7. His apartment

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Sydney's pov
There we stood in front of the door. To say I was anxious was more than an understatement. My heart beat felt so loud I wondered if hardin could hear it. Behind that door could be answers to my burning questions. Behind that door could be Luca - maybe he didn't disappear, maybe just wanted an escape from us, from me. I could tell that Hardin was just as nervous as I was, after all Luca is his best friend. But if we do find Luca then hopefully everything will go back to normal. Then Luca and I would fix things and hardin -
To be honest I didn't know what exactly we were, but I treasured his presence. But after this whole.. mystery, we could be really great.. friends, I guess (? )

Hardin's pov
There we stood in front of the door. I was more than terrified to see what could be behind that door. Luca has been gone for over 3 weeks, I've tried calling, texting, but no response, unfortunately. All I want is to get to the bottom of this and everything will go back to normal. But then again do I really want it to go back to normal. I do want to see Luca again, he is my best friend, but I also didn't want to go back to watching from the sidelines as the girl I've been falling so fucking hard for, be happy with someone else. Myself is nature wasn't so fond of that idea. Since that day 3 weeks ago when we actually started talking, my conscience I tried so hard to block out the fact that the reason sitting here even started talking to me was because of luca, not me. But as much as I feel for her, it's not like you ever reciprocate that affection. If my own mother could have left me then how different is she? But my feelings so I met in this situation anyway
|If she's happy -with whoever it is, then so am i... Right?|

3rd person's pov
"Lets just hurry. Get in and get out", hardin breathed out as he unlocked the door. Just as they were about to open the door, the one opposite opened revealing an elderly woman probably in her early 70s.
"Good morning "the woman simply stated as she walked past them into the elevator. They waited for the old woman to close the elevator door behind her before they resumed conversation
"Come on let's get in before another person comes here", Hardin stated in matter of factly
"Yep. Get in. Get out"
"Okay. I'll tell you when I get off," Rose spoke into her phone," yes see you later. Love you, bye, "then she got the call, smiling like an infant by herself.
"Oooohh" Kate hummed as she nudged Rose playfully, was that your boyfriend... the one you were talking to?" She questioned . Rose gave a small nod as she leaned against the part counter with her elbows, "yes, yes it was," Rose confirmed.
"You're practically married," Kate concluded as she places her arm across Rose's shoulder, "you've been together since you started working here, you practically live together", she poured out "wow just wow. A couple goals!" She's saying the last part rhythmically to the loud background music.
"Ladies!" Mark said joyfully as he walked towards the counter of the bar.
"Hi mark," Rose greeted her friend.
"Hi rose," he said," another round please," he slid the empty tray across the counter in Kate's direction.
"Wow. Either people must be really happy for whatever reason, or just looking for a nice way to spend their paychecks", Kate stated as she received the tray.
"Must be payday or something," Mark concluded as he took the the full tray of shots from Kate," oh and by the way, "he tapped the countertop, "it's now your shift at the VIP section", he pointed at Rose.
"You've got to be shitting me," Rose muttered bitterly, "they usually don't come here this early."
"Well they're here now"
Rose quickly took their usual orders and place them into a more expensive looking tray.
"See you later" Kate said as she cleaned the countertop.
"See you later"
Rose balanced the tray in one hand and walked away into the hallway that led to the room she dreaded the most.
She stood by the door and knocked twice. Once she heard one of them call out,"come in!" She went ahead and opened the door .
They were in the usual number, in their usual posts. There weren't any women though, not yet at least. The Jordan guy was just seated by his little corners sober. The Seth one , was oddly-reading a book, much to Rose's surprise. The rest of them including Dayn and Leone were huddled up having small talk . Rose quietly walked to the huge glass table at the center of the room and carefully placed the tray of he shots on the table .
"Here you go," she spoke nonchalantly as she straightened her posture.
"Thanks" the tallest of them spoke in a deep voice. He was muscular, very well built 'could be the oldest' she thought to herself. Although she'd worked in that section for the past one and a half years , she still wasn't fully aware of their names.
"Oh hey" Leone stepped forward right in front of Rose ,"it's you again. Rose" he said with a wide dimpled grin.
"Yupp that's me," she said awkwardly as she shifted from one foot to the other .
"You're the one with the really hot friend," Seth spoke whilst his focus still remained on the book," Don't look at me . Dayn told us that she's pretty ," he shrugged,"and if it's coming from Dayn then she must REALLY be something," he continued as he pointed at Dayn who remained mute , his eyes hiding behind his permed bangs.
"Very beautiful indeed."Leone commented,"what's her name again?"
"Sydney ,"Rose answered briefly as she came to realize that all of their attention was on her- for the first time since she's met them .
"Well I don't suppose this Sydney has a boyfriend?"Leone smirked
"Luca" Rose lied....well sort of.
"Ah," Jordan snapped his fingers as he took a sip of alcohol,"one of Hardin's friends." He confirmed
|So Hardin is friends with them| Rose mentally concluded
"Aren't they over or something?" Dayn quietly chipped in
"Even if she were single , I'm pretty sure she wouldn't want to date any of you" Rose snarled , earning a scoff from Seth
"I wouldn't be so sure if i were you ," Seth spoke,"if she wasn't into guys like us then why is she with Hardin right now?" He said calmly as he flipped the pages of his book
"Because he's different from you," Rose fired back
"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Dayn said in a threateningly low voice as he flopped onto the couch
"What exactly do you mean?" Rose furrowed her eyebrows as she felt threatened
"It's nothing to worry about,"the tallest butted in
"Yeah whatever," she brushed it off,"now if you don't mind then I'mma get going"
"Of course," the tallest stated as he walked towards the door and opened it for her .
"Oh and before you go," Leone spoke up walking closer to Rose ,"tell Sydney i said hie," he winked before casting a glance behind his shoulder where his gaze met Dayn's death glare then quickly turned back to Rose ,"i mean ....we said hie," he corrected he gesture to Dayn and himself.
Rose didn't answer and simply walked out.
Hardin slowly opened the door to reveal the living room - it was just as it was when he was still around , nothing seemed off.
"It looks just the same . Nothing looks outta the ordinary,"Sydney whispered as she stepped further into the room eyes wondering around .
"Yupp," Hardin nodded,"let's check the other rooms to see if we can find anything,"Hardin spoke in a hushed tone
"With why are we whispering," Sydney whisper-yelled as she hid behind him
"I don't know" Hardin shrugged his shoulders "you started-" an ear-piercing ring cut him off - it was coming from Sydney's phone. She immediately switched it off.
"You nearly gave me a heart attack," Hardin dramatically clutched his chest,"who was that?"
"Rose . She's probably checking up on me - again," she answered
"Wow. Mother of the year,"he rolled his eyes sarcastically
"Can we focus please " she instructed as she slightly punched him on the shoulder
"Fine fine let's go," he agreed and walked slowly towards the bedroom, with Sydney following closely behind him. Her didn't open the bedroom door moving the same large room - nothing had changed or look different in there either.
"I don't think we'll find anything in here but let me check just to be sure", hard and broke the silence as you walked further into the bedroom leaving Sydney frozen by the door.
Sydney's pov
As I stood by the door, my heart clenched , Everything hadn't changed, just the way it had been the last time we were here, together
4 weeks ago
"Hurry!" Sydney exclaimed as she said on the bed right in front of the TV, "it's about to start!"
"I'm coming - I'm coming!" Luca yelled back as he bolted into the room with a large bowl of popcorn and one hand and in the an enormous bowl of sweets and other snacks. He settled the balls on the nightstand and slipped into the comfy blankets.
"Good," Sydney turned to face him with a dimpled grin", I didn't want you to miss the start, "she said.
"We've watched the Titanic four times," he pointed out raising four fingers" I'm pretty sure you know all the lines by now."
"I don't" she pouted
"Yes you do," Luca argued, you never miss the oh so famous jack come back," he dramatically reached out his hand into space.
"I mean who doesn't know that line", she shrugged," now quiet down - it's about to start"
"Do we really have to watch it again," Luca whined
"Do you have any other suggestions ?" Sydney questioned
"Well.." Luca said as mischievous smirk crept up to his lips, "we could make our own movie", he licked this lips seductively.
"Nope," she immediately declined as she turned to face the television.
"But -"
"Nope. We're definitely watching the Titanic,"
"I guess I'll have to try another time"

"I didn't expect you to end like that, "Sydney spoke as she wiped the imaginary tears of the brim of her eyes
"Of course you did," Luca said as he lied snuggling Sydney into a bundle,.. "oh I have a question," luca blurted out suddenly
"Do you believe in soulmates?" Luca shifted so as to look directly at Sydney.
"I don't really know. Why are you asking me this?"
"I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. You've been the best thing to happen to me in a long time. No bullshit. I feel like we get each other. Like we don't have to say much to know how the other one feels - you know? I love you on a level I don't think I can describe. Not that I so much thought into it... I think -" he paused briefly to collect these words, "I think you're my soulmate Sydney", he spoke out looking directly at her.
"I - I don't know what to say. I - I also feel the same way. Like you're the love of my life. I think you're my soulmate too, "Sydney said that she brushed through his fluffy hair with her hand.
"Soulmates", Luca spoke out.
"I love you", Lucas said as he connected their lips for a passionate kiss
"I love you too"
End of flashback

Sydney's pov
|Always , really?|
The voice of the back of my mind questioned. Tears began to form in my eyes and i suddenly found myself on the floor as memories of us in here flooded back. They had never left my mind to begin with. I thought we were soulmates - I thought it was forever. Luca was my everything and now he was gone. Maybe not gone - maybe he just ran away from me.
3rd person's pov
"He must have cleared out his closet there's nothing in here"Hardin said as he returned to the door where his eyes landed on a crying Sydney kneeling on the cold floor
"Hey - hey what's wrong why are you crying?" He asked worriedly as he knelt beside her trembling form, wrapping his arms around her trying to calm her down.
"Luca is gone isn't he?" She sobbed as she stared at him ,"he isn't coming back . " She cried
"Maybe he's somewhere else ,don't destroy your hopes completely Sydney, I'm pretty sure we'll find him"he tried to convince her but she shook her head frantically
"No you can stop lying to me I know he isn't there, he ran away from me didn't he?"
"Hey don't say that.Thats not true. P-please don't cry Sydney, I hate to see you cry"he said out of concern. Sydney wouldn't stop sobbing and it tore him apart internally, he couldn't bear seeing her hurt. He wanted to stop the pain but he didn't know how to ...but that didn't mean he wouldn't try. Without a second thought he gathered her in his arms and lifted her as he carried her out of the apartment building into his car before he drove off into the night ," let's go home"
|I'll take care of you|
"Is your friend... Rose at home?" Harden asked breaking the silence that had reigned the atmosphere since the start of the car ride back.
"No," Sydney spoke out quietly and she stared through the window.
"... Okay..." Hardin  responded, "how about I take you to my place," he offered hesitantly
"Excuse me?"
"Not in that context," he quickly corrected, "I - I mean I didn't think you'd want to be alone so I figured you'd stay with me," Hardin admitted.
"It's totally fine if you want to go to your place. It was just an offer," hardin tried to play cool then went completely silent as it felt Sydney's stare fall upon him.
"... Ummm.."Sydney's voice trailed off as she carefully thought it through. He was right - she definitely did not want to be alone at that moment.
|Is going to his place such a good idea?|
"Again it's totally fine if you don't want to. I definitely understand," you reassured her - and partially himself.
"No I wouldn't mind staying the night there", Sydney quietly accepted the offer.
"Really? "

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