tears trickled down my cheeks," seriously?"
The air was dead silent before he looked down at me ,with no emotion whatsoever on his face .
"There's nothing left to fight for." And at those words my hands grew too weak to keep holding on to him so I let go and watch him walk away painfully slow. I felt dizzy and weak in the knees. I'd almost crumbled to the ground when strong arms held on to me and pulled me to him. I didn't need to look at his face to know that it was Leone enveloping me and his comfort and warm. He'd been there the previous night, just like now. Why? I didn't know. I was hurt and I couldn't handle the pain of breaking quietly anymore so I let it out and sobbed into his shoulder.
Hardin's pov
As I turned around upon entering the elevator, I saw her clinging onto my friend, crying. There was a certain anger I felt at seeing that. Not anger at any of them but and myself for being the reason behind her tears and the reason she was in his arms. Just as the doors began to close, my eyes locked with Leone's. He didn't  show any anger towards me, he looked rather torn to be honest and I understood why. He remained mute for a second before he silently mouthed," talk to me"
, just as the doors closed, I nodded and watched him sooth her pain right before the doors sealed shut. I felt my throat burn and tears threatened to fall at the thought of how I was treating her. It was hurting me just as much as it was hurting her. I couldn't numb the pain. But I had no other choice otherwise she would feel trapped with my obsession, even worse - she would lose herself to my demons.

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