3. visitor

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"you know,"Sydney leaned on the countertop in the store she worked in,"you don't have to check up with me everyday at work Rose, we live together,"she said to her best friend who sat beside her. Rose's shift at the club she worked at hadn't started yet so she had come to visit, again.
"I just wanted to make sure you're doing great,"she defended herself
"I appreciate the care, very very much. But I'm not some sick puppy,"she said softly,"plus shouldn't you be with your boyfriend?"
"Jackson has been really busy these days with the upcoming mixtape so I only get to see him here and there,"Rose pouted.
"He's been really working hard. His mixtapes are always at the top of my playlist,"Sydney complimented.
"Yep. Hopefully he'll get signed into one of them big music labels soon.. he deserves it."Rose added on, being the supportive girlfriend, as always.
"Anyways,"Sydney turn for the staff only door,"my shift just ended so I'm going to change. I'll be back."
"Ok," Rose nodded
.. just as she had finished changing into normal clothes, Rose barged into the changing room nearly scaring Sydney into unconsciousness.
"Rose!"is she she exclaimed as she clutched her chest,"1 - you didn't have to come running in like a bombs got thrown. To - the door reads staff only what are you doing in here!?"
Rose took a moment to catch her breath before talking,"you will not believe who's at the counter right now!"she exclaimed .
"Oh my fucking god is it Christian Gray?"Sydney rolled her eyes and she stated sarcastically.
"No it's Hardin,"Rose whispered. Her eyes widen for a split second before returning to a normal state.
"What is -what is he doing here?"Sydney whispered back. She hadn't spoken to him in 3 days and honestly thought he wouldn't want to see his friend's possessive girlfriend, well ex-girlfriend.
"Apparently, looking for you,"she gestured her hands toward her best friend as they spoke in a hushed tone.
"Why though,"Syd asked bluntly.
" I don't know ," she shrugged ,".....well?"
"Well what?"
"Get out there! He's waiting for you,"Rose dragged her out of the changing room. Before she had the opportunity Rose shoved her forward. She nearly hit the counter but played it cool and waved at him, who stood right opposite her.
"Hey,"she waved awkwardly playing with some of her long curls.
"Hey, how are you doing?"he asked nervously.
"I'm good actually. How did you know I work here?"
"I already kn.... Luca mentioned it a couple of times.,"Hardin quickly corrected avoiding her gaze.
"Oh ok,"she slowly nodded.
Hardin glance over to a table by the corner then back to Sydney.
"I hope you don't mind, but a few of my friends.. wanted to umm....tag along,"he waved his hands to the guys by the table and gestured them to move closer. The taller of the two had broad shoulders and muscular tatted arms, visible through his rolled up long sleeve t-shirt. His prominent jawline and perfectly shaped nose made his face even more attractive. The shorter one who walked beside him was brunette nearly blonde, with dark brown eyes and nearly invisible freckles that sprinkled on his nose and cheeks. Just by his looks, it was more than clear that he had no problem with the ladies because the charming yet mischievous smirk he wore on his face.
"So Sydney this is Dayn,"he addressed the taller one who greeted her with a small smile,"hi"He said quietly.
"We work together - not in the same criteria though,"Hardin went on," and this is Leone we don't go to the same workplace but the same headquarters,"he patted Leone on the shoulder. Leone reached for Sydney's hand and gave her a small peck, with the seductive smile still plastered on his lips.
"Hello there beautiful,"he greeted her then cast a glance to Hardin who sent him a death glare
"Hie,"Sydney blushed,"it's nice to meet you."

Rose's p.o.v
As I sat by the corner watching them chat, the two figures became more and more familiar as i continued to look at them. I know those finger tattoos and those mischievous eyes anywhere- Dayn and Leone. Those are some of those damned womanizers who own the club I work at. What were they doing here, more importantly - how do they know Hardin. I pray he isn't friends with those womanizers but they seem all too familiar with each other to be just colleagues.
It was already 8:00 p.m. and it was just an hour before my shift ended. It was peak hour at the club and the dance floor was packed with sweaty drunk dazed bodies grinding on each other to the beat of the definitely loud music, not my criteria of interest anyway, I prefer just sitting behind the counter.
"Hey!"Mark my coworker and friend beamed as he shoved through the crowd toward the counter.
"You don't seem like you're having fun,"Mark said walking behind the counter to the seat next to me.
"I'd rather be sleeping but I do what I got to do,"i shrugged.
"True I guess,"he also shrugged,"where's you're friend..... Syd?"
"Seriously Mark?"kate, another workmate and friend, walked over to the both of us
"What...... She's always around so I just wanted to know why she isn't here."he defended himself.
"She's been down lately - trouble in paradise. Long story short they broke up,"i answered.
"You don't say,"Mark said in oddly happy tone,"so that means she's single"
"Why do you sound like your own cloud 9?"Kate squinted her eyes at Mark
"I'm not. I just think she deserved someone... Better, maybe."
"You mean yourself," Kate pointed a finger at him.
"Well.. if the glass shoe fits.."his voice trailed off as he took that his head raising his hands Midway in the air. Just as I was about to speak or manager, cole, interfered..
".. Rose. They're here so I need you to work at the VIP section,"Cole stated briefly then headed back to his normal duties.
By them, Cole meant the owners of the club or shareholders I didn't really know. 6 in total - though according to rumors they were actually seven of them the other one rarely visited - at least not on my shift I guess. Those men whores came around me be twice a fortnight but never from the front no - they had their own place - the place I was assigned to every time they came along. Just say I despise them was a little more than an understatement. They all looked less than 4 years older than me - so how they became shareholders of a place like this never cease to surprise me. Nevertheless I never searched for answers to my unasked questions. Their actions oppose their innocent facade. In that VIP room they crowd desperate sluts that they shared amongst each other and have with them. As a waiter, more like a paid slave, I didn't like what I saw - like who is willing to share a woman, but then again, those ladies did know what they be getting into the moment they decide to join a room of six womanizers. Most of the time it before out of six of them during the nasty deeds, one of the less whore-y normally would be in the corner just drinking - I think it's Jordan maybe. And the other one who's nearly invisible would be just on his phone, what is watching; I never wanted to know - said, his name was seth. But regardless of the level of whore- likeness, they were all conniving players who I never wanted to be associated with.
End of flashback
Judging but how close and comfortable they are with Hardin, I presume he's one of them and that's not a good thing. I just hope Sydney doesn't get too close for comfort. And being the emotional fool she is she might fall into their trap.
3rd person's p o.v
Rose stood from a seat and made her way to sydney.
"Sydney I got to go, my shift is about to start,"she said stealing a glance at the two not so new faces.
"Hey I know you from somewhere. Have we met?"Leone asked rose, completely unaware that she was his employee
"Yes actually,"Rose mentally cursed at him,"i work at Cheryl- VIP section. Does that ring a bell?"
"Oh! Rose?" She nodded
"Anyways,"she turned to her best friend,"see you later?"
"See you later,"Sydney nodded.
"Bye!,"she exclaimed walking out of the store,"and don't forget Keisha's gift!" She ran off.
"Shit I totally forgot about that," Sydney facepalmed
"Forgot what?" Hardin interfered
"Rose and I were supposed to go to our friend Keisha's birthday party later tonight so I have to go and buy her a gift."
"When?" Dayn asked - seemed as if he only spoke single syllable words.
"Umm...." Sydney glanced at her wrist watch,"right now i guess. I'm sorry to break this .....get together... But i really have to get going" she hastily apologized
"It's fine. I understand . Maybe I could come along - give you a ride i guess,"he nervously suggested,"i do have the day off."
"But i thought-" Leone's statement was quickly cut off when Dayn 'playfully' punched him on the shoulder. "Yupp. He's free," Leone corrected as he plastered a playful smile .
"Alright then , Sydney breathed out,"lets get going then."
.... "This girl ummm ..... Sydney- she's very beautiful," Leone mumbled to Dayn once the two had left the store .
"Stunning," Dayn agreed as he carefully watched Hardin open the car door for Sydney before they drove away ,"stunning,"he repeated - to himself..

[A\N - don't forget to leave a vote♥]

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