17. Test run II

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"wow" Sydney gaped in awe
|Is that me?|
As if Leone read her thoughts, he answered,"yupp. That's you," he patted he back," and you look amazing sweetie"
For once Sydney wasn't bothered by him calling her sweetie and was more focused on the shots being displayed on the screen.
"You did amazing ," Vanessa smiled at her," you look like your a natural at this"
"You think so?"
"Definitely"Margot answered,"you would be amazing at this ."
"For sure,"Kenar nodded
"Maybe" Sydney mumbled.
"Alright then. This next shots are going to be a bit more..... intense and intimate. Do you think you'll be comfortable doing that kind of stuff," Margot asked gently. She didn't want her new friend to feel uncomfortable,"if not we can always stick to this style you just did."
"Nah I'm down for trying. I'm pretty confident" Sydney answered, she was willing to give it a shot.
"That's great then," She breathed out,"You can go chill in the dressing room for a few minutes while we change up the set. We'll call you in about 45 minutes"
"Okyy" She nodded
"And we'll be here," Leone stated as he took a hold of Vanessa's hand and walked over to the snack table," don't mind us" he winked playfully.
Sydney,once she got into the dressing room went into the bathroom to remove her make up as instructed, they were going to do a while different setup ,which required a new look.
"Might as well take a shower while I'm at it," she mumbled to herself as she took off her robe, leaving her completely nude. She neatly tied her hair up into a bun . As she was about to get into the shower , door swung open and she nearly screamed when she saw Hardin calmly walk into the bathroom with a smirk on his face. He'd changed from what he was wearing earlier , to simple denim jeans and a large black t - shirt.
"Get out! I'm naked !" She whisper-yelled as she threw her robe in his face.
"It's not like i haven't seen you naked before babe"He chuckled as he only progressed forward.
"What are you even doing in here?" She furrowed her eyebrows frustratedly.
"I came to check up on you like i promised",he stated, closing the door behind him,"nice shots by the way...but i like this much better," his eyes scanned her body . Only then did she quickly grab a drying towel, wrapping it around her body .
"Geez thank you," she rolled her eyes," now can you please leave so I can take a shower"she crossed her arms over her chest.
"Not a chance princess" he spoke in a low husky tone,"how bout we have a little fun before you get back to work"
"I don't have time for this . Not now Hardin," she leaned back against the counter infront of the mirror.
"Sure you do ," he breathed out," a good 40 minutes babe." He leaned closer to her, a playful smirk plastered on his lips.
"Are you horny or something?"She tried to push him back but he wouldn't budge .
"For you.." he licked his lips as he effortlessly lifted her of the floor and onto the counter ,"then yes . Very much so "he breathed against her lips.
Without warning he aggressively attacked her lips taking Sydney by surprise, but the hold he had on her was too much for her to resist. She simply let him have his way with her.
"You can't resist me , can you princess?" He smirked as he pulled away, looking at her with lustful eyes.
"Shut up" she pulled him back , latching onto his lips for a deeper kiss. His tongue grazed along her bottom lip before slipping into her mouth . He pressed his body onto hers , moving himself to stand in-between her thighs.His hands slithered under her wrapping towel, grabbing her ass. She tried her best nod to make a noise as there were a lot of people outside.
"We shouldn't be doing this in here Hardin" she silently moaned against his lips .
"Why not?," He growled digging his fingers into her thighs, not too harsh but far from gentle.
"There are people outside," she breathed out before he connected their lips once more.
"So," he groaned against her lips as his hands skillfully untucked the towel, leaving it to rest on her thighs,"i couldn't give a shit less" he abruptly pulled away and started kissing the valley of her naked breasts. Sydney ran her hands through his hair as she but down on her lip.The wetness of his lips against her chest was sending sensual shivers down her spine.He always new exactly what to do to get her flustered.
"And they saw me come in here," he snorted,"and they know you're mine."he growled as he swirled his tongue round her nipple whilst his other hand massaged her other breast. It was really hard not to be a moaning mess when he was hitting every single weak spot but she was desperately sucking in the voice , not to make a sound . He started leaving a trail of open mouth kisses up her chest then started to suck near the crook of the her neck.
"N-no," She stuttered placing her hand on her mouth,"no hickeys ...i-i have to get shots taken ." But he didn't stop, he nibbled on her neck leaving small but visible hickeys on her neck and jawline.
"There's make-up of that ," he breathed against her neck with a satisfied smirk once he saw the dark purple marks on her neck.

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