6. His best friend

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Hardin's pov
I woke up with an ache in my back, maybe sleeping on Sydney's couch wasn't such a great idea. She had passed out during the car ride home and there wasn't anyone in her apartment so I decided to crash the night on her couch because I couldn't leave her alone - not after what happened. Judging by the sadness in her eyes, it must have hit her pretty hard. I hoisted myself off the couch and made my way to what I presumed was the kitchen. The apartment for my observation was small , much to which I wasn't used to , comfortable and homey. I dug through the drawers searching for anything I could cook and finally rounded it down to pancakes - something I wouldn't burn. I just hope Sydney wouldn't freak out see me here.
3rd person's p.o.v
Sydney woke up with her head banging painfully. By the looks of it it actually been a couple of hours after the time she's usually wake up. Should Rob the temples trying to recall the events of life tonight, nothing of which she came to recall, he was all a blur after hard and I dropped her off at the party how did I get here - she mumbled to herself and she stumbled off the bed. She was still in her clothes from last night. That might need a shower - her consciousness voice informed her and she looked at the Tangled hair and messed up lipstick. Her clothes and made her way to the bathroom for a quick shower. I should cut dressed in her bedroom, something popped into my mind - when I was in the club I saw she desperately tried to call the name into it popped into her head - luca! She bolted out of her bedroom for the living room but something stopped her in her tracks - it was the smell of pancakes. Luca couldn't cook even if the world was ending so it couldn't have been him. Or maybe it was. Still cleaning on to the tiny spark of hope that she had she hardly walked over to the kitchen where she came across Hardin. She couldn't say she was disappointed, but the person who should be longing for wasn't there - so she was a little more than a little bit frustrated. She quietly walked behind him and sat on the chair by the counter and carefully studied him. The well-defined muscles of his arms contracted and relaxed as he talks to the pancakes inside the pan. His dark hair was messy but that didn't make it any less luscious. It's jawline clenched up because he concentrated on cooking - cook, kind of attractive -. Sydney dentist from his seat and walked to stand right behind him, "not that I mind or anything but what are you doing here?" She tapped his shoulder..
"Oh," he sounded startled as he turns to face her, their face is just inches apart, "you're awake."
"Yep," she nodded as she moved closer to the stove keeping into the pan.
"I was the one who brought you home last night," he informed," shying away from my case, and you kind of passed out on the right here so I carried you in here but there wasn't anyone else here so I may be, kinda, sorta crashed here to make sure you're okay," he explained.
"After what though I don't remember anything that happened last night?" She asked
"After you thought you saw Luca," he answered bluntly, confirming her theory. Sydney just stared him blankly as parts of last night pieced together to form a clear play of what happened from being there with rose to running after who she thought was Luca in the rain ,"oh" she simply answered.
"Yeah," he answered blankly.
"Where is Rose anyway?" Sydney scanned the room for her best friend.
"She called last night while you were unconscious in the car and said she was going to this guy's place - I think his name was jackson, so I told her I took you home." He answered as he piled the pancakes in the plate in front of Sydney."I thought you'd be hungry so I tried my best to cook something for you," he played with his fingers keeping his eyes on the ground," and now that you seem fine then I guess I'll get going," he walked past her towards the door.
"W-Wait," Sydney called out hesitantly stop being Hardin.
"Is there something wrong?" He looked back at her.
"No not at all" she shook her head", I just - you don't have to leave," she stared into her plate, "unless you're somewhere to be."
"No I'm free actually. I just thought maybe you wanted to be alone," Hardin admitted walking back into the kitchen.
"After last night, the last thing I want is to be alone"
"Oh okay," Hardin nodded and took a seat beside sydney, watching her eat.
|Even her eating is just breathtaking|he thought to himself as he stared at her before blinking away|yet you'll never be yours|
"Do you want some?" She offered some of her breakfast, but then he slowly shook his head.
"No thanks I'm fine," he gave a small smile.
"You sure?"
"I'm sure"

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