32. Come Back To Me

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Song recommendations for the chapter
Hold on - chord over street
Train wreck - James Author
Easy - Demi Levato
Changes - Xxx
All these years - Camila Cabello
6 feet Under -Billie Eilish
Lonely- Justin Bieber
Atlantis - seafret

*Trigger warning : attempted suicide*

|Come back to me. I don't have you , but i can't lose you|

Sydney's POV

♪Hold on- chord over street♪

Everything seemed to be going in slow motion as i followed Dayn and Jordan into Hardin's apartment. The ride here had been tense and i was the only one who seemed not to have know what was going on .But one thing was for sure - it had to do with Hardin and it wasn't good .

A wave of nostalgia hit me upon entering the apartment. It felt so long since I'd been there . I could see myself in different parts of this apartment during different times with the same person. The same person i thought loved me. So many memories had embedded themselves into my brain , the good and the bad. Maybe if things had gone differently , then I'd still be lingering in these rooms with him , maybe.

I could see myself doing various things ,during various times with the same person.I could see myself seated next to him on the couch watching a movie. I could see myself seated by the kitchen counter watching him cook. I could see him and i getting into one of our arguments in his living room , him getting angry and me opting to fix things . It all felt like it happened yesterday .

Right now was another bad memory of myself and the owner of this home. Dayn had told me something had happened to him and now i could see the severity of the situation as i followed the two closely into the living room only to be met by four other men.

I knew most of them . Adam who was frantically pacing back and forth Infront of the bathroom door . Jake who was holding onto Leone for dear support or else he'd fall down that very second . I guessed the remaining unknown, deep in thought seated next to Leone, had to be the Seth Dayn had mentioned .

They all looked stressed . They couldn't get to Hardin who was at the other end of that door , in a state that God only knew at that moment.

Dayn's grip in my hand tightened as he walked straight towards Adam.

"How long has he been in there,"his voice cracked a bit as he tried to control his facial expression but i as well as anyone else could tell he was beyond worried for his friend.

"I ..i dont know man...i,"Adam stuttered his eyes wide and teary as he banged against the door once again ,"he's not answering and i can hear that the tap is running "he frustratedly ran his hands through his hair.

"This can't be happening again" i heard Jake's shaky voice whisper , shaking his head frantically in disbelief,"we can't lose him this time"


I remained quiet and calm. Hell i was worried too . My care for him couldn't just fade even after what happened but the look on these people's faces told me that this wasn't the first time something like this had happened. I could slowly feel the panic start to rise.

"Hardin," I heard Leone's soft voice call out as he leaned against the door , holding back tears,"let us in. Please!"

"Fuck this shit,"i heard Dayn mutter under his breath as he let go of my hand. I watched him as he pushed through the rest of the guys and heading for the bathroom door.

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