19. Returned

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"Aww" Vanessa cooed as she scrolled through Sydney's phone ,"isn't this just the cutest little thing" she smiled as she turned the phone in Sydney's direction, who was finishing up her burger , sitting right opposite to her.


♥18909 likesSimplyJackson: date nights with @RosesAreRed are always the best <3View all 1239 comments3 hours ago

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SimplyJackson: date nights with @RosesAreRed are always the best <3
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3 hours ago

♥18909 likesSimplyJackson: date nights with @RosesAreRed are always the best <3View all 1239 comments3 hours ago

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SimplyJackson: 🙂
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2 hours ago

Sydney smiled in admiration as she saw her best friend's boyfriend's post,"they are so cute together"she agreed.
"I swear those motherfuckers are married already," she smiled as she continued scrolling through her page,"they've been together for... 5 freaking years " she counted with her fingers.
|5 years surely is one hell long of a relationship|she thought to herself
"I wish I had something like them," Sydney pouted ," they're so perfect" she admired their relationship. Those were the couple goals she'd always wished to live up to ....

Click! Sydney blinked vigorously as her phone camera flashlight flashed in her face . Vanessa had taken yet another picture of her,
|Is she some sort of paparazzi or something?|
"what was that for?"
"You look pretty whilst sipping on your drink," she winked,"might as well show the rest of the world see it too"she chuckled.
"Don't you even think about posting any of my pictures" Sydney said ,firmly munching down on the last piece of her burger.
"But-" Vanessa was about to whine but Sydney cut her short
"Nope. I already posted this morning. I'm not like you V,"she shook her head.
"Fine ," the other huffed defeated,"might as well post something for my..." Her voice trailed off as her thumb froze hovering above the screen, her eyes widening
"oh my fucking god!" She exclaimed, getting a couple of side eyes from the people by the nearby tables of the restaurant, not that she would care anyways.
"What is it"Sydney replied in a neutral tone.
"Your on the HYBE insta page" she stated shoving the phone in Sydney's face . The phone was way too close to Sydney's face for her to see clearly so she moved her head back a bit to see for herself .

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