18. Introductions

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♥Liked by _TheLeone_R and 5072 othersI_am_Syd: my favorite colour :)View all 875 commentsVaNessA: babe!4hours ago

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Liked by _TheLeone_R and 5072 others
I_am_Syd: my favorite colour :)
View all 875 comments
VaNessA: babe!
4hours ago

Sydney sat quietly in Jackson's car staring blankly into the distance . It was Rose , Jackson , V and her in the car headed for work . Well 3 out of four of them , Vanessa didn't actually have work , she never actually went to work , just rather got loads of allowance from her wealthy father, not like she ever wanted to be an employee - she was determined to start her own business when the time was right. She just wanted to tag along for Sydney's first official day at her new work place. After the test run Margot informed her that she needed to go over and look through the contract before officially signing it , and that day was today. Earlier that week , Sydney had stopped by the cafe she worked and talked to her manager about the sudden change in events . She was going to miss the place very much. She'd made so many memories with her workmates who she was also going to miss. It was the few things she liked about moving back there, despite the insufficient paycheque. Although she was beyond excited for her new job, she was definitely going to miss the place. After all , it is where she started working when she first moved there. But it wasn't as if she was to completely forget her old roots , she was determined on visiting her workmates when she was free .
Her phone vibrated from the pocket of her jeans .

~i'll see you when you get here?

Hardin had gone to work much earlier , he supposedly had a packed schedule for the day .
                             ~where exactly?

~My art gallery
                               ~ okay will do.


Sydney smiled to herself, putting her phone away and staring out the window.
Everything was going so smoothly with Hardin , he was being good to her . He was always there and she appreciated his presence. But there was always something nagging her about how he avoided any topics to do with his personal life, he'd completely lock up, literally . But she wasn't going to push things with him and instead just went with the flow.
"Are you excited?" Vanessa nudged the others shoulder as the car stopped infront of the HYBE building.
"More like anxious , nervous, terrified, scared...." Her voice trailed off .
"Don't be . You're going to be just fine " Rose encouraged from the passenger seat, "you'll be okay. Trust me."
"I can do this , i can do this , i can do this," Sydney repeated outloud , taking long deep breaths before opening the car door and walking out .
"Oh and by the way," Rose peered her head through the window space ,"if you don't like any of the terms on that contract just call me and I'll go ' lawyer-mom' on them"
"Will do " she faked a salute before taking Vanessa's hand and walked into the building. This time around the lobby was a little more crowded ,more staff members were moving about around the reception. Sydney, with Vanessa on her tail , walked up to the reception .
"Good morning," Sydney greeted the woman .
"Good morning," she smiled,"you are...?"
"Sydney. Sydney Richards'," she answered. She wasn't sure if she was already  in the register so she waited patiently till the receptionist found her name and handed her a pass card,"here you go. Have a nice day." She chanted .
"Same to you ," Sydney waved back and the two girl walked to the elevator.
"Wow," Vanessa mouthed once they entered the elevator,"they already have your name in the register. Fancy,"she nudged her best friend's shoulder.
"It's just getting more real,"Sydney sighed,"we're first heading to Hardin's"art gallery" ," she informed her friend ,pressing  the 13th floor button.
"Got it " Vanessa simply nodded . A couple of seconds later they had already made it to his supposed art gallery. She entered the passcode he had given her and pushed the large door open. The space was large and in all white . It was quite simple but extravagant. There we frames of various sizes, that were similar to the ones in his apartment ,  hanging on the walls. But her awe quickly dialed down when her eyes landed on a few nude art pieces of women - there were several of them infact. She had seen them on the company website a couple of times
|So he was the ones who took these| she cursed mentally her infantile jealousy building up. She understood that it was infact his occupation to do that but she wasn't the biggest fan of her boyfriend photographing semi-naked women on a daily.
She simply clenched and unclenched her fists as she diverted her eyes elsewhere and admired the other art pieces as she walked through the hallway , with her best friend by her side.
"This place is really nice" Vanessa's voice echoed in the quiet passage .
"Very," Sydney agreed as they came to a stop Infront of a tinted glass door. She could tell he was in there by the quiet music playing in the background, so without knocking,she slid the door open.
"Hey," Sydney said as she slowly walked into the room. She saw him sitting by his large desk completely focused on the computer screen in front of him, he must've not heard them come in.
"Hey," he answered with his still focused on the screen then after a few seconds he tore his gaze away from his work at turned to face the girls, "hey Vanessa" he waved with a small smile.
"Hie," she waved before walked away into another room,"imma check this place ... You guys have fun," her voice faded as she walked away to another hallway.
"You look gorgeous babe," he pulled he by her wrist ,her body landing on his lap as he embraced her ,"very pretty " he smiled as he sniffed the back of her neck.
"Thank you," she smiled,"i like your gallery ." She complimented,"Not fond of the very nude pictures you got there though"
Hardin suddenly lifted her up and gently placed her on the chair next to his before sitting back down,"it's all part of work ," he shrugged,"you're the only one I have my eyes on babe," he tilted his head facing her, a playful smirk plastered on his lips. His gaze was always mixed with a soft gentle glow yet hot alluring pull that always caused her heart to work overdue.
"Mmmmm" Sydney simply hummed ,playing with her wavy hair ," anyways what are you working on that made you come here this early?"
"I just wanted to finish editing the monthly magazine pictures and cover "he explained,"took a lot of time"
She had always looked forward to buying the "HYBE monthly moments" earlier on during the years. She always looked forward to finding them at the store near their apartment . They were quite impressive.
|Imagine me being on the 'new additions' page |
she'd always envied the new models that got the chance to feature in the magazine.  
Now that she knew that it was Hardin's work , she was even more fond of the magazine.
"Well if it helps ... I'll have you know that i have every monthly magazine since 2018. I really like the pictures," she complimented.
"Well geez thank you" he said with a cheeky smile ,"very soon you'll be in here getting ready to shoot for the cover of the magazine"
"That sounds impossible. Have you seen the models on the cover. I can't compete with that," she might've been joking on the outside but she too doubted if she was good enough for the magazine.
"Yes I see them everyday"he answered bluntly,"and that's why  I say you're good enough . Better than most of them infact," he encouraged her whilst massaging her small hands ,"i mean look at you" he eyed her up and down with a satisfied grin,"you're beautiful"
"Thank you so much," she blushed at his showering compliments,"you always know what to say"
She briefly glanced at her wrist watch then stood up almost immediately," the contract signing is about to start ," she informed him , picking up her bag from Hardin's desk,"i gotta go "
"Already?" Hardin pouted
"Already?" Vanessa whined as she came around the corner," i had just started looking around"
"Yes already," she nodded," don't wanna be late." She walked up to Hardin and placed a gentle kiss on his lips," see you later?"
"See you later ,"Hardin said before pecking her on her small nose ,"tell me how it goes"
"Will do ," she said as she dragged a reluctant Vanessa put the door.
There they were once again in Adam's office.
"How did your test run go?" His deep voice broke the silence.
"It was great . I really like it," Sydney answered honestly.
"I'm glad to hear that ," he spoke ,"before we go any further . Would you like any changes to you make up and wardrobe team ."
"You mean Margot and Kenar?"
"Well Margot alone will be your stylist and make up artist. Kenar was just there for that day - he's a trainee." He informed her
"Then no not at all. I liked working with her . She's okay,"
"Okay no changes to stylist"he murmured , scribbling down on paper," okay then what about the clothing style? Is there anything you're uncomfortable with... would you be okay with half nude photoshoots...because those are included in the contract" he was being informal with her because he didn't want to scare the younger. He wanted her to feel comfortable.
"I tried that during the test run . I'm comfortable with it so I'd be okay with it." She stated
"Oh really?" Adam spoke with genuine shock ," most girls don't initially opt for it . Very impressed with your professionalism" he winked . Without further questioning , Adam reached for the contract that was locked away in one of the drawers and handed it over to Sydney.
"thank you"Sydney recieved the  file and flipped to the first page.
"Take your time to go through it then you can sign the back once you're done" he relaxed into his chair.
Sydney simply nodded and started to read through the contract. So far the terms were reasonable and not too extreme . The working hours were well situated , not too early to start and not too late to finish either. There wasn't a dress code like at the cafe .
"umm... So the pay written here .. is it for a certain period or..."
"No . It's for each in- label shoot you do. By in-lable i mean each shoot you do for the company" he explained
|That's a lot of money|
"The shoots for other label have their own proposed amount .. depending with the label in consideration" he further explained .
"Oh okay," she answered calmly then went back to the contract .As she continued reading the contract ,she discovered that there were quite a lot of restrictions -she wasn't allowed to give out her personal phone number or address but it was for security reasons so it was reasonable.
"I'm ready to sign it " she said after a thorough look at the terms and conditions . She was satisfied.
"I'm glad you're okay with it ,her" he handed her a pen . After a couple of deep breaths , she scribbled her signature onto the paper. There was no going back now .
"Welcome to the HYBE family" he clapped cheerfully,"i wish I could make a toast but i don't any whine at the moment ,"he chuckled,"how bout a fist bump instead?" He proposed
"Sure," she laughed as she did a fist bump with her boss
|Starting over starting now|
"So when do I start this whole..job thing?"
"It's going to take a short bit to introduce you as a new face in our company," he explained , back to his formal speech," you'll go through a series of introductions, interviews and the sorts.It won't take too long though. It's a basic testing phase to see how the public will take you."
That statement made Sydney nervous a bit , what if the public didn't like her ? Then what?
"But rest assured , you will be accepted by the majority. All of our models are adored by the public"He said modestly.
"Hopefully"she breathed out.
"Right now we'll start with posting the shots we got from the test run onto our social media platforms. That's what we always do. From those we'll see the reaction of the majority. And after that we'll start the real work" He explained,"i think we'll start with basic intro videos tomorrow on our official websites and YouTube"
"Oh okay.."
"Oh and i almost forgot one thing. You must keep a clean record . No illegal scandals . No controversial shit ."he warned
"Okay got it" she stood up from her seat,"I'll see you tomorrow ."
"See you tomorrow ," he waved .
"This shit just got official," Vanessa, who'd been silent the entire time , spoke out.
" Yupp.It's official...well almost."
"Not almost . You're officially a HYBE model. Oooohh my bestie's a fucking model." She squealed as they entered the elevator .
"It hasn't hit me yet. Feels like a dream,"she admitted
"You're gonna kill it . Trust me . I can already see you slaying in lingerie "her eyes were wide open as she spoke and Sydney couldn't help but smile at Vanessa's excitement over her success- she was always the best supporter.
"I'll take your word for it."
The ride down continued silent from there .
Sydney and V were on their way to the reception when Sydney suddenly stopped her best friend pulling on her wrist,"Why is Hardin leaving. I thought he still had work." She pointed at the male figure,"and he does not look happy"
It was indeed Hardin and he looked pretty tense and frustrated, more like infuriated . Judging from the way his steps we hurried and the way his hand clenched around his cellphone, whatever was coming from the other end of the call was not good. His fist was clenched  and his facial features tense . Sydney watched him as he ruffled his hair frustratedly  marching towards the door. Before she could even call out to him , he was gone.
"Geez what happened to him ," Vanessa said as she leaned against the reception counter, waiting for Sydney to sign out.
"I have no idea but it doesn't look good . I should probably call him when we get home."
"How are we gonna get home though, he was our ride" she pouted .
Suddenly a familiar blonde male walked up to them with his usual cheeky smile.
"Hey ladies," Leone greeted them as he laced his harm around Vanessa's waist who immediately yanked it away,"perv"
"Hey Leone,"Sydney sighed.
"I saw Hardin leaving just now, aren't y'all supposed to be with him," he furrowed his eyebrows.
"I thought so too. I guess something came up. Lemme call us an Uber ."Sydney stated .
"You don't have to . I can drive you guys home," he offered
"Really? You don't have to ," Sydney tried to decline the offer but Vanessa quickly covered her mouth
"Don't say that or he'll take back the offer", she warned her with gritted teeth then turned to Leone and flashed him a smiled,"now where were we ? Oh right you said you wanted to give us a ride home" she placed her arm over her shoulder and started walking towards the door. Sydney simply rolled her eyes and followed them out of the building.

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