11. Smile for the camera

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"Do you want us to pick you up later? "Rose looked over her shoulder to Sydney who was in the backseat of Jackson's car, "we're going to the movies later."
"You can tag along if you want", Jackson spoke with a small smile
"No I'm good," Sydney bluntly denied the offer," after work I just want to sleep, maybe eat some ice cream, "she shrugged. "Well okay then," Rose accepted," call if you need anything."
" Don't worry, "Sydney faked a smile, "you're always on speed dial "she stepped out of the car into the sidewalk, "I love you."
" I love you too, "Rose yelled back as she watched Sydney walk away.
Rose's pov
After I came back home last night, she seems to be out of her element, even more than usual lately. She didn't tell me but I already knew who she was with. Hardin. why she didn't tell me she was with him, I have no idea. I was well aware that she spent the night at his place, what I hope is that nothing happened. She hadn't been telling me what's going on lately and that definitely hurt. I was her best friend after all. But I wasn't going to push her to tell me, that was for her to decide on her own. I know I liked this Luca character but he was beginning to be a pain in the ass - Sydney was hurting because of him. I don't trust hardin either because of his friends - something's off about him, I just can't point out what. I want the old smiley Sydney back but I can't force her out of her depression. I just let fate take its course, I guess
3rd person's pov
"Sunshine photo studios, "Sydney red the statement on the huge tab. After the 'conference 'of the previous day, thought of Luca using fake passports led her to think deeper about the situation. Check prophesized until her conclusions let her there, Nathaniel's workplace. She dropped through the reception and scanned the whole way till she came across the desired studio, studio 7. The first sight Sydney's eyes landed on the moment she walked into the huge studio was Nathaniel standing behind the camera and an elderly woman smiling in front of it, seems as if she was the last appointment since other than the two of them, it was empty.
"Your photos will be ready by tomorrow", Nathaniel smiled at the woman, "have a nice day! he waved."
"Have a nice day too dear," the woman answered as she walked out of the room leaving Sydney and him alone.
"Well hello there sydney. Nice for you to drop by, "he said with the charismatic smile still prominent eyes lips," are you here to take some photos?"
" I'm not here for chit chat nathaniel," Sydney spoke in a cold stone," I'm here to know how long you've been making fake passports", Sydney went straight to the point.
"Excuse you" - Nathaniel's smile dropped for split second, "I have no idea what you're talking about."
" Sure you do," Sydney folded her arms over her chest, "you're the only one who could have possibly created a fake ID for Luca. I mean with all this equipment."
" I would never make fake passports," he said as a smile faded, "and didn't you say he was out of town or something?"
" Oh please", Sydney scoffed" I'm pretty sure we both knew that was a lie", Sydney snarled at him," now tell me why you made a fake passport for luca"
". I didn't," he denied.
"Well I would advise you to confess to me right now while it's just me involved," she snatched her phone from her back pocket." I've got links to the FBI and they would love to have you for investigations," she randomly punched in figures on her keypad. Of course she didn't actually have James's number but she didn't want Nathaniel to figure out that she was bluffing," time is taking Nate and so is my patience, "she threatened.
"Yeah I did make a fake passport for him," he admitted carelessly," but it was just one time. "
"Why did you make them?"
" He wanted to go out, "he replied bluntly.
" Why?"
" I don't know, never asked", he admitted.
"Where did he want to go?"
" Are you some kind of cop or something?"
" Don't test my patience. Where did you want to go? "
"I don't know," he answered blankly.
" You're his friend, how can you not know?"
You're his girlfriend, how can you not know?" He snapped back, "plus it was none of my business anyways, "he' snarled as a mysterious smirk curled up on his lips, "and honestly.. I don't think it should be yours either." "Excuse me?" Sydney shot at him, feeling threatened.
" Well face it. If he did want you to know, then he would have told you," he circled around Sydney," unless maybe he didn't want you to know. Unless maybe he didn't want to be found, "a wide fake smile spread on his face.
"If you offer no help then I'll go find someone who can" Sydney turn on her heels and was about to leave when Nathaniel stop her. "Wait, "Nathaniel stated as you pulled out a small card from his denim jacket, "here's my business card. If you ever need my.. services." He smiled sadistically.
Someone's from hand shook me out of my deep sleep.
"Sydney", a familiar voice called out to me, "Sydney - baby. It's time to wake up."
Upon registering whose voice it was I immediately tore my eyes open to come across the person I've been longing for for these past weeks.
" Luca? "My eyes widened in complete shock. He was really there.
"Yes babe?" He hummed as he set up straight beside her on the bed.
"You're here?! "I could feel my heartbeat accelerate the moment I felt the skin of his arm on my finger tips , it wasn't my imagination this time
". Of course", he flashed his green eyes at me, "why wouldn't I be?" he smiled.
" How long have I been asleep"
" quite a while now," he answered blankly" come on now.... you should take a nice warm bath and get ready for our date, "he suddenly stated as he pulled himself off the bed.
"But I usually take showers, "I answered reluctantly.
"Come on. A nice long bath is a good idea, "he tried to persuade me.
" But why though", I whined as I got off the bed.
"I'll join you, "he stated.
" Fine I'll go," I immediately agreed.
" That's my girl, "he ruffled my hair and gave me a peck on the forehead.
- God I missed this -
I took to my feet and headed to the bathroom. I felt light-headed and I couldn't feel my feet as they drove me past the door into the bathroom. It felt like an hallucination but it couldn't be, right? I could even feel his loving staring at me as I close the door behind me. The tub bubbled and foamed as the warm water filled the tub. I watched as the steam rose and spread through the room and fogged the huge mirror.
I quickly dipped my feet comfortably into the warm water and swiftly glided under the foam until my full body was covered.
- this feels nice - I mumbled to myself.
- what if I go deeper? -
my conscience urged me and I slightly pushed myself further into the water till it covered my lips. The water was warm and tempting .The overwhelming temptation to push further drove me to completely sink into oblivion inside the tub, blocking out the outside world. I felt numb, dead almost. I couldn't open my eyes, nor could I talk. Soon enough I couldn't breathe. I felt like I was trapped ... I couldn't call for help , it was beyond suffocating . Soon enough ,I heard fast food steps march into the bathroom, and feminine voice screaming my name as I faintly heard the door open.

-whats with the yelling?-

- where is luca? -

- what is happening? -

". Sydney!" Was the last I heard before everything went dark

[A\N - don't forget to leave a vote♥].

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