16. Test run

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"one more" click!
"One more" click!
" No more V!" Sydney whined as she tried to keep steady in one pose while Vanessa continuously took pictures of her," my legs are giving up on me"
"You look beautiful babe!" Vanessa kept taking pictures of her best friend,"I'm trying to find the perfect one to post."
"Please,"Sydney rolled her eyes reaching for her phone that was in Vanessa's hand,"you're just saying that because you are the one who dressed me"
"Well of course! The fact that i successfully straightened your hair without a single claw mark from you and got you to wear something other than sweatpants and black is a pretty big deal," she praised herself, doing a dramatic hair flip.
"Anyways....which one should I post?"Sydney asked,scrolling through her camera roll.
"This one ," she pointed at her personal favorite,"it brings out your gorgeous thighs....and the cute tattoo"
"Oh my god are you crushing on me,"she sarcastically gasped
"Relax babe . You not even my type"she teased,"now post the picture."
"It's really not like me posting this frequently" Sydney admitted , hitting the post button.


♥ Liked by _TheLeone_ R and 97 othersI_am_Syd : VView all 14 commentsJust now

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♥ Liked by _TheLeone_ R and 97 others
I_am_Syd : V
View all 14 comments
Just now

"With a face like yours , I'd be all over the place," Vanessa complimented gently pinching the other's cheek.
"Geez thank you" Sydney spoke in monotone," now let's go to the parking lot, Hardin's probably waiting."
"Fine let's go," she placed her arm over the shorter's shoulder,"i can't wait to see the boner Hardin's gonna have after he sees what I've done with you," V squeaks excitedly whilst Sydney simply shook her head.
|Typical V|
And as expected, Hardin was there by the parking lot,dressed in slightly more formal wear with his hair slicked back a bit. He leaned against his car , focusing on something on his phone then his focus shifted when he heard their footsteps. His eyes widened as Sydney immediately caught his attention. His eyes danced from her face , the paused at her thighs for a while then moved down before darting back up and gulping.
"Hey " Sydney greeted him with a hug.
"Hey,"he greeted back with a smirk," you look really good"
"Thanks" Vanessa suddenly spoke up ," that.." she waved her hand at Sydney," that is my work . So thank you." She smiled in satisfaction.
"Thanks," Sydney answered on her own ," now let's get going. I don't wanna be late,"she huffed.
"Right," he nodded ,opening the door for Sydney, then once all of them were in , drove off to their destination.

"Wow" Vanessa mouthed as they waited by the lobby,"this place is the shit"
"I know right" Sydney agreed,as they waited for Hardin to sign in.
"Alrighty then let's go," he gestured toward the elevator," ladies first"
"Thank you Mr rich," Vanessa winked playfully as she stepped into the elevator
"Can you not call him that," Sydney pinched her by her ribs.
"Ouch. I'm just kidding Hardin",she smiled innocently.
"Anyways. Unfortunately I won't be there during the session. I have a full schedule today. I will try to come when i am free, but i can't make promises," he explained taking her hand in his.
|Damn i should find myself a boyfriend. I feel like I'm a third wheel| Vanessa thought to herself as she blankly stared into space, pretending not to listen to their conversation.
"It's fine. I'll manage"
"If the stylists aren't suiting your style , just tell me . Okay" he requested
"I will be fine . Don't worry" she squeezed his hand ,"plus . V is here. She'll look out for me"
Hardin took one glance at Vanessa who looked as if she was in her own world, "if you say so"
They walked out of the elevator into an unfamiliar area . A photo studio, a really large one. Hardin opened one of the many doors into one of the studios, there were a few staff members there, working around the equipment.
Then there was Adam standing by the corner, observing the work in progress.
"Hie," Hardin shook hands with Adam
"Hie Hardin,"he smiled , then turning to the two girls," good afternoon ladies"
|Oh my fucking god it's Adam Kendler!| Vanessa screamed internally before calmly speaking," hie"
"There's not much to be said. You just in the chair over there and let the stylists try their best to make you comfortable, then they take shots. You see if you like it then we progress from that."
"Okay ," modded calmly ,walking over to the chair Infront of her , Vanessa following closely behind .
"I guess I'll see you later babe," Hardin tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear," take care," he pecked her on the lips before leaving for his own work .
"Before we get into it. How old are you" Adam questioned
" 20" She answered
"Oh okay good, for a second there i thought you were a high school senior.. You barely look 18",he joked
"I'll take it as a compliment" she smiled
"It is," he smiled back ,"well I'll be off . If you need anything , you know where to find me ," he said before walking out
"You've got to be the luckiest person i know," Vanessa grinned ,sitting on the chair next to Sydney's
"How so?"
"Well for starters. Yours dating this really rich , really hot, really sweet guy. And this boyfriend of yours pulled strings to make you a model. Wow. Just wow."
"I don't know if i could call it luck-"
"Good afternoon ladies" a feminine voice spoke from behind them . She was about a few years older than Sydney , taller and had a warm smile dancing in her lips, beside her was a taller man around Rose's age also smiling at them
"I'm Margot. I'll be your make up artist"she introduced herself
"And I'm Kenar. I'll to try to make this as pleasurable as it can be for you okay .But we do need to ask a few questions"
"Go ahead"
"Firstly , do you have any tattoos?"
"Yeah . Is that a problem?"
"No not at all",she shook her head,"are you okay with occasional changes to your hairstyle ? Not like cutting it but , straightening and curling?"
"My hair is naturally curly. I don't mind style changes "
"Okay . Seeing that your over 18 , are you okay for doing half nude photoshoots ?"
"Um....yeah sure. I don't mind either," she answered honestly.
"If that's so then let's get this show on the road," Kenar stated dragging a sort of moving closet loaded with different outfits .
"Wow" Vanessa exclaimed , "these are nice"
"Very" Sydney agreed.
"We're going to start off with simples. Some jeans and tops then progress from there , got it?"
"Mhm" Sydney hummed in understanding.
"Let's start with make up ,"
With that being said , Margot began to carefully work on her face , being specific on each detail. She wanted to perfect the make up at the same time bringing out Sydney's beautiful features , keeping the freckles visible . While doing her make up , they chatted up amongst the four of them , building familiarity between them as they worked .
As they talked amongst each other, another figure walked through the door, Leone
"Hello there beautiful," he spoke in his usual charming deep voice as he walked over to the makeup table," and hello there beautiful friend ," he took Vanessa's hand in his ,"and you are...?"
"Vanessa,"she answered with a shy smile
|Where are all these hot men coming from| she thought to herself
"Nice to meet you Vanessa. I'm Leone, Sydney's friend"
"Nice to meet you Leone"
"What are you doing her Leone," Sydney asked, trying her best not to move as Margot did her eyebrows
"As i said, i came to see you," he smirked
"Don't you have work?"
"Eh.. I'm free for today " he shrugged
"Mm okay"
"How's it going sweetie" she saw him wiggle his eyebrows through the mirror's reflection
"It's just fine," she answered,"i haven't really started shooting yet so ....."
"Don't worry . You're going to be just fine. You'll be a natural at this " he patted her head softly before flopping onto the small couch ,observing .
"So you're staying to watch?" She could practically feel the smirk crawling up his lips
"Yes . Why not sweetie?"
"Dont call me that"
"You don't tell me what to do ," he spoke cockily"sweetie," he scrunched his nose.

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